
Survivors Guide: To an Alien Invasion

Walking back home from another day of school. Mark and his best friend George are walking down the road, when all of a sudden a pick up truck pops out of nowhere rushing towards them! The reason? The driver wants to eat our brains! Hey! I'm _RealityEscapee_ a new and handsome author on the platform. Hope you give the story a shot. This is also my first time writing ever. So, if there are grammatical errors please tell me so I can fix them! (If cover image owner wants me to take it down please message me!) I have decided to work on another novel besides this one. This will be the first time I will do this, so expect for chapters to be delayed. New Novel: Returning to the Time Before The Apocalypse

he_who_scribbles · ファンタジー
29 Chs

Chapter 13 - Is it over?

"Holy.."Jason whispered

George and Jason witnessed the scene of a human being roasted alive by a huge bond fire.

While George was trembling, Jason was carefully observing everything. Before coming to realize the presence of the humanoid spider.

"Ooh~ New friends...? Or are they your friends, human?" The spider asked Mark

Seeing them made me want to cry and thank God for them being safe, but, another part of me wanted to shout at them telling them to run away.

I tried shouting. But my voice couldn't leave my mouth. My throat was too soar from screaming.

"Hmm...hehe, I understand. I'll have to give them a 'warm' welcome since they're your friends."

"Don't worry. Regardless of you, I don't especially like to torture my prey." She said with her fangs drooling

"George grab the gun!" Jason shouted

"Already ahead of you" George responded as he loaded the shotgun

The spider leaped toward them. Jason and George quickly evaded. George started shooting her. While Jason started running towards me.

While George kept her busy, Jason tried cutting the silk almost forgetting of the huge fire placed beneath me

"Ahh, that's right" He said as he quickly tried to think of a way to put out the fire.

Jason thought of destroying the fountain as it still had water that wasn't flushed yet.

But he doesn't have anything to destroy it with, and even if he does it wouldn't reach the bond fire.

So he decided that he'll just pull me out of the web while carefully making sure I didn't fall to my fiery death.

After climbing up a tree that the webs used as support. He took of his shirt, ripping it into two pieces. Wrapping his hands up, he tried prying my body of the web.

It was too sticky. And his shirt was getting stuck to the web with traces of the poison staining it. Taking his hands away, he said.

"A little much for a tan don't you think?"

"I swear...to...God...I will rip...your tongue off" I groaned with my raspy voice.

He quickly got down and went to water his shirt. Maybe it'll work against the webs. He pondered as he didn't have much of a choice.

So all he could leave it to was luck.

Climbing back up. He started prying my body off. It didn't seem to have any reaction, until the poison started reacting to the water. Melting the web, I nearly fell onto the fire but Jason caught me on time.

"Water and poison creates an acid for spider silk...who would've known" He chuckled

"Stop...yammering...and get us out of here" I tried sounding urgent, but all it did was make me look even more pathetic.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry princess. Your knight in shining armor is here and alongside me is my trusty sidekick!" Jason laughed despite my demeaning look on my face.

George was running around using trees and lamp posts as cover from the spider. Despite the spider having venom and webs, she didn't use them.

I thought of a possibility, since she said that her webs are limited.

Jason was half dragging me to their car. I tried thinking of what to do to help George.

"Don't worry about him. He's the annoyingly persistent type." Jason said while buckling my seatbelt.


The spider crashed onto the wall of a 3 story building, crashing through it. George was 2 meters away from it, seemingly a close call.

Jason got into the driver's seat, flooring the pedal he drove to George's direction.

Opening the door, George got in. He had a tired and frustrated look on his face. Right as he was about to close the door, a spider web flung and connected itself to it.

Jason hurriedly slammed the pedal with his foot. Shooting forward to try to get away from there. Looking back, I saw the spider gliding in the air while slowly crawling its way to us.

"Its still on us!" I yelled in panic

George, without poking his head out moved his gun outside and started shooting.



After two shots, George ran out of bullets.

"FUCK!" He cursed

Driving while attempting to knock her off by scraping into as many walls we could, only managed to make us dizzy.

As I watched the spider get closer to us, I thought of what I could do. When I saw the crystal flower.

I had an idea. But I really had no clue on what could happen if I missed or worse didn't work at all.

I thought for a bit before telling them.

"Guys, I have a plan!"

George looked at me in worry, probably from the burn marks. Jason continued looking Infront, but I knew he was paying attention.

"Jason, I need you to ram the car into a building."

"Wha-!" George was about to talk but I cut him off

"We will jump before then, George I need you to help me jump off."

"Jumping off a moving car is great and all. But will Miss lady long legs really stop chasing us from that?" Jason asked after hearing my idea.

"I don't know, but I'll be using this to kill her" I responded while showing him the metal container.

Jason stayed quiet before saying

"George, hurry and grab Mark. And jump out when I tell you to, alright?" Jason ordered

Nodding unwillingly, George climbed into the backseat. Unbuckling my seatbelt, he grabbed me before putting his hand on the doors handle.


The car continued driving forward until we came across an appliance store.


After giving us the signal, George jumped with me in his arms out of the speeding car. Jason jumped too albeit a second later.


A crash was heard as well as a yelp of surprise from the spider, who was already by the trunk. Landing with a thud on the floor, the three of us got out of it safely. Though George had the wind knocked out of him from protecting me from the landing.

George and Jason got up and helped me up, George was still gasping. I quickly took out the flower from the container, wanting to take as many scales as I could before throwing them


We heard the spider screeching in anger and pain. She was still conscious and moving. She lifted herself from the stove that had been squashed from her landing. She started walking out, when.


I threw the flower towards her, it shattered when it came into contact with her. Her eyes widened when she saw what it was



The shockwave of the explosion was powerful enough to knock us back 10 meters. My body ached, and the other two didn't seem much better.

We slowly got up. George went to check on me, while Jason stared at the blown up store. When all of a sudden we heard



Our eyes widened when we saw her walk out. Her entire body was covered in blood, her black fur-like dress almost entirely gone. No longer covering her petite breasts. Her entire body was burned and had limbs entirely eviscerated. Her face was contorted, her eyes, gone.

She started muttering in a hushed voice. Before proclaiming

"My lord, Lord Beelzebub will kill you for this!..." She slumped on the floor.

Those were her final words.

Don't know if I like this chapter or not. Thank you for reading

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