
Surviving in a Fantasy Jungle full of Magical Beasts

Brad was a jobless 24 year old guy who lives alone living of the money he had won in the Lottery, many would say he is quite the lucky person but Brad doesn't think so. Besides winning this lottery, all he had in life was ridicule and disdain from people he knew. They only showed smiles when he had struck rich, this made him quite averse towards human interaction. An orphan who was known to be quite a smart one but a very lazy person. He felt that life was dull even if you work hard so he spent his days alone by himself watch tv and videos in social media to pass his time. Until an unfortunate accident happened in a nearby hidden secret facility. A wormhole appeared and swallowed Brad along with his bed and half of his closet. Follow Brad as he awakens towards the real harshness in life in a brand new world of Fantasy where he would discover many new things and find himself a changed man. Note: Cover picture is not mine, if the creator of this picture wants it to be taken down just message me. (Author's warning; This novel might be quite graphic in words as I would use curse words without mellowing it down. Possible R-18 in the future with some degenerate stuff too and a little bit of gory bits too so if this is not your cup of tea then don't read this. Might do also include Fan fic elements but we'll see how I develope this.)

Eledian · ファンタジー
56 Chs

"I'm free ..."

"Eww. that stinks!! Where the hell are you leading all of us here stupid bitch slave?!" The wastrel said loudly as he covered his nose but he too went silent seeing the pale faces of his slaves looking up. which he followed and saw the large group of red eyes opening all together.

"Aarghh!! Keep them away from me!!" the wastrel shouted which made the platinum ranked slave want to curse as he moved to cover his mouth but it was all too late as the Bats have now awoken.

"Run! Protect the weak ones!! Weapons up!" Lana knew it was too late so she led the others to run deeper and follow the tracks as the swathes of bats woke up and created noises around the cave.

The freed people then huddled up together as they raised their weapons up like a porcupine to scare away the bats but having woken up from slumber with loud noises made them really Irritable. Some people were hit by the claws of the bats which shed blood and made the Bats more frantic in their attacks.

"Move deeper into the caves!!" Lana shouted as she realized they needed a low ceiling to have a chance to survive attacks from all over. The group moves and surprisingly the arrogant young master was inside the circle as his slaves had found an opportunity to carry him inside while others do the job of protecting. Even in danger he somehow finds way to make trouble.

"Move bitch!! Get out of my way!! Kill those bats!!" the dude won't just shut up and his souts agitated the bats further. He kept pushing the freed people away from him in disgust that even his slaves looked annoyed at this wastrel but they couldn't defy him due to being contracted. The freed people instinctively parted in fear as they still haven't gotten the notion of being independent is.

They were just lost lambs that followed the lead of Lana, they were disgusted by the guy so they too kept away from him. This made a weird opening in the middle of the group as the guy was protected by his slaves. His outburst of anger towards the freed people was a way to hide his fear of these beast that he looked down upon. His Slaves did nothing to alleviate the pressure by staying besides him but what could they do if their master is a selfish person.

Lana looked at this with cold eyes at how this person keeps messing things up for all of them. She really wanted to kill him with her hands but that Platinum ranked warrior is like glue sticking close to the wastrel. But what's important is for them to find somewhere to hide from these Bats. They surely won't go back to the cold outside where there are more dangerous Beast than these Bats out there.

"Everybody go to that smaller tunnels!! Ten fighters go first to check for safety while the non-fighters follow behind! The rest defend here with me!!!" Lana pointed towards a six meter tall tunnel where the large beast tracks were heading. Soon the group moved towards the tunnel but the bats were relentless in their assault.

"AARGHH!! HELP!!" And because of the open middle part some unfortunate man was dragged upwards by a bat and was then instantly cover in a few seconds then showed a mangled body of bones which they all couldn't recognize. Everybody paled at the sight and suddenly gained second wind to swing their weapons more and even down some bats.

"Move you worthless trash!! Move!! My life is priceless than your worthless ones!!" The dude straight up panicked at the sight of the dead body that he ran towards the tunnel Lana pointed at first while his slaves protect him. Due to this their formation was disrupted and gave an opening for the bats.

"BASTARD!!" Lana screamed as she watched some helpless people get dragged and eaten while screaming. Some of which were the women she was with initially.


"Save me!!"

"I don't wanna die help me!!

"I wanna go home!!"


Lana'a eyes were red as she ran towards the bats then waved her spear towards a clump of bats and downed at least three of them. She then looked at the half eaten body of a woman who was with her in that depraved place of the Slavers. She was really fuming as she watched the woman breathe her last as she looked at Lana and said.

"Thank you, I'm free...." the woman's eyes glazed which signaled for her last moments to be here in this god forsaken cave. She still has a smile of relief on her face which was etched within Lana's mind.

"Yes, we are free." Lana felt her shoulders were patted, she looked over and saw the consoling look of her Barbarian body guard that kept swinging his axe to keep the bats away. Lana nodded as she closed the eyes of the woman then turned to the group.

"Let's keep moving!!! Fighters near the small tunnel go first!! The rest fight with me!!" Lana shouted with all her might that it reverberated throughout the cave which made the Bats get angry. Lana noticed this as she screamed with all her might.

"MAKE NOISE!! THEY GET DIZZY WITH NOISE!!!" Lana was shouting until the Barbarian besides her opened his mouth.

"WRAAAAGHHH!!!!!" His shout made the cluster of hundreds of Bats flustered as their sight was impendded with all the loud noises. They then decided to go to the source which was the Barbarian.

"EVERYBODY MOVE!!" Lana found this as an opening as she led the freed people in a hundred meter run towards the tunnel, she knew that the Barbarian could last long against the attack of the bats so she led the others to go to the cave.

"Khazikh!! Go help him!!" Lana called out to the Gold rank Lizardman who nodded and brought his blade to the large cluster of Bats. Soon they were able to retreat towards the tunnel when the two gold ranked fighter joined them to hold their rear as they went deeper into the caves.

After thirty minutes of following the tracks they are now far from the Bat's area. They soon then rested on the cave tunnels as they felt exhaustion all over, Lana looked grim as she counted the survivors. They lost about ten people with two fighters and forty injured or so with varried degree of cuts and bites.

"That Bastard is gonna pay for this, next time we see him you all hold down the Platinum rank and those two gold rank while we all kill him!!' Lana was so furious at how things went bad due to the stupid actions of a selfish fool.

"We'll see them later Lady Lana." The lizardman comforted their leader, the rest also said words to encourage Lana. They have seen how fearless she was despite being only Iron Ranked and still fought to protect others from harm. They felt they followed the right person to lead them.

"I know, if he did follow the track them we'll make him pay for his actions." Lana was quite hesitant when facing against the guy in the forest but here in the caves where there might be no other creatures to cause trouble, then it would be a chance for them to get rid of that scum once and for all.