
Chap 4

After the two brothers and Lee was done with their meal they all went to the auditorium with other freshers. The time to choose star and moon begins

" So you guys know what we will be doing?" one of the female senior asks excitedly

" Star and moon" others all scream with excitement and claps. Hiro and Mako just sits quietly observing everything.

"ladies first. So let's start with the star!! Who do u think we should pick??" another senior asks and people starts to call out names and pointing some girls.

After some discussion they chose a girl for being star of the faculty.

"So now for the moon!! Who will be the moon?!", seniors ask. For a moment everyone becomes silent then all points at both Mako and Hiro

Mako and Hiro just blink and looks at every confused on what is going on. Lee just chuckles seeing the clueless expression on both the brother's face.

Seniors looks at the brothers in awe and in daze.

The others were again squealing and whispering constantly. One of the senior clears his throat and asks everyone to calm down

He looks at the brothers and asks Hiroto to get up

Hiroto doesn't understand but Lee says to him then he gets up

" Introduce yourself to ur mates" senior says in stern voice but Hiro was clueless still Lee gets up and say

" phi Ko, He is foreigner so he doesn't understand Thai quite much still" Lee says and others nods

" Then some one translate to him" Lee nods and says to Hiro to introduce himself

" Hiroto. My name is Suzuki Hiroto. But you all can call me Hiro and I am from Japan " Hiro show his dimple smile while introducing himself and bows. Lee translates to others what he said and others were drooling over him again.

" okay Hiro. You may sit down " Phi Ko says and Lee tells Hiro to sit which he does

" Now you stand up " Phi Ko asks Mako to stand up. Mako somehow understood it and stood up.

Mako face is more visible now and phi ko and others notices it now. Other seniors are just shocked to see both of the brothers looks

Phi ko licks his lips seeing Mako then shakes his head gulping.

"Introduce yourself" he asks. Mako nods understanding it again

"I am Suzuki Makoto. You can call me Mako. I am also from Japan" Mako introduces himself and bows. Lee then translates for others

"you guys are brothers? " Phi ko asks.

"Yes they are Phi " Lee answers for the brothers. Phi ko nods then says to Mako to sit which Mako listens

" So who should we choose " Phi ko asks. Others starts to screams. Both the brothers names were called. Even the seniors were confused. Some of them wanted Hiro while others wanted Mako especially Ko wanted Mako to be Moon

" Silence Guys!! Let's just ask the brothers to decide who wa ts to be the moon okay?" Female senior says. Others say yes

"They said for u both to decide" Lee says and Mako and Hiro look at each other

" Hiro I don't want to go for it." Mako says with a small pout.

" really? But I want to? Can I?" Hiro asks Mako.Mako nods his head and smiles at Hiro

Hiro smiles and gets up.

"I would like to volunteer" Hiro says and others understood

" So it is decided. The moon of the Engineering faculty is Suzuki Makoto!!! Give a around of applaud" Female senior says and every one starts to coo and cheer while clapping. Hiro smiles widely

Seniors ask the both star and moon to come front and then ask others to clap again which everyone gladly did.

Others were happy... But Ko was little upset as he wanted Mako to be Moon.

After it was done. Lee and Mako congratulates Hiro and Hiro smiles widely. As they were going Phi Ko approaches then and Lee asks the brother to stop walking and says that Phi ko is coming. Both of them listens and Lee tells them to greet Phi ko which they do.

" Phi what do u need?" Lee asks

"I need the no. Of Hiro. Others asked me for it because of contest"

" ahh okay. Hiro he is asking for u no. Because of the contest thing"

Hiro nods and gives it to Ko

" thanks" Hiro nods and starts to walk with Lee. Mako bows and was going to walk to but Phi ko stops him

" Um.. Can I have ur number?" Mako didn't understand and just blinks.then Phi ko use translating apps and asks him again

Mako understands and ask why

"because u guys are brothers so I thought having ur number will also be helpful. Just in case" Ko says and the translator translates it. Mako nods gives him his number then bows and smiles little at Ko and goes

Phi ko celebrates it there and then by doing a weird dance and every one just looks at him. Then he controls himself and glares at others then he walks of happily

Hiro and Lee was waiting for Mako. Mako goes to then

"where were u?" Hiro asks mako

"Phi ko wanted my number also just in case"

Hiro and Lee nods. Both of them understood the main reason why and Lee chuckles at the innocent Mako.

"don't give ur number just like that to anyone okay?" Hiro says softly and Mako nods.

"Guys let's go to class. It will start soon" Lee says both of them nods and starts walking together

Ko goes to his mates while smiling widely and he was humming a lot too. Everyone stared at his wondering what happened.

" What is up Ko? U seem really happy" Ask a Burnette girl

"Yes I am really happy Jen. I got the phone no. Of an angel rn~~" Ko sings songs and smiling widely as he settles down and others just stares

" An angel? Who is she? Is she prettier than me" another girl ask with curiosity and sass

Ko laughs and looks at her " it is a he! Dumbo Nana. He is definitely million times prettier than u" Ko answers and Nana fumes and gets out of the room

" why is she like this.. Geez.." Ko sighs

" Idk Ko.. She thinks she is only queen" Jen sighs and shakes her head

"btw how is he? How did u meet him?" Jen asks Ko with excitement

" He is freshmen. Today was the star and moon thing right.. People chose him and his brother for it.. That's how I saw him.... He is do damn pretty Jen..." Ko closes his thinking of Mako and smiles. Jen smiles softly

" you seem to be completely heads over heals for him huh? "

" who's heads over heals for whom? " Kim enters and ask Jen and Ko

" Here comes our moon! Where the hell were u when the moon and star picking was going on" Ko annoyingly ask Kim

"I had some important thing to do" Kim shrugs

"it must be some new chick right?" Ko asks and rolls his eyes

"Yes u are right" Kim laughs and others just face palms.

Then sky comes in and settles with them

"Yo sky control this pervert Dick please!!" Ko begs Sky. But sky just shrugs and stays silent.

"So anyways u guys didn't answer to my question" Kim asks

" Aahh that Our Ko is completely Heads over heals for a new freshers" Jen teasingly says and Ko just smiles. Kim nods not that interested in it

"Tell more about him naaa" Jen insists

" He is fresher like I said. He even has Brother who is really handsome. He is the moon. They both are foreigners. Japanese. His brother name is Hiroto Suzuki and his name is Makoto Suzuki. Mako.... He is is soo ethereal..." Ko says completely whipped for Mako

" Is he that good looking? " Kim asks out of nowhere and Ko nods

" yess!!! He is so ethereal... But sexy looking. He seems innocent type too.... He is just so perfect looking... Pale skin... Rosy plump lips... Slim body and that ass... Fuck when I saw him I almost got hard... And those red eyes.... Ugh fuck..." Ko describes Mako with his eyes closed and licks his lips.

Kim listens and imagines about the guy hew saw this morning. It was same as him.

" do you have his pic? " Kim asks

" No I don't I wished I had tho "

" Ko just check social media... People might have taken some pic of him" Jen says and Ko takes phone and scrolls down the social media.

"found it"

"Show show Koooo!!" Jen exclaims and looks at the pic and gasps

" Wow... He is so Beautiful...." Jen says in shock. "who is guy beside him Ko?

" that's Hiroto our moon and his brother " Jen was in daze while looking at it

Kim then comes closer to look at it and eyes widen. It was the guy he saw this morning

" Look I wasn't exaggerating. U guys agree with me right? " Ko smiles in victory and looking at Mako pic adoringly

Jen and Kim nods. Kim gets lost in His thoughts

"So his name is Makoto..." Kim thinks and smirks to himself