
Survivors Guide: To an Alien Invasion

Walking back home from another day of school. Mark and his best friend George are walking down the road, when all of a sudden a pick up truck pops out of nowhere rushing towards them! The reason? The driver wants to eat our brains! Hey! I'm _RealityEscapee_ a new and handsome author on the platform. Hope you give the story a shot. This is also my first time writing ever. So, if there are grammatical errors please tell me so I can fix them! (If cover image owner wants me to take it down please message me!) I have decided to work on another novel besides this one. This will be the first time I will do this, so expect for chapters to be delayed. New Novel: Returning to the Time Before The Apocalypse

he_who_scribbles · ファンタジー
29 Chs

Chapter 12 - Reason for Brotherhood


We started driving in circles, while looking for Mark we heard screeching. It sounded like a birds screech, so we ignored it at first. Until we noticed that the screeching never ended.

We decided to see where it was coming from.

We drove to the square where all the the people who were captured were. There we saw...Mark.

When our dad died, all I had was Jason. He worked a lot, trying to fill pay back whatever debt our dad had. He stopped hanging out with friends and stopped studying. He became an adult at the age of 16.

At the time I didn't know, as I was only grieving over my father's death. I was very selfish, started getting into fights. Mixing in with the wrong crowd. Then at school, I started picking on a thin, dumb looking kid. Whenever we messed with him he'd fight back. It was hilarious as his noodle arms were too weak to actually do anything.

But despite showing him the glaring disparity in strength between us. He never stopped fighting back. He never begged us to stop. Even when he was bleeding, not even when I threatened to break his wrist.

It was badass. Not gonna lie.

One day, one of my 'friends' told me to break his arm. Saying that he deserved it for staring at his girl. I knew he was lying as his girl was an ugly bitch with milk udders.

I was resistant at first, as his tenacity really impressed me. But looking at the brutish gang whom I associated with. I knew it was either him or me.

After school I walked up to him, did the ol' give me your lunch money. I saw his hand go into his pocket, I thought he was going to comply which would've disappointed me. But no, he actually did the opposite. He threw it on to the ground and told me to pick it up. I was flabbergasted, but then I started laughing.

He stared at me with a nonchalant look. But I could see in his eyes his apprehension. I told him he was a cool bastard. And that my 'friends' wanted me to break his arm.

He finally showed a reaction, it was shock which turned into anger and hatred.

He asked me if I was going to do it. Which I responded with no. I liked the guy, he was brave and resilient. Way cooler than anyone else I had ever met.

I told him to stop coming to school for a few weeks before coming back with a cast on, to make it seem real.

Still apprehensive, he told me that he wasn't going to that. That no matter what I or they did to him, he wasn't going to back down.

I stared at him downfounded, shocked because of his foolishness and also shocked because I realized that despite being smaller and weaker than me, he was a much stronger person than I am.

He turned around and left when he saw that I was unresponsive. Leaving me alone, with half the school watching me in fear and disdain while leaving school.

It was Friday, the next day. I kept on thinking of what he said. That he wouldn't back down no matter what they did to him.

My friends came up to my desk. Asking me if I did what they told me to do. I told them that I couldn't find him, that he probably left school by the time I went looking for him.

They joked saying that I probably let him go out of pity or something. I stopped paying attention to these guys by then.

Then Mark came inside the classroom. His chest up walking like some proud bird. Found it comical how someone so weak can be so prideful. But then again, while his punches may not be strong every punch contained his unyielding spirit.

He walked toward my group. And spat in their faces, figuratively, of course. If he actually did that he'd probably be sent home from an ambulance in that instance.

"You pussies actually tried having one of yours goons break my arm?!" He shouted

I could see the leaders' veins pop out of his head.

He was about to respond when.



Mark had kicked him straight in the balls. A large crack sound came out of his action. The entire class could hear the leaders' wailing. His group was stunned, shocked by Mark's merciless move and shocked by how their leader was wailing like a little girl.

"GET HIM" The leader shouted between wails.

His goons finally snapped out of their daze as they rushed Mark. After seeing Mark's bravery or is it stupidity. I couldn't stand by as I tripped one of the goons.

One of them asked what I was doing

I answered "Finally realizing how much of a pussy I really am."

I charged them. The leader finally got up and entered the brawl. Me and Mark were heavily outnumbered, but we were able to break a few ribs and balls before someone finally brought a teacher.

We were brought into the principals office, where we were separated on two sides. Mark and I were on the right while the bullies were on the left.

We stayed quiet for a while, until.

"Why'd you help me?" Mark asked me without turning his head.

"Just felt like it" I responded, also without turning my head.

He turned his head, his face facing me. His face had multiple cuts and bruises probably from some overgrown nails from the goons.

"Liar. You said something about being a pussy" Mark said with a chuckle

"yeah...hey, I'm sorry. I was a real dick to you for no reason." I apologized. Surprising Mark a bit.

"Heh. Guess even you have a conscious."

"I'm being serious here, man."

"Alright, alright. I forgive you." He chuckled

"Hey, you want to go to the arcade later?" He asked

"Those still exist?"

"Yup. They even got consoles recently."

"You're on. Try not to cry when I kick your ass on street fighter" I laughed

"Hah, try me in Mortal Kombat" He responded laughing too.

As I watched Mark being burned alive. I felt my blood boiling...I wanted to tear limb from limb, the person who would do that to Mark. My best friend!!

Phew...I'll try to upload the next chapter as soon as possible. Thank you for reading.

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