
Survivors Guide: To an Alien Invasion

Walking back home from another day of school. Mark and his best friend George are walking down the road, when all of a sudden a pick up truck pops out of nowhere rushing towards them! The reason? The driver wants to eat our brains! Hey! I'm _RealityEscapee_ a new and handsome author on the platform. Hope you give the story a shot. This is also my first time writing ever. So, if there are grammatical errors please tell me so I can fix them! (If cover image owner wants me to take it down please message me!) I have decided to work on another novel besides this one. This will be the first time I will do this, so expect for chapters to be delayed. New Novel: Returning to the Time Before The Apocalypse

he_who_scribbles · ファンタジー
29 Chs

Chapter 2 - Alien Invasion

As the monster I usually saw in those adult cartoons walked closer. I thought of what we did to make it target us, I thought we accidentally ate its lover but I remembered that George never liked seafood.


'It spoke!' I exclaimed inwardly.

"Before I eat both your and your friends Brains, tell me; How did you evade my attacks? I am very sure your kind is unable to process my speed"

Brains? He wants to eat our brains?! Phew, at least we won't die out of revenge, but out of natural instinct. I thought inside my head, which I'm sure many would think I had screw loose for thinking that.

"Answer me, human." He demanded in contempt and ridicule.

As I started thinking of what I could do to try to reason with it, since it seemed to have a certain degree of intelligence.



I heard a gunshot or rather a shotgun shot. The monster started going berserk slamming it's tentacles tearing apart everything in its surroundings


Another Shot!

The monster quieted down after having its head blown. Crumpling to the ground almost like a plush doll falling due to gravity. And if it weren't for its gory appearance and blood leaking out of what was its head, I would've thought that his fall was very comical.

"You two alright?"

A frustratingly handsome man in his mid twenties came running up to us. It was George's older brother, Jason.

"Yeah, though we easily could've taken it down" I replied in irritation after seeing his handsome face.

"Hum, so was that..." He ignored my blatant irritation, seemingly used to it.

"It was an actual monster" I told him the truth.

"Ha, what do you know." Jason chuckled

Jason was the type to accept anything supernatural, he was weird like that. He even said he met an Alien when he was younger. A real crack head.

"Hey, George you al-"

I turned around to see how George was doing since he did have a rough landing.

He was out for the count. If it weren't for his chest heiving up and down after turning him around, I would've thought he died.

"Huh, what happened to him?" Jason asked

"He couldn't handle your awesomeness so he fainted" I said to him somewhat exasperated.

I couldn't understand why I felt such dislike towards him. Was it jealousy? I'm not sure, not to toot my own horn but I'm not a bad looking guy.

"Haha I guess that's normal. If someone else saw me they probably would've started worshipping me or something"

Jason was also extremely narcissistic

"Let's bring him inside" I said to him after cringing at his remark

* * *

"So, mind filling me in on how you and this idiot ended up getting chased by Sir Squid?"

Jason asked me after laying George down on their couch

"I don't know, we were suddenly being chased by the squid on our way home from school" I told him honestly


Yes, he actually said sigh. This guy is so fucking IRRITATING. And his handsome face would've made women go crazy over it too. GRR! While I was contemplating on whether to act on my violent urges or not. The news broadcast caught me attention.

-"Yes, this is live in grassland. Where civilians have reported the sighting of unidentified aircrafts. We have yet to receive any response from the Ministry of Defense.-

-"...Huh?...Ar-Are you sure?" The news anchor suddenly said in confusion, and disbelief written on his face

After gathering his wits, the news anchor informed us of what he had been told.

-"We've been...been told that the East Asian Nation 'Akia', has...been taken over by an unidentified confederation. No, wait I've just been told that they call themselves the Andromedas.

After that the news anchor started telling us all that was known regarding the new confederation 'Andromedas'. But my mind was still blank after hearing that Akia was taken over, so I stopped paying attention.

Just so you can understand. Akia is a HUGE country whose population numbered in the billions. That's right, not 1 Billion, not 2 Billion, but houses a population of over 3 Billion!! However the news anchor is telling us that this massive and powerful nation has been taken over within the span of 24 hours? It's fucking unbelievable!

"Haha, he's just trying to prank us right?" Jason asked as his eyes stared at the T.V. His eyes wide enough to cover the entire room

I couldn't answer him. As I couldn't really say anything!


On T.V. we saw, as our mouths widened even more.

A stampede of Humanoid Creatures running out of the descending Cargo shaped flying ships. Aliens, they were definitely Aliens. They couldn't be anything else otherwise.

They started slaughtering on sight. Didn't matter if it was Man or Woman, Old or Young. They were mercilessly killed.

The news anchor and cameraman ran as well leaving the camera behind as they ran. Sadly they didn't make it far as we heard their screams soon after.

But this was far from over as the creatures started capturing woman and bringing them inside their ships with obvious glee on their expressions as some also started tormenting or torturing the men and children. To them we were no more than bugs that they can have fun playing with.

I felt my blood flow to my head, my heart tightening, my knuckles turning white from gripping my hands too hard. I never felt so much hatred and fear before. It hurt seeing my people turn into mere playthings for these creatures. The the camera stopped recording.

But not before I saw a little girl losing her father after an insectal creature slashed him in half from the head down. The fear I saw and could practically feel from the girl. It was too unbearable and heartbreaking.

Oof. Thank you for reading btw

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