
Surviving the End Times

When Catastrophes Strike: Surviving the World's Tremendous Changes Suddenly, natural disasters descended upon the world, beginning with extreme heat, followed by extreme cold, earthquakes, heavy fog, eternal night, and acid rain. Struggling to survive in the apocalypse for ten years, Su Nian ultimately perished in a downpour of acid rain. Upon awakening once again, Su Nian discovered that he had been reborn, with only three months remaining until the apocalypse. Upon finding a massive personal storage space among his family heirlooms, Su Nian set his first goal after rebirth—to spend 21 billion and fill the space with supplies! From then on, Su Nian began his hoarding spree. Rice, flour, oil? Buy! Chicken, duck, fish, meat? Buy! Clothes, hats, shoes, socks? Buy! Jerky, chicken feet, hot pot, potato chips, spicy strips, snail noodles—not one can be missed!

DaoistPnS6It · 都市
72 Chs

You'd Better Stock Up for Winter

Su Nian was getting impatient when suddenly Jing Mo beside her spoke up.

"Auntie! What exactly is your job? Is there a neighborhood committee inside our base? Do we need to investigate the backgrounds and identities of people living here? Why haven't I heard about this?" Jing Mo bombarded the old lady with questions, leaving her stunned for a moment before she stuttered out, "No, I'm not... I'm just asking out of concern. You young folks think too much, let's forget about it if you don't want to talk."

With a swift remark, the old lady retreated behind her door, slamming it shut with a loud bang.

Jing Mo chuckled and turned to Su Nian. "Let's go."

As they descended the stairs, Jing Mo continued, "When you encounter people like her, you can't stay silent. You have to outtalk them, ask more questions than they do. If they can't answer, they'll leave on their own."

Although Su Nian found Jing Mo's words somewhat sensible, she didn't intend to follow his advice.

Just as Su Nian was contemplating, Jing Mo changed the subject, "But I can see you're not the type to say such things. It's okay, leave it to me."

This caught Su Nian off guard. Leave it to him?

While it was a kind gesture, Su Nian couldn't shake off the strange feeling she had.

"By the way, how much do you know about the base? Where have you been around?" Jing Mo asked, turning to Su Nian.

Even though the streetlights weren't very bright, they couldn't hide the charisma in his eyes.

Su Nian glanced briefly but quickly averted her gaze, shaking her head slowly. "I've only been out once. I know there's a small night market nearby, but I'm not familiar with anything else."

"Then let's go check out that area first."

Seeing Jing Mo's enthusiasm, Su Nian didn't refuse and led him to the night market.

It was no different from when Su Nian visited a few days ago, bustling with people.

Su Nian wasn't particularly interested in what was being sold here, but Jing Mo seemed fascinated, his face lit up with a constant smile as he roamed between the stalls.

However, after browsing without making any purchases, they left the market and continued walking.

Hot Springs Resort was indeed a famous royal garden. Despite the additional buildings, which somewhat clashed with the original style, it remained beautiful.

As they walked, Su Nian and Jing Mo stopped.

In front of them, to the left, stood several buildings.

These buildings were different from their own residences; they weren't like typical apartments but more like warehouses.

Even from a distance, the noise emanating from there indicated a significant presence of people.

Su Nian realized that these were probably collective dormitories provided by the base for those who couldn't afford housing.

Although the windows were covered with curtains, indicating a bleak environment inside, Su Nian acknowledged that it was still a blessing for these people to have food and shelter provided by the base.

Unlike the small bases she knew from her previous life, where there weren't even such collective dormitories, here in the base, everything was taken care of to some extent.

Su Nian just wanted to live her life well, without extra sympathy for others. She quickly averted her gaze, turning to Jing Mo beside her. "Where else do you want to go?"

Jing Mo shook his head. "There's nothing else to explore. Let's go back."

Hearing his suggestion, Su Nian nodded in agreement. They returned to the sixth floor and went their separate ways.

From that day on, Su Nian didn't venture out again, returning to her indoor lifestyle.

She prepared three meals a day on time, diligently completed her training, and spent the rest of her time reading, watching dramas, or preparing for winter.

Despite the current hot weather, in just over two months, the temperature would plummet overnight.

And it would be a drastic change, with temperatures dropping by dozens of degrees.

In her previous life, many people died from the cold on that fateful night.

Su Nian considered whether she should inform the base leadership.

But as soon as the thought arose, she quickly dismissed it.

She couldn't ensure that she could discreetly pass on the message, let alone guarantee her safety afterward.

Having been given a second chance at life, Su Nian didn't want to take unnecessary risks.

Two months later, on this particular evening, Su Nian opened her front door.

Her lease had expired, and she had to go to the housing leasing center to renew it.

As soon as Su Nian stepped out, she saw Jing Mo outside the iron gate, unlocking it with a key.

Over the past two months, Jing Mo had been going out frequently, which Su Nian was aware of because she could always hear the clanging of the iron gate. However, Su Nian wasn't curious about what Jing Mo was doing; she was content to stay indoors and live her own life.

What Su Nian hadn't expected was that she would encounter Jing Mo returning from outside on the very first day she stepped out after two months.

Jing Mo had already unlocked the gate and was carrying several bags as he entered.

"You're going out?" Jing Mo asked with a smile.

"Just have some errands to run."

Jing Mo nodded, then leaned in closer to Su Nian, lowering his voice. "You know, I'm involved in some activities for the base, so I have pretty good access to information. I heard that the weather is going to get cold soon. You'd better stock up for winter."

Upon hearing this, Su Nian's heart skipped a beat. "Is this information accurate?"

"It should be pretty accurate!" Jing Mo chuckled. "Anyway, it doesn't hurt to prepare. Better safe than sorry, right?"

"If it's going to get colder, has this information been made public yet?"

"Not yet, but I think it will be soon. And once it's out, prices for winter goods will definitely go up, you know."

Su Nian understood perfectly and earnestly thanked Jing Mo. "Thank you for letting me know. I'll buy some later."

"Good. I'll head back now. See you later."


After bidding farewell to Jing Mo, Su Nian descended to the parking lot and drove to the housing leasing center.

She renewed her lease for another two years before heading to the official supermarket run by the base.

It was her first time visiting, and she had heard from people at the night market that it wasn't much different from pre-apocalypse supermarkets.

Entering the supermarket, Su Nian realized their descriptions were accurate.

It seemed to be the same supermarket that existed in the scenic area, with minimal alterations.

However, security had been significantly tightened, and customers couldn't browse freely. Instead, they had to stand outside the counters and request items, which the salesclerks would then hand over along with a bill.

Anyone attempting theft would be swiftly dealt with by the armed security personnel stationed nearby.

Just by looking at their bulging waists, Su Nian knew they were armed.