
Surviving the End Times

When Catastrophes Strike: Surviving the World's Tremendous Changes Suddenly, natural disasters descended upon the world, beginning with extreme heat, followed by extreme cold, earthquakes, heavy fog, eternal night, and acid rain. Struggling to survive in the apocalypse for ten years, Su Nian ultimately perished in a downpour of acid rain. Upon awakening once again, Su Nian discovered that he had been reborn, with only three months remaining until the apocalypse. Upon finding a massive personal storage space among his family heirlooms, Su Nian set his first goal after rebirth—to spend 21 billion and fill the space with supplies! From then on, Su Nian began his hoarding spree. Rice, flour, oil? Buy! Chicken, duck, fish, meat? Buy! Clothes, hats, shoes, socks? Buy! Jerky, chicken feet, hot pot, potato chips, spicy strips, snail noodles—not one can be missed!

DaoistPnS6It · 都市
72 Chs

Warmth That Brings Tears

Even with her mask on, Su Nian still felt every breath she took into her lungs was particularly icy, making her internal organs twist in discomfort, the stabbing sensation growing stronger with each passing moment.

With a wry smile, Su Nian acknowledged that despite her numerous mental preparations, her body, unaccustomed to extreme cold, still struggled to adapt to such weather in a short period.

She hurried towards the door, her body hunched against the chill.

Before Su Nian reached the doorway, she heard the sound of knocking on the door, followed by Jing Mo's voice from outside.

"Su Nian! Are you awake, Su Nian?"

Su Nian took a few quick steps, reaching out to open the door.

The metal doorknob was freezing, and even through her gloves, she could feel the cold seeping in.

With a forceful push, Su Nian swung open the door, revealing Jing Mo outside, almost bundled up like a bear, with only his eyes visible.

As Su Nian looked into Jing Mo's eyes, she saw them curve slightly, his voice muffled by the mask but filled with joy.

"It's good that you're awake. I was afraid you might be sleeping, so I came to call you."

Su Nian smiled at his words.

It seemed they both had the same idea!

"Is your stove lit?" Su Nian asked.

"It is," Jing Mo nodded vigorously. "Yours too, right? It's too cold outside. Let's hurry back inside!"

"I know, you should hurry back too!"

The two stood there for a moment, their voices trembling.

After bidding farewell to Jing Mo, Su Nian closed the door and hurried back to her bedroom.

Earlier, while in the bedroom, Su Nian had complained about the slow rise in temperature, feeling the room was still not warm enough.

But after spending some time outside, returning to the bedroom, Su Nian felt a wave of warmth engulf her, allowing her to relax her hunched posture.

Using an iron hook, Su Nian lifted the iron hoop on the stove and checked the fire inside. Seeing that it was burning, she securely replaced the iron hoop.

Su Nian took off her snow boots and placed them against the wall, then retrieved a pair of indoor shoes crocheted with wool from her space.

These shoes were crocheted on the outside with wool and lined with fluffy coral fleece, filled with cotton in between. The soles were layered, providing exceptional softness and warmth.

Su Nian had seen some elderly women in the countryside making these shoes by hand when she visited. She instantly fell in love with them and acquired as many pairs as she could wear.

Although these shoes were not waterproof and couldn't be worn outdoors, they were incredibly comfortable for situations like this.

With clean soles, stepping onto the wool carpet, Su Nian felt no reluctance.

Although the carpet was soft and fluffy, sitting directly on it still felt hard and cold.

Su Nian retrieved a ten-centimeter-thick cushion from her space and placed it beside the bed before sitting down on it.

The three small suns were shining in her direction, gradually warming up the room.

After being warmed for a while, Su Nian felt her whole body relax, and she stretched out on the cushion.

Though the windows were tightly closed, Su Nian could clearly hear the howling wind outside, indicating that it was probably snowing.

Extreme heat had only appeared for a year, but extreme cold had persisted for two whole years.

For the next two years, everything people saw was nothing but a vast expanse of white.

Due to the inability to grow crops and vegetables/fruits in extreme heat, people had already begun to suffer from various vitamin deficiencies.

After a period of snowfall, many people had developed snow blindness.

Su Nian had also suffered from snow blindness in her previous life.

Thinking of the hardships of her past life, Su Nian closed her eyes, banishing those images from her mind.

That was all in the past; in this life, she would never fall into such a state again!

Su Nian sat up and took out a small table for dining.

On it were frozen beer and skewers.

The frozen beer was obviously undrinkable, so Su Nian put it away directly.

The skewers had cooled down a bit, so Su Nian simply brought them over to the stove.

She pushed aside the iron hoop, took out the grill from above the stove, and placed it on top.

One by one, she arranged the skewers, and in no time, the once-cooled skewers began sizzling and emitting a fragrant aroma, filling the entire room.

Su Nian brought out a high stool and sat beside the stove.

Eating while grilling, she soon devoured more than a dozen skewers.

Just eating these wouldn't suffice to fill her up, so Su Nian returned to the cushion and brought out a bowl of hot and sour noodles from her space.

The noodles were tangy and spicy; a few bites made Su Nian's nose sweat, warming her up from the inside out.

After eating and drinking her fill, Su Nian brought out two humidifiers.

Caught up with the cold earlier, she had forgotten that with all the heating devices running simultaneously, the air would quickly become dry.

Therefore, humidifiers were a necessity; otherwise, despite the warmth, people would end up with nosebleeds due to dry air.

Su Nian took off her coat and pants and lay down on the bed.

The electric blanket had already warmed the bedding, and with the addition of the fluffy four-piece set, snuggling inside made her feel instantly content.

Su Nian didn't like light and airy down comforters or duck down quilts; she preferred thick cotton quilts.

Covered with a thick cotton quilt and topped with a sheepskin blanket, she didn't feel cold at all.

Her iPad was placed on the small table beside the bed, playing a lively variety show.

Su Nian lowered the volume slightly and lay on her side, watching.

Perhaps due to being full, warm in the room, and comfortable, Su Nian gradually closed her eyes.

When Su Nian woke up, the variety show was still playing automatically.

Glancing at the alarm clock on the bedside table, she saw that it was already six in the morning.

Usually, at this time, she would be going to bed.

But today, she had just woken up.

Su Nian lingered in bed for a while before finally reaching for her pajamas.

The first thing after getting up was to add charcoal to the stove.

Opening the stove, Su Nian saw that the charcoal inside was almost burned out, with only a thin layer of glowing embers remaining.

She quickly added more charcoal, making a mental note to do this every night before going to bed.

Fortunately, with other heating devices running, the temperature in the room had not dropped.

Su Nian glanced at the thermometer on the wall, which showed that the temperature in the room was around five degrees at the moment.

This was because the stove hadn't fully ignited yet; she believed that once it had been burning for a couple of days, the temperature in the room would be higher.

She didn't ask for much, just a temperature in the teens, and she would be satisfied.

Though in the teens sounded low, compared to the tens of degrees below zero outside, it was

 warm enough to bring tears to one's eyes.