
Surviving In A Wasteland: I Can Evolve Endlessly

# WASTELAND A war in 2030 left almost every city on Earth as piles of ruins. The air was severely polluted while water sources were on the brink of completely drying out. The sky was covered by yellow sand, and sunlight could hardly penetrate through it to reach the ground. Humans who survived the war encountered deadly threats as they struggled to live in such harsh living conditions. When faced with such a cruel reality, Zhou Yuan activated the Unlimited Evolution System. The main function of this system was to allow everything to evolve infinitely. For example, the system could enable an ordinary stalk of paddy to grow non-stop under very harsh conditions, thus producing mass amounts of food. The system could also enable an ordinary freshwater fish to evolve into a purifying freshwater fish that could purify the water it lived in. The system could even enable non-living things to frenziedly evolve and have unexpected results. Step by step, with the help of such a powerful system, Zhou Yuan built a new kingdom solely belonging to him amidst the ruins.

Loaded Dice · 都市
40 Chs


翻訳者: Nyoi-Bo Studio 編集者: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After seeing Zhou Yuan.

The humiliating encounter from two days ago appeared in her mind again.

Tian Jinghan's delicate face instantly became ferocious.

The killing intent in her eyes almost overflowed.

If looks could kill, Zhou Yuan's soul would have already returned to hell.

However, in the next second, all of Tian Jinghan's resentment disappeared, and her expression returned to normal.

Then, she revealed a charming expression again and acted coquettishly to the burly man beside her.


"Do you love me or not?"

As she spoke, she kept rubbing her body against the bearded butcher.

The bearded butcher instantly showed an expression of enjoyment.

Inside his loose pants, the dragon raised its head again.

The bearded butcher pinched Tian Jinghan's round buttock and teased.

"Little hussy, I just fed you and you're hungry again?"

Tian Jinghan didn't feel any shame at all.

Instead, she pouted and took the initiative to cater to him.

"Do you love me or not?"

The bearded butcher chuckled.

"Love! I love you to death!"

"I've promised you everything, don't I love you enough?"

A trace of viciousness flashed across Tian Jinghan's face, but she instantly recovered.

Then, she said pitifully.

"If the bad guys who bullied me come, are you willing to help me vent my anger?"

Hearing this, the bearded butcher's eyes instantly widened.

"What? Did someone bully you?"

"Is it the group of students you were talking about yesterday?"

"Where are they? I'm going to chop them up!"

Hearing this, Tian Jinghan was overjoyed. She pointed at Zhou Yuan and said.

"It's him! He's the one who deserves to die the most!"

"He clearly had water, but he didn't let me drink it!"

"He even used the water to encourage others to beat me up!"

Tian Jinghan's finger instantly cleared the area.

The people who were originally watching the show had all left.

Zhou Yuan was the only one left standing calmly at that spot.

He couldn't help but applaud when he saw Tian Jinghan's performance.

She really played this beauty trap, combined with borrowing someone's hand to kill another person, to perfection.

Zhou Yuan could not help but sigh at the series of changes in her expressions.

If this person had been born during the peaceful time on the blue star, she would have won all the acting awards in the entertainment circle.

Even the best actress couldn't act as well as her!

The bearded butcher angrily held Tian Jinghan closely as he approached Zhou Yuan.

"What the f*ck are you clapping for!"

"You're the one who didn't give my darling water and even got people to beat her up?"

Zhou Yuan nodded his head lightly and said,

"Yes, it's me."

The bearded butcher immediately revealed a cruel smile and said,

"You dare to admit it, looks like you're still a man."

"Since that's the case, then you shall atone for your sins!"

He then shook his head slightly, and the two minions behind him walked over with evil smiles.

They were all holding knives in their hands.

Seeing this, the people around them started to cheer.

In the doomsday wasteland, almost all types of entertainment had disappeared.

Watching people fight, watching people get killed.

These exciting and bloody moments had become hobbies enjoyed by many people.

There were even people who placed bets on the spot.

"The market has opened! I will be the dealer! 1 to 3!"

"I bet a biscuit that he won't last more than five minutes."

"A piece of dried rat. I bet he'll be killed instantly! After all, his opponent is the butcher's right-hand man!"

"I'll bet half a bottle of black water on his death!"

"You coward, he's definitely going to die. What's the need to bet?"

"That's not necessarily true. I think this person is quite interesting. He's not flustered in the face of danger but instead, is calm and composed!"

"Why don't you just say that he is scared silly! Calm and composed? That is an interesting way of putting it!"

In the midst of the noisy discussion.

The two lackeys who claimed to be the bearded butcher's left and right arms screamed as they charged at Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan also slowly walked forward.

The three of them brushed past each other.

Everyone only saw a blurry shadow, as if someone had made a very fast movement.

Most people didn't manage to see the fight clearly.

Then, they saw Zhou Yuan still walking forward.

The two lackeys behind him, on the other hand, took two steps forward and fell to the ground, twitching.

Immediately after, two pools of blood quickly spread from the two minions' necks, covering the ground.

In an instant, the entire venue fell silent.

In the two teaching buildings not far away, the people who were cheering also froze there.

Everyone looked at the 'left and right arms' on the ground, and then at the young man who was still as calm as ever.

They could not help but feel a chill!

In the doomsday wastelands today, killing people had become a common occurrence.

Every few days, there would be a similar show.

Even the bearded butcher had killed people in public, slaughtering them like pigs.

However, everyone was still deeply shocked by the scene in front of them.

It wasn't just because they didn't have high hopes for Zhou Yuan in the beginning...

Zhou Yuan's calmness and indifference after he had killed someone...

And the way he killed was so... elegant!

It was as if to this young man, he had just casually swatted two flies to death.

This made people feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts. It was so cold that it could freeze them to death!

In comparison, the bearded butcher's cruel and crazy way of killing was more like an outlet for extreme fear.

The dealer who opened the bet was both happy and scared.

He was happy because everyone had bet on the young man's death, but the young man was not dead yet.

Therefore, he, as the dealer, had defeated everyone.

Meanwhile, he was afraid because he had used the life and death of that young man to be a dealer.

Would he get into trouble with the young man?

Thinking of this, he looked at the lifeless 'left and right arms' in the pool of blood.

The dealer's fear reached its peak.

On the other side, the bearded butcher only showed surprise when he saw his subordinates being killed. There was no other fluctuation in his emotions.

He was neither afraid of Zhou Yuan's skill, nor sad about the death of his two subordinates.

However, beside him, Tian Jinghan was shocked.

She had not expected Zhou Yuan to become so powerful in just two days.

Despite that, after the shock, she still revealed a gloating smile.

If Zhou Yuan displayed great strength but did not kill anyone.

Perhaps the bearded butcher would stop out of fear, and might even rope in Zhou Yuan.

However, now that Zhou Yuan had killed someone, the bearded butcher would definitely not let him off.

Tian Jinghan immediately added fuel to the fire.

"Hubby! Just look!"

"This person is really too evil!"

"You must kill him!"

The bearded butcher showed a smile and touched Tian Jinghan's round head.

"Don't worry! Hubby will help you vent your anger!"

After saying that, he reached behind his waist and pulled out a gun.

Zhou Yuan's pupils shrank.

With his vision, he could clearly see that it was a self-made gun.

Although it was self-made, that was still a gun!

His sense of danger instantly reached its maximum value!

Zhou Yuan's body leaned forward and instantly increased his speed to the maximum.

A distance of more than ten meters was covered in the blink of an eye.


A gunshot was heard.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

However, they realized that the young man was already standing beside the bearded butcher.

There wasn't a single injury on his body.

The bearded butcher, on the other hand, had a dagger in his chest.

It was bleeding profusely.

The bearded butcher slowly lowered his head and looked at his chest. His eyes were filled with disbelief and regret.

With his last breath, he fell to the ground, full of unwillingness.


The crowd's reactions exploded!

Everyone was shocked to the extreme!

This youth had actually killed the bearded butcher?

For a moment, everyone felt like they were dreaming!

The bearded butcher was entrenched in this place and had committed many evil deeds.

It wasn't that no one had tried to resist, but they all failed.

His cruel and overbearing image had long been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

In secret, people called him the living warlord Dong Zhuo.

This showed how brutal he was usually!

However, today, he was actually killed by a foreign youth?

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the young man who was silently adjusting his breathing!