
Surviving in a Fantasy Jungle full of Magical Beasts

Brad was a jobless 24 year old guy who lives alone living of the money he had won in the Lottery, many would say he is quite the lucky person but Brad doesn't think so. Besides winning this lottery, all he had in life was ridicule and disdain from people he knew. They only showed smiles when he had struck rich, this made him quite averse towards human interaction. An orphan who was known to be quite a smart one but a very lazy person. He felt that life was dull even if you work hard so he spent his days alone by himself watch tv and videos in social media to pass his time. Until an unfortunate accident happened in a nearby hidden secret facility. A wormhole appeared and swallowed Brad along with his bed and half of his closet. Follow Brad as he awakens towards the real harshness in life in a brand new world of Fantasy where he would discover many new things and find himself a changed man. Note: Cover picture is not mine, if the creator of this picture wants it to be taken down just message me. (Author's warning; This novel might be quite graphic in words as I would use curse words without mellowing it down. Possible R-18 in the future with some degenerate stuff too and a little bit of gory bits too so if this is not your cup of tea then don't read this. Might do also include Fan fic elements but we'll see how I develope this.)

Eledian · ファンタジー
56 Chs


[In a place far away from our oblivious Brad]

{Year 1450 of the Blue Sun Calendar, in the middle of spring started the spark which started the largest war that ever happened in Bright Sky Realm. Lead by the late Eagle Sky Lord, Fargor Bladewind and the late Dragon Sky Lord, Dragar Cinderblood.}

'Dragon Lord come out and taste my revenge!' Eagle Lord arrived with soaring killing intent which was felt by all of the creatures in the wide caldera.

'Your arrogance knows no bounds Eagle Lord, first you disrespect me by killing my man without saying anything to me. Second you ignore my demand by and fight me in front of my subjects and now you blatantly fly my skies with your hazardous winds that bring harm to my people! You have worn my patience thin!' a towering figure of about a sixty meters talk rose in the fiery hot lake of magma inside the Caldera.

'I don't care of your vain attempt of saving face!! You are one of the most despicable of all of us Sky Lords and you have proven to be more so! This is for my son!!!' the Eagle lord flapped his wings which generated tornadoes that disoriented all the flying beast in the sky above the Caldera.

'Leave my people alone! This fight is between us Sky Lords!!' The Dragon Lord's heart lurched seeing his people including his Harem getting hurt from the strong winds.

'You should have thought of that when you sent someone to kill my son!' the Eagle Lord ignored all reason as his anger and fury took over as he made the skies full of storms.

'I did not send anyone to kill anyone!' the Dragon Lord was confused but he must stop the Eagle Lord before anymore damage is done. He flew straight towards the Eagle Lord flying between the tornadoes, which he ignored entirely like it was causing no damage to him.

'I don't trust snakes like you!!' the Eagle Lord said before dodging and appearing somewhere else cause more tornadoes to appear.

'You dare call me a snake? An inferior being? Die!!' seems Eagle Lords has struck a sensitive topic of the Dragon Lord.

'Who doesn't know you were a mere sea snake before! You are nothing but a liar through and through!!' *Screee!!!

A dog fight between Titans happened in the sky that day which alerted the Beast Lords of the Area. This resulted into a domino effect when a Snake Lord heard Dragon Lord demean snakes which led her to wage war against the dragons. Crane Lord also joined in when Dragon Lord curse all feathered idiots to die.

But Bat Lord helped the Dragon Lord when she heard Eagle lord called Dragon Lord a bastard by a bat sleeping with a lizard which prompted Lizard Lord to help the Dragon Lord too. When Dragon Lord called Snake Lord an inferior legless being, Eel Sea Lord rose from the Sea nearby and joined. Even Worm Lord, one of the most pacifistic beast got angry and his anger reshaped the Land which drew the ire of many Beast Lords.

One thing led to another and a Continental scale Beast Wars started. Such movements were not ignored by other races living on the other continents, many made moves in helping a beast lord fron the other. Soon a full blown war was started that included the Titanic Beast Lords of the Land, Sky and Sea. Many minor tribes rose and allied with weaker beast Lords that wanted to survive the unending onslaught of carnage and rage.

This Continent has been home of the largest and strongest beast of the Realm, it also houses so many untapped resources that made various races such as Humans, elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen and even Orcs to send an army for an expedition in gathering resources. Such opportunity lies within the strife between beast lords.

All of these events happened in a span of two months. Two months for various super powers to lay a foundation in the continent by getting the Alliance from various Beast Lords. Unbeknownst to all the powers that contended for supremacy in gaining abundant resources, the one responsible for all of this is in an underground cave singing 'Hammer Time', naked and bathing on the underground stream.

[Presently at the cave]

"Huh! Can't touch this!!" Brad was doing a celebratory dance as he had finished in making many things in a span of two months. A set of equipment for purifying salt, Making a improvised distillery thus getting high percentage alcohol, he made shears using a weird plant that becomes something tough and flexible when dried on the sun (good for making bows too), a thread spinner (which he uses to make the wool he got from elks and goats into yarn), a working kiln, an clay oven, a dirty kitchen and a basic filtration system.

He felt like he is making things is really fun but the most important of these all is the distillery which made him able to make his own alcohol thus able to make medicine with many herbs he had discovered. Also Tranquilizing darts are now possible with it once he makes a blow gun but that would be for later.

Brad rested after a days hard work, he felt things were looking up to him now many of his essential needs are met. What he needs to look in the future is finding a stable source of food for him and his other foods, which were the goats, dodos, boars and the various herbs he replanted inside his room which is starting to look good with all these decor.

It would be great if he could find some metal. Brad sat up immediately when he thought of that, he totally forgot he was inside a cave with various tunnels that led to possible metals that he could use. Which means he would need to turn a cave room into a forge, Brad sprang up immediately scaring the lazy Bread besides him.

The chubby boar just looked at what his master was doing and went back to sleep immediately is a span of ten seconds. Brad didn't care as he started to draw on a flat wooden board with a charcoal a design of the forge and how he should adjust the flow of water cause he needs something to cool any future cool things he would make.