
Survivors Guide: To an Alien Invasion

Walking back home from another day of school. Mark and his best friend George are walking down the road, when all of a sudden a pick up truck pops out of nowhere rushing towards them! The reason? The driver wants to eat our brains! Hey! I'm _RealityEscapee_ a new and handsome author on the platform. Hope you give the story a shot. This is also my first time writing ever. So, if there are grammatical errors please tell me so I can fix them! (If cover image owner wants me to take it down please message me!) I have decided to work on another novel besides this one. This will be the first time I will do this, so expect for chapters to be delayed. New Novel: Returning to the Time Before The Apocalypse

he_who_scribbles · ファンタジー
29 Chs

Chapter 24 - Internal Energy

It's been 3 days since we started our journey to Adamante City.

Me and the boy's were just telling each other jokes and having as much as fun as we could in this man filled truck.

"Hey, we should be close by now, right?" George asked

"Hm...well the district of Plansvill is a large distance away from New Yank. Usually a 5 day trip with traffic." One of the soldiers answered

"We should be close since there's no one on the road now." I said

George nodded. Jason was sleeping on some guys shoulder, not caring if he was comfortable with it or not.


We felt the truck suddenly stop.

We heard people talking outside. After a while we started moving again.

"A checkpoint?" One of the soldiers asked

One of the soldiers closest to the small window connected to the front asked the driver.

"Yup! Welcome to Adamante City, Boys!!' He shouted


"Hell yeah!!"

"Finally, I can get some fresh air after having to smell you dirty bastards for 3 days" Someone laughed

The truck drove for a little while more, until we made a sudden stop.

They opened the door from the outside, revealing the absolutely flabbergastingly huge base.

"Holy..." George muttered

The guy who carried Jason on his shoulder let out a sigh of relief. Leaving Jason in the air, he hit his head on the seat soon after.

"F-Fu" He sputtered awake

I chuckled looking at his confused face.

"Line up!" I heard the woman who was called Lieutenant Flinger yell out.

After forming 4 lines, we were forced to do roll call. I thought it was ridiculous since we rarely left the truck, except for when we got out to relieve ourselves and to eat.

After calling everyone's names we walked inside the base.

It was very well organized. Everyone seemed to have a job or roll to do. And no one was idling by, I saw posts up on top of the crudely made wall.

Almost everyone in the base had a firearm. I thought that they were just cautious as we didn't come across any aliens during our journey.

We were told to rest and to be on standby for anything.

George looking at everything in awe, while Jason was yawning trying to look for a place to sleep.

I was pretty tense, after all this was the first time I'd be doing anything soldier related except for training.

The captain and the second lieutenant walked toward us soon after.

"We're going to rest for the night, and tomorrow we'll meet up with the Colonel's troops." He ordered

After giving us a break down of the rules of this place, the second lieutenant lead us to our temporary living quarters.

Morning came after sleeping in our not so comfy beds. We started our morning training, Jake made sure to add 60 pounds more to me than the other soldiers.

After that we were told to do the camp's cleaning. I didn't want to do it and neither did George or Jason. So after begrudgingly moving our bodies, we cleaned the humongous base camp along with the soldiers.

We made file lines after cleaning and marched to our missions destination.

We went in small separate vehicles, they looked a lot like dune buggies.

We reached the city's pier, and saw multiple human sized snowflakes floating in the sky.

No, actually. There were hundreds if not thousands of human sized snowflakes tied together by an invisible string and seemed to have encircled something in the ocean.

We got off the dune buggie shaped vehicle. And started making our way to a huge machine that had the appearance similar to a generator.

There were hundreds of soldiers sitting in front of the machine, we were told to wait a few meters away from them.

The captain went to speak with an old man, who I assume to be the Colonel. They spoke for a little while before they walked toward us.

"Men, this is your Colonel and my superior. He will be taking command for as long as we are here. So make sure to behave and don't embarrass me." He said with sigh

"Hehe, It's nice to meet you boys, I was informed of what you generally do. So don't worry, my men will do the heavy lifting so all you have to do is listen to my instructions." The Colonel explained

He led us to where his troops were sitting and told us to do the same. After we sat down he told us to place a piece of rock candy in our mouths, the rock candy that he gave us was weird in appearance. It almost looked like meth.

After giving us the candy, we were told to meditate. I thought it was weird but did it anyway, he's my superior after all.

Doing so, I meditated for about 5 minutes before I started getting bored. Until, I suddenly felt an influx of energy rise from my sternum.

It felt really good. Rejuvenating even, as I felt the energy increase within my body.

The energy suddenly stopped flowing through me. I thought that the feeling of energy was just a temporary thing, when I noticed a light blue energy leaving my body and entering the generator like machine.

I turned my head and saw that everyone sitting down had blue energy flowing out of their bodies and into the machine.

I thought it looked really pretty, almost like the Aurora light show I saw on goggle images.

After 2 hours I felt my body drain, Jake noticed this and pulled me out of there.

I saw that George and Jason was already out too. They seemed even more exhausted than me.

"What is this?" I asked Jake

"It's internal energy." He simply said

I looked at him confused.

"Internal energy is a natural power source, it can be used to enhance one's own physical capabilities or as you have already seen and experienced, it can also be used as a machines power source." He explained

"That's amazing!" I said enthusiastically

"Yes, but I'm afraid that you'll only be able to use your internal energy for small physical boosts and energy transference at your current level." He then said

The machine seemed to have received sufficient internal energy as its dim light seemed to glow brighter and started making whirring sounds.

The snowflakes seemed to have gotten more defined and pronounced as they grew a bit in size.

Started a second series, so I'm sorry if some chapters are delayed. Thank you for Reading!

he_who_scribblescreators' thoughts