
Surviving in Another World

I was just sitting in a cafe full of people in the middle of the city when the sky outside suddenly becomes completely dark. Everyone started panicking before the sky becomes bright again in just a couple of seconds. As a fan hardcore fan of isekai light novel, I thought we got transported to different world or dimension. Turns out what? I was right! After the sky becomes bright, there's no building around the cafe, instead it's surrounded by trees. But where's the meeting with the god? Where's the superpowers and gifts we're supposed to choose? How can I survive world this without any of those?

AnnoSenpaii · ファンタジー
48 Chs

SAW 20 - The Academy(2)

"Now I've got a question for you"

Headmistress Alice squinted her eyes before asking me a question.

"How did your trait got sealed?"

"I'm not sure honestly..."


I then proceed to explain what happened to us after coming to this world.

Of course I told her the exact same thing that I told grandpa and grandma.

After explaining it for a bit, she then nodded her head.

"I see, it's unfortunate that we can't do anything about it, but we'll do our best to find a way to unseal your trait, as it's a unusual case even for us"

Headmistress then stood up and led the way for me.

"I'll bring you to your dorm, follow me"


We then walked side to side.

If you look closely though, I'm a step behind her as I thought it's rude to walk right next to her.

Before walking to the dorm, she took me around the whole academy, which takes about 30 minutes to cover by walking.

'It's pretty big indeed, and lots of big building'

There's multiple building surrounding the staff's building.

To the left of the staff's building are the students' dorms as well as where most classes are held.

To the right of the staff's building are the field, pool, and other facilities such as gym, etc.

I then asked for the price we need to pay for the enrolment,

'Don't worry about the price, Charles is the one who referred you guys after all...'

Is what she said.

I just agreed with it and remember it as a favour.

"Okay, this is as far as I'll take you. There should be a letter sent to your room tonight to inform you which classes you need to take, and some other information that you need to know which I haven't told you"

"Thank you headmistress Alice"

"Good luck, oh and come see me tomorrow morning with the other before your class start"

She smiled while reminding me, then left.

I then walked into the building and straight into my room, which is on the 3rd floor.

The first and second floor consist of all the classes, whilst the third and fourth floor are the students dorm, third for man and fourth for woman.

It's such a long hallway, that I wonder how many rooms are there.

I then stopped in front of room 309, which is my room.

Opening the door with a key given to me earlier, I walked into the room.

The first thing I see is a living room connected to the kitchen, with Adrian and Kim Jaesuk sitting at the dining table.

"You're here..."

Kim Jaesuk greeted me.

"Ah yes. I just took a tour around the academy"

"What did you talk about with the headmistress?"

Adrian asked.

"Nothing much, just about my sealed trait, which even I have no clue about..."

"Too bad, it's probably something awesome. No wonder it's sealed hahaha..."

He laughed after I said that.

"What are we eating tonight?"

I asked, which Kim Jaesuk answered.

"Hmm no idea, the fridge is full of stuff though. Maybe we can cook?"

"Dude, I haven't cooked anything since we arrived in this world"

"Not you, we have S ranked alchemy aptitude here see? He should be able to cook"

We then looked at Adrian.

Adrian looked back at us before sighing

"Sure, I'll try. Don't blame if its bad though..."

"We won't, don't worry. It's not like we can cook either lol"

He then cooked us something with stuff from the fridge.

I'm surprised that the fridge is filled with fresh ingredients though, maybe there's some kind of magic attached to keep it fresh? Who knows.

"Here you go... I couldn't found rice, so I mixed up some vegetables which I've never seen before. But since it's in the fridge it couldn't be poisonous right"

Adrian put a plate, which consist of braised chicken and some vegetable salad underneath it.



"I don't eat veggies"


They laughed at my confession.

Later that night, someone knocked on the door and letters slipped in underneath the door.

Each of the letter is for each of us.

We opened it and inside contains information about the class we'll be attending.

'I thought we'll be the ones choosing it, but they chose it for us instead. Not that we know anything about that though...'

This is my schedule:

Monday: Theory of Spear 01, 9.00 - 15.00

Tuesday: Spearmanship 01, 9.00 - 15.00

Wednesday: Mana Control 01, 9.00 - 11.30 / (Elective), 12.30 - 15.00

Thursday: History 01, 9.00 - 11.30 / Spiritual Power 01, 12.30 - 15.00

Friday: Physical Fitness for the whole first grade, 9.00 - finish.

"Hey, let me take a look at you guys' schedule"

I asked the other.

Kim Jaesuk:

Monday: Theory of Sword 01, 9.00 - 15.00

Tuesday: Swordsmanship 01, 9.00 - 15.00

Wednesday: The Art of Magic 01, 9.00 - 15.00

Thursday: History 01, 9.00 - 11.30 / Spiritual Power 01, 12.30 - 15.00

Friday: Physical Fitness for the whole first grade, 9.00 - finish.


Monday: Summoning 01, 9.00 - 15.00

Tuesday: Alchemy Foundation, 9.00 - 15.00

Wednesday: The Art of Magic 01, 9.00 - 15.00

Thursday: History 01, 9.00 - 11.30 / Spiritual Power 01, 12.30 - 15.00

Friday: Physical Fitness for the whole first grade, 9.00 - finish.

'Some of our class will overlap with each other...'

It seems like all of the classes begin at 9 in the morning and ends at 3 in the afternoon.

For classes that is longer than three hours, students will be given 30 minutes break between.

There are some unique classes, but there are also common classes that can be attended together.

"Hey we'll be in the same class on Thursday and Friday!"

Adrian said cheerfully.

"Seems like it, but that's a long hour eh... especially the theory. How boring would that be"


I commented on this schedule, but Kim Jaesuk just seemed deep in thought.

"What are you thinking of?"

"Ah.. I'm just thinking of what is spiritual power class..."

"Oh true?"

I take a look at the schedule again and wondered if its the same as mana.

"There's also Theory of Sword and Swordsmanship, is it theory and the other one practical?"

"Well, we'll find out tomorrow I guess. Let's sleep since class begin tomorrow"

I said and begin walking to my room.

"Alright, good night"



Morning come and its our first day of class.

We woke up early, or at least I went and woke everyone up and told them that we need to go to see the headmistress as per her request before we parted ways yesterday.

We then washed ourselves up, wore our uniform that's provided in the wardrobe inside our room, and walker outside to see the headmistress.

Arriving in front of the office, I knocked on the door.

But just as I'm about to knock, a voice come from inside.

"Come in"


We then went inside the room.

Headmistress Alice is sitting at her desk and looking elegant just as usual.

She smiled at us and beckoned us to sit down, which we did.

"Since it's Tuesday, you guys probably will miss the theory class and will go into practical straight away for Alex and Jaesuk"

'So it's true that theory class and practical class are separate'

I thought.

"For Adrian, I don't think there'll be any practical lesson except for the fitness on Friday, so it's okay for you. But for Alex and Jaesuk, do you guys want to attend the practical class or would you like to skip it for today? I'll give you exception for today"

She asked us out of consideration, probably because we didn't attend the theory class.

"Umm, I'll attend it"

I said first before Kim Jaesuk said anything.

"I'll attend the practical class today..."

"Me too"

"Okay then, if there's any issue then you're open to talk to me. Remember, talk to me"

Nodding slightly, Headmistress Alice reminded us then beckoned us to leave the office.

We then started walking towards each of our classes.

The practical classes will be held in the field, and apparently it's big enough that all practical classes is happening at the same time.

Therefore, we split up with Adrian and walked to the field, to find that there's already a lots of student there waiting.

"Hey, look. That's the new guy..."

"Yea the one accompanied by the headmistress"

"Oh the one with double S ranked aptitudes?"

Looks like this friend of mine's already catching a lot of attention thanks to yesterday's aptitude test.

Some of them are talking about me as well, not in a positive way though.

"The guy next to him, who's that?"

"Is that the one with S ranked alchemy aptitude?"

"No way, that's probably the average guy that accompanied them yesterday..."

Can't really say anything to that though, so I just smiled and ignored it.

We stood there for a few minutes before the teachers come.

"Alright, those attending the Swordsmanship 01, come on this side"

"Those attending Spearmanship 01, please come to this side"

They then separate the big fields into 2, which the majority fall into the swordsmanship class.

No, more like almost all of the students go into the swordsmanship class, leaving only four people including me on this side.

The teacher then started gathering our attention.

"Okay attention boys, the name's Dominic Lucar, and I'll be in charge of teaching you guys how to fight with the spear. The three of you've seen me yesterday at the theory class, except for you new guy. What's your name again?"

"Ah, it's Alex sir"

"Okay Alex, you didn't attend the class yesterday and I understand that it's because you just enrolled. But don't think that I'll go easy on you just because of that, got it?"

"Got it, sir!"

Hearing my answer, Dominic nodded and continued.

"Alright, get a spear from the armoury over there and get back here"

Everyone then walked to the armoury and took a spear each, including me.

'It's longer than the sword...'

The length of the spear vary, there's a very long one, and there's a short one as well.

I picked up one that's almost as long as my height, probably around 160 cm.

After getting our spears, the teacher then finally started the lesson.

Hi readers, we've reached 20 chapters! Do tell me if there's anything that the book lacked, as it's very much appreciated so I can improve my writing to deliver better content.

Thank you :>

AnnoSenpaiicreators' thoughts