
Survivors Guide: To an Alien Invasion

Walking back home from another day of school. Mark and his best friend George are walking down the road, when all of a sudden a pick up truck pops out of nowhere rushing towards them! The reason? The driver wants to eat our brains! Hey! I'm _RealityEscapee_ a new and handsome author on the platform. Hope you give the story a shot. This is also my first time writing ever. So, if there are grammatical errors please tell me so I can fix them! (If cover image owner wants me to take it down please message me!) I have decided to work on another novel besides this one. This will be the first time I will do this, so expect for chapters to be delayed. New Novel: Returning to the Time Before The Apocalypse

he_who_scribbles · ファンタジー
29 Chs

Chapter 18 - Love or Lust?

"Yo! Jason you're actually doing something yourself?" I asked feigning surprise

"Hm? Holy Shit! I thought you died!!" Jason also feigned surprise

"Haha. Even your brothers friend thinks you're lazy." Jake laughed

"Hey, I know we met earlier today. But it's nice to meet you, I'm Mark" I introduced myself

"Good Man! Is what my dad would've said if he were here." Jake chuckled

"I'm Jake"

After shaking hands, I offered to help. Which Jake refused, saying I was still in recovery. Jason couldn't give a rats ass, as he handed me two large cases of whatever.

"Don't be an ass man! He's still in r-"

Jake stopped talking as he saw me holding the cases without problem.

"Huh...nice healing factor" Jake said with a confused expression

We walked to the tent where they kept their supplies. After dropping them off, I asked

"Why are you guys doing subordinate work?"

"It's because he IS a subordinate" Jason said in a mocking tone

I swear to God I will cut his-

"Nah, the captain wouldn't dare to order me around. I do it because I want to." Jake responded

Hm? What does he mean the captain wouldn't 'dare'?

"You need something from us?" Jason asked, changing the topic

"No, I just wanted to say hi since I was close by."


After chatting with Jake and Jason for a bit. I walked to one of the infirmary tents. I looked around to see if Jasmine was there, but she wasn't. So I asked her co-workers.

"Excuse me, do you know where Doctor Mitchell is?"

"Hm? Ah, she's probably with Maria."

"Who's Maria?" I asked

"Ah, right. You aren't apart of the squad, so you wouldn't know." The medic said while slapping his forehead

"Maria is one of the two First Lieutenant's of Squad 5."

"First Lieutenant...Like Jake?"

"Jake...Haha, you and your friends are probably the only ones who call that demon by his first name" He laughed sheepishly

"Is he mean to you guys?" I asked, Jake didn't seem to be that sort of guy

"Oh no! He's a trustworthy teammate, a great brother. But when he supervise's our training, it actually means that he plans on torturing every muscle in our bodies regardless of position and gender. Because in his words 'You can't make something great, without breaking it first'." He said, trembling

"I see." I replied

"About Maria" I then asked, realizing we got off topic.

"Oh, right."

He gave me a run down about Maria, how she's an outstanding beauty and also how she's extremely short. He also told me that she's a sniper, and that she never shows herself or even moves on her own without a superiors permission.

I asked him where Jasmine and Maria could be. And he told me that it could be anywhere. Unhelpful, but it's something at least.

After leaving, I started my search for the beauty and the dwarf.

After walking around for an hour. I couldn't find either of them. I thought they could be in the sleeping quarters but after checking they weren't there.

I thought of asking the captain. After slapping myself for not thinking that sooner, I walked to the Captain's quarters. On my way there I saw a large moving truck 5 meters to the right of it.

I was about to pass by it, when


I saw Jasmine come down from the truck.

Sighing with a downcast look she started walking towards me without looking up. If it weren't for me moving out of the way, she would've ran into me.

"Oh?" She reacted

"Ah, um Marco right?"

"Uh." I looked at her bewildered, wondering if I was so forgetful.

"Hehe" She laughed

"I'm kidding, as if I'd forget someone with such an insane healing factor." She waved her hand

"Are you looking for the captain?" She asked when she saw that I was staring at her blankly.

I couldn't handle these roller coaster of emotions I felt. It was weird, I felt disappointment when she mistook my name and I also felt glad that she was just teasing me. Women, especially beautiful women are very dangerous creatures indeed.

And I thought I already knew that from my experience with the spider.

"Uh, no. I was looking for you" I replied awkwardly

"Oh?...Ah!" She seemed to have understood something.

"While you are a very attractive young man. I think I'm a little old for you. So I'm afraid I'm going to have to reject your confession."


"But don't worry! It will be hard, but you will... eventually forget me" She said while raising her hands all dramatic-like, even making a suave expression.

"Pft! Hahaha!" I started laughing

"Hahaha" She also did too, guess she wasn't serious.

"Seriously though, what's wrong?" She asked after a while

"I'm not sure if my body is still clean from the poison."

"Are you experiencing something strange?"


"Alright, right now I have patients waiting for me. But If it's something that you feel you need to urgently check..." She paused

"No. I can wait."

She left soon after. As I watched her back despite not doing it intentionally, the way her hips swayed...I couldn't stop myself from staring.

'What the hell? Did I fall in love with a woman much older than me?!'

I have been a loner my entire life. So please don't get annoyed by my way of writing romantic scenarios. Thank you for reading!

he_who_scribblescreators' thoughts