
Survive the disaster

Solar storms paralyzed global power communications, caused climate abnormalities, and caused frequent natural disasters. High temperatures, thunderstorms, hail, acid rain, floods, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, dust, extreme cold, meteorites... The polar glaciers are melting rapidly, resurgent ancient germs are raging around the world, sea levels are rising, and countless city countries have become oceans. Fortunately, Qiao Xi had a storage space filled with supplies.

DaoistzypD36 · SF
40 Chs

Chapter 37

Mrs. Xu came back from the hospital and went directly to Qiao's house instead of going home.

Qiao Xi has visited all the residents and handed the petition with the owner's name and handprints to Mrs. Xu: "Everyone agrees."

Mrs. Xu carefully put the petition into her bag: "Most of the residents in the hospital agreed, and some people were too seriously injured or in too bad a mood to express their stance." She paused and her voice became lower, " The hospital was full of people, and the corridors were full of people. This time, it was not just our community that encountered rioters, many communities suffered, and riots broke out in several shelters, resulting in numerous deaths and injuries. "

Qiao Xi felt pity in his heart: "People's hearts are broken."

Mrs. Xu sighed deeply with a firm look in her eyes: "So this matter can only succeed and cannot fail. It is related to the fate of the two hundred or so of us left." If it fails, even if their home has a safe house and a gun, they will not dare to Continue to live in this empty neighborhood. In the eyes of people with malicious intentions, they are just a piece of fragrant fat.

Qiao Xi said sincerely: "Thank you for your hard work."

Mrs. Xu smiled: "Our family also lives there. After all, I am busy for myself, not to mention hard work."

After Qiao Xi and Mrs. Xu finished talking, Xi Jingyun hurriedly asked about the situation of Yu Xinlian and others. She originally wanted to go to the hospital with Mrs. Xu, but how could Qiao Xi feel reassured? Even though Mrs. Xu traveled with bodyguards, she still felt uneasy. She Just believe in yourself.

The matter of the petition was related to the fate of the remaining 200 people in the community and could not be delayed. Xi Jingyun could only be asked to wait until she finished the matter before going to the hospital.

Mrs. Xu spoke with compassion: "The Liu family's son was seriously injured. The doctor said the situation is very dangerous. The lives of the others are not in danger, but their mental state is very poor."

Qiao Xi's heart tightened, Liu Xian was the backbone of the Liu family, so nothing could happen to him.

The more things you don't want to happen, the more likely they are to happen. When Qiao Xi sent Xi Jingyun to the hospital, Liu Xian was already gone.

Yu Xinlian's expression on the hospital bed was extremely calm. That kind of calmness reminded Qiao Xi of Ma Meiying, whom she met in country T. She didn't understand it at the time, but now she understands that it was the life after all thoughts were gone, and she had no love. My heart skipped a beat, and while the nurse came to change the dressing, I pulled Xi Jingyun out.

"Mom, looking at Aunt Yu, I'm a little worried that she won't be able to think about it."

Xi Jingyun also saw some signs. The relationship between Yu Xinlian and her husband was very good. They had not yet come out of the shadow of losing her husband. Her daughter was humiliated, her son was killed, and her grandson was seriously injured. She felt like she couldn't breathe just thinking about it if it happened to her. He was angry, not to mention Yu Xinlian, the person involved.

After calming down, Xi Jingyun said fiercely: "If you can't think about it, you have to force her to think about it. If something like that happens to Xinxin, Hanghang is only five years old. As a mother and grandmother, she has no right to escape and must cheer up. I am here, you. Go and see Xinxin, you are about the same age and can be easier to talk to."

Qiao Xi went to see Liu Xin on the other floor. The nurse said softly: "The injuries on her body are not serious. They are mainly psychological trauma. The psychiatrist came, but she covered herself tightly with a quilt and refused to communicate. You are her friend, so treat her as if you were bitten by a dog. You can't feel sorry for yourself just because you are angry with the dog. She is still young and has a long way to go in life, so there is no need to get into trouble."

Qiao Xi nodded and handed over the non-woven bag containing the canned fruit: "Please take care of her."

The nurse looked at the cans. The top one was a yellow peach can, and there was an assorted can. The other ones couldn't be seen clearly, maybe seven or eight. Fresh fruit has not been available in supermarkets for a long time, and canned fruits have long since disappeared. The last time I ate fruit was years ago. The hospital gave me two apples as a New Year's gift. The two children were so happy that they couldn't bear to spit out the apple peels. Before that, the fruit they hated eating most was apples.

She couldn't bear to refuse and took it with a blushing face: "Thank you, me. We will definitely take good care of her. This is our job."

Qiao Xi walked into the ward. There were eight beds inside, all with people lying on them, weeping silently or wailing loudly. Family members either comforted or cried along with them.

A curled-up bag bulged out on Liu Xin's hospital bed, and the person was hiding inside. In fact, her relationship with Liu Xin was average. Liu Xin studied art, but she was allergic to art. They didn't get along with each other, but they weren't on bad terms either. They would smile and say hello when they met.

"I just came down from Aunt Yu's place."

The bag on the bed was unresponsive.

Qiao Xi continued to talk about himself: "Aunt Yu is in very bad condition. She seems to have lost her soul. After all, she is almost sixty and has encountered so many things one after another. How can she survive. Liu Xin, this family will have to rely on her in the future. is you."

"Where's my brother?" Liu Xin suddenly lifted the quilt, her pupils tightened and filled with fear.

Qiao Xi calmly stated the facts: "I left more than an hour ago."

Liu Xin was half-kneeling on the bed, her lips trembling violently: "I, my brother is dead."

Qiao Xi nodded.

Tears poured out of Liu Xin's eyes like a bursting river, sliding down her bruised face and falling on the bed one by one, leaving dark tear stains.

Qiao Xi did not comfort her, but just said: "Your mother is almost sixty, and Hanghang is not yet six years old. In this world, they can only rely on you. This world is already in chaos, and they can't survive without you." "

Liu Xin, who couldn't stop crying, murmured: "Then don't live anymore."

Qiao Xi's expression turned cold: "You are willing to let those beasts go unpunished. Those people escaped without being caught."

Liu Xin suddenly raised her head and cried to Qiao Xi, "Then what do you want me to do? What do you want me to do?"

"Of course I want to find a way to find them and chop them into pieces one by one."

Liu Xin stared at Qiao Xi blankly, as if she was shocked by the cruelty in her words.

"You were so cruel to your mother and nephew that you just let them go, but you can't be cruel enough to kill the bastard?"

There was astonishing hatred in Liu Xin's eyes: "I want to kill them, I want to kill them all!"

Seeing that she finally had an expression, Qiao Xi felt relieved and his expression was in vain: "Yeah, cheer up and kill them." Whether you can kill them or not is another matter. You have to have the courage to hold on. If love doesn't work, then use hate. .

Liu Xin swayed and knelt down on the hospital bed, clutching the quilt tightly: "Those bastards, bastards! They beat my brother to death. My brother was trying to protect me, you beast, bastard! Damn it, go." Die! Die! Die!

Cursing and cursing, she began to cry loudly, crying so heartbrokenly that her face was covered with snot and tears.

Qiao Xi breathed a sigh of relief and cried. He must have survived, right?

After getting over it, crying hard and happily can vent a lot of negative emotions.

Liu Xin survived, and so did Yu Xinlian.

The overly frightened grandson of the Liu family, Hanghang, remained stunned and silent. He was held in the arms of his relatives and coaxed for a while. As if he recognized the person, he opened his mouth and cried loudly.

Yu Xinlian and Liu Xin cried with regret and regret. How could they indulge in pain and forget about their children.

Grandparents and grandson hugged each other and cried bitterly.

After their emotions stabilized, Qiao Xi left with the relieved Xi Jingyun. The streets were deserted and desolate. Apart from the signs of thunderstorms, there were also traces of fires. It was said that a group of people were driving motorcycles and throwing homemade gasoline bombs everywhere. |Bounce.

The evil of human nature is beyond imagination.

One day later, Mrs. Xu brought good news. The government agreed to take over Jinlan Villa, and the renovation team also moved into the community that day. Today, many complicated and redundant procedures have been omitted, and the government is becoming more and more efficient. Time is life, and it is real life.

The community was suddenly buzzing with people, and people were working enthusiastically everywhere. Working included meals and being paid daily was the only opportunity for many people to make money at the moment.

Some people are unwilling to endure hardship and wait for the country to support them. More people want to prepare as many supplies as possible to improve their risk resistance. In their view, in this world, it is still very stupid and dangerous to put all your hopes on others, even if the others are the country.

Amidst all the noise and bustle of renovations, the surviving residents finally had a peaceful sleep.

There is strength in numbers, and within half a month, the villas destroyed by natural disasters and man-made disasters were repaired, glass and anti-theft windows were reinstalled, and solar panels and special air conditioners were also installed.

The next step is to allocate houses and arrange for people to move in, giving priority to owners with property rights, including those who moved out before and the three generations of direct blood relatives of the deceased owners.

However, if the property is rebuilt with money and effort from the government, the owner will only have part of the property rights, and the other part of the property rights will be nationalized. There is more or less dissatisfaction, and a few owners even turn their backs and want to cheat. But today is different from the past. The system of assigning people according to the situation has long ceased to work. The petition and consent form signed in black and white are there, and they can't help but break their promises and expel them if they make trouble again.

When the higher-ups get tougher, the owners who cause trouble can only stop making noise. To put it bluntly, if they dare to make trouble, they are bullying the weak and afraid of the tough. When the higher-ups get tougher, they will naturally become afraid.

For those like the Qiao Xi family whose house is intact and does not need help from the government, the principle of voluntariness is adopted and those who are willing to give up their rooms can receive corresponding compensation.

No one is willing, not to mention living habits, but simply to say that there is a lot of property and food in the house, and strangers living in it will inevitably cause trouble.

"We can keep our house and live a relatively peaceful life. Mrs. Xu and his wife must have worked hard in the dark. We have benefited from them." Xi Jingyun said to Qiao Xi, "If Mrs. Xu doesn't tell us, we can't pretend I don't know, look, should we give you something?"

Qiao Xi nodded: "Mom, you decide."

Xi Jingyun thought for a while: "Let's take tobacco, wine and tonics. Their family must not be short of anything. It's mainly because of their kindness."

To the Xu family, the things Xi Jingyun gave were mainly dignified and valuable. For the Liu family, she gave them all practical things.

Medical resources were tight, and after their injuries improved, the hospital asked Liu Xin and the others to be discharged. The Liu family was badly damaged by that group of people. It was being renovated, so Xi Jingyun took her uncle and grandson into his home to take care of them. Now that the house was renovated, Liu Xin proposed to leave.

After discussing with several neighbors who shared the same problem, she applied to move to Villa No. 61 next door, which is the Zhou family's villa. The Zhou family has not returned yet, and everyone has already assumed that they will never come back. There are no other close relatives in their family, so the house has been confiscated. There are more than a dozen families in the community who are in a similar situation to the Zhou family. They were abroad or on a plane when the solar storm occurred. There is also a family who went on an ocean cruise for a family vacation. So far, none of them have returned.

Liu Xin chose Villa No. 61 because it was abandoned early and it was a rare villa where no one had died. Secondly, living near Qiao's house would be a good way to have someone to take care of him. If nothing else, if he encounters thugs again, at least Qiao Xi will have a gun.

Xi Jingyun nodded: "Then I'll ask your Uncle Qiao and Xi Xi to help move things."

The Liu family's luggage mainly consisted of clothes, bedding, dishes, chopsticks and household appliances brought from home. Xi Jingyun added some rice, flour, grain and oil to them.

Liu Xin did not refuse. Their family really needed these things. All the valuables and food at home were taken away by those beasts.

She bent down and bowed to Xi Jingyun: "Aunt Xi, I will always keep your family's kindness in my heart, and I will definitely repay you when I have the opportunity."

Xi Jingyun helped her up: "What kind of kindness is not kindness? Don't bear such a heavy psychological burden on you girl. Your mother and I have been friends for so many years and we should share our support. Auntie can only help with this. There is no way forward. Good go, thank you for your hard work."

Liu Xin twitched the corner of her mouth: "If it's not easy to walk, you have to grit your teeth and keep walking. As you walk, maybe things will become clearer."

Xi Jingyun patted her hand with pity. The child grew up rapidly, but the price was too heavy.

Later, Qiao Xi's family of three helped move things to villa No. 61 next door.

After revisiting her old place, Qiao Xi felt depressed and said she could never come back. After almost a year, she gradually felt that there was little hope, but she believed that they were living well in country M.

Xi Jingyun gently stroked her daughter's back. The two children have been classmates from elementary school to high school. They chose different schools for college and still play together from time to time. They are not sisters but are better than sisters.

Qiao Xi raised his head and smiled at her, working hard when he suddenly heard movement from downstairs.

"This is back to the time when the People's Republic of China was founded." The old man with gray temples came in on crutches with complicated eyes. "The government allocated the houses of capitalists to the common people. Our family was allocated two rooms on the second floor of the villa. That's where I was. I was born in that room. After working hard for half my life, I finally lived in the entire villa. After a few years, I only had two rooms left. Why did I work so hard to go back to the starting point? Why am I working so hard to make money?"

The head of the crutch hit the floor, making a muffled sound that made everyone present feel depressed. Half of their entire lives and fortunes had been wiped out.

"Grandpa, don't talk nonsense. At least we are still alive." Zhao Yuyan patted the old man on the back and said, "It will pass. It will pass. It will definitely get better."

"I can't get better, I can't get better." The old man shook his head nervously and banged his cane hard, "This is just the beginning. Look, people have to die. A lot of people will die. If we don't kill them all, what a thief." Won't give up!"

"Grandpa!" Zhao Yuyan was a little anxious, fearing that Liu Xin and the others would dislike grandpa and be unwilling to let them live in. However, if their grandchildren lived with strangers, they would inevitably be bullied. She begged in a low voice, "Stop talking nonsense. "

She hurriedly explained to Liu Xin who was standing on the second floor: "My grandfather is not like this usually. He just gets hurt by the situation and can't control his emotions for a while."

Liu Xin smiled gently: "It's okay, don't be anxious, just give Grandpa Zhao some comfort."

Zhao Yuyan smiled gratefully.

Qiao Xi looked sideways at Liu Xin, suffering forced her to grow. In just ten days, Liu Xin was completely transformed, as if she was a different person.

Noticing Qiao Xi's gaze, Liu Xin saw Zhao Yuyan helping Grandpa Zhao into the bedroom on the first floor and whispered: "Their family used to live at No. 145, and only Yuyan and Grandpa Zhao were left in the house."

The six families who moved into No. 61 each had their own misfortunes, so they decided to lick each other's wounds and join forces to keep each other warm.

After the original residents have given priority to choose a house, people arranged by the government begin to move into the community.

Dozens of buses, trucks and private cars drove into Jinlan Villa at night, and bursts of laughter dispersed in the wind.

"My dear, a house here used to cost hundreds of thousands per square meter."

"It's more than 100,000 yuan, it's almost enough to double it."

"What's the point of talking about housing prices now? It can't be sold even if it's worth a million."

"Don't be envious. If you lived here, nine out of ten people would have been turned into ashes. The most serious casualties this time are in these high-end communities. A relative of mine was unlucky. He worked as a nanny in a wealthy family and was hacked to death together. The two children at home are less than ten years old."

"A garden this big can grow a lot of vegetables."

"The hail will come and smash you to pieces."

"You're stupid. I plant flowers in pots. When a thunderstorm comes, I immediately bring them inside."

"I don't know where I can get chickens and ducks. If I raise a few, I won't have to worry about eggs."

"I want to raise you all."

"Then raise them. There is a lot of space here and you can raise them in a big way."

The new residents discussed the planning happily. The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same. The original residents of the community suffered heavy casualties, which is tragic. For the new residents, it is a joy to leave the crowded and cramped shelter and have their own independent housing.