
Surviving in a Fantasy Jungle full of Magical Beasts

Brad was a jobless 24 year old guy who lives alone living of the money he had won in the Lottery, many would say he is quite the lucky person but Brad doesn't think so. Besides winning this lottery, all he had in life was ridicule and disdain from people he knew. They only showed smiles when he had struck rich, this made him quite averse towards human interaction. An orphan who was known to be quite a smart one but a very lazy person. He felt that life was dull even if you work hard so he spent his days alone by himself watch tv and videos in social media to pass his time. Until an unfortunate accident happened in a nearby hidden secret facility. A wormhole appeared and swallowed Brad along with his bed and half of his closet. Follow Brad as he awakens towards the real harshness in life in a brand new world of Fantasy where he would discover many new things and find himself a changed man. Note: Cover picture is not mine, if the creator of this picture wants it to be taken down just message me. (Author's warning; This novel might be quite graphic in words as I would use curse words without mellowing it down. Possible R-18 in the future with some degenerate stuff too and a little bit of gory bits too so if this is not your cup of tea then don't read this. Might do also include Fan fic elements but we'll see how I develope this.)

Eledian · ファンタジー
56 Chs

I need tools

What happened after my meal made me realize that it was the wyvern meat that made me lose all that wait. Hooray wyvern meat!! Goodbye Dad-bod and hello Daddy-bod!!!

I looked at myself through a replica sword of Oath Keeper, the sword of Ser Jaime Lannister. Who I would be on par once I lose all the beer gut I have accumulated. Man what a good day to be alive, It seems that it's not htat bad to be stuck here. I don't know why I lost all these weight but hey, can't complain when it's good for me.

Though the pain with the process is a real nut kicker, and I noticed my stamina is getting better and better as I started making makeshift doors and signs so I won't get lost once I start exlopring. Good thing I have some drawing kit which I have in case I try to make some of my costumes myself. Got some knitting tools to so incase I ripp apart my shirt for the future muscles I'll be getting then I'll be ready.

"Hey handsome." I was really happy seeing my cheekbones appear again these past two years.

"I'm no handsome, you are." boredom hit me so I think it might be good it I have my own volleyball to talk to.

"You flatter me but you my man is one fine specimen!" Alright normal me take over.

I put down Oathkeeper and looked again at the stuff I have with me here.

Make up - check!

Perfume - Check!

'Study' materials - classified!!

Right hand's 'assistants' - in good condition!!

Costumes - check!

Replica weapons - Super check!!

Military Ruck Sack - Affirmative!

Canteen set - very important check!!

Clothes - check!

Sneakers - check!

Boots - Check!

Old military uniforms - check!

Glaring Staff - Check

Bed - check!!

Low Self Esteem - vanishing!!

Daddy-Bod - Appearing!!

Body odor - Always there!

Survival Sense - coming right back up

Common sense - What is that? Just kidding, still has some!!

All of this is really important but what I need immediately right now is salt, I might get some in the meat but I am not sure if it is enough for me. I am quite a foodie and what I remembered watching BBC in TV is the skills of foraging. I might be a pathetic fire starter but I take food very seriously.

How do you think I got this Dad-bod in just two years with my former streamlined body, from 69 kg to 102 kg in two years. Thankfully with my 5'11" height I could still look a little normal but hiding a beer gut is quite hard. Now I'm getting fit again I must rework my body into getting used to sudden surprises.

My Senses re-honed back to the Scout Ranger I used to be, thankfully have so much energy after my meal sessions that I could think fasster and better. High percentage of Oxygen makes my performance better too and I don't get dizzy aanymore just from breathing.

But first things first, the doors I made can't last long with just wood and vines. I need more tools yet with only swords, clubs, axes, knives, hammers, two bows, Javelins, shields and some spartan spears. I couldn't do much with theese, stab my self to death maybe but lazy as I can be I like living more.

"Could I make something with these?" I picked up a a famour warhammer replica of the Orc Thrall in the game world of warcraft. It was one of the biggest and heaviest of my props which I had it made by a professional forger using melted tank armor.

The I remembered the large monsters outside and having something as encumberring like this would be detrimental. But it could be useful for making stuff by using it as a normal hammer. My war haamers here are the one from GOT by King Robert, the Warhammer of the Emperor in Total War: Warhammer II and Fis-it Felix small golden hammer.

Some girls dig Fix-it Felix when the Wreck-it Ralph movie came out, I almost went to second base but I ate chilis that day and I farted. Turns out the girl was allergic to capsaicin and my fart made her breath a mistful of it when we were making out. First time someone kissing me got into shock before third base, we never got to see each other again.

Wait I am getting out of topic here, man to think I even had that epiphany yesterday. Let's get serious here, what skills am I good at which doesn't include starting a fire with sticks. I seem to be rubbing myself with my incompetence in starting a fire really hard, man I can't rub myself too hard right now.

Wait that seemed really wrong in many context, never mind. I just remembered that bearded guy in tiktok that makes tools from rocks and stone. Maybe I should try that, okay let's go and make ourselves suffer!!

[One hour later]








"My eye!! Dust in my eye!!"




"Ow my leg!!"

[Four Hours Later]

"Fuck this shit!!"


"Aarghh!!! My little toe!!"


"To hell with this!!"

[After eating]

"Aarghh!!! So hot!! Shit!!"


"Goobye dad-bod!! Aargh! This sucks!!"

[After Bathing]


[After waking up]

"Hello handsome!"

"Well hello to you too Handsome"

[After realising the day was so unproductive]

"welp let's hit the sack!!"

And that's how I spent my day trying to make tools using stones and stuff I could use such as my Warhammer which I accidentaly dropped on my foot, getting a dust in my eye cause i'm stupid trying to look at the stone very closely while I strike it with another stone, losing more fat and discovering that wounds heal after I eat the meat, no homo.

In other words I spent the whole day doing absolutely nothing productive, hahaha... Another thing to add to the list.

Creativeness - Non-existent

I'm gonna die hungry :D.....