
Lives at Risk

Jamie felt his heart beating. He can hear the endless growls of the hounds. His hands are trembling and cold but he chose to be brave for his friends.

It was not the time to be scared.

All of them turned at once when one of the barricaded windows got budged.

The archers pointed their arrows at them. Salem and Niki are pointing their guns at the window as well.

All of them did not take their eyes off the window. Until…

"Wait! Isn't that Hunter and Jake!?" Jamie suddenly exclaimed and started listening carefully.

"T-they're screaming! W-why are they screaming!?" Sean panics.

Kylo gripped his bow tightly and shut his eyes close.

I shouldn't have left them there...

He thought to himself.

It felt like their screams were torturing them even more. What could've happened to them. Why are they screaming in so much pain?

"Why aren't we doing anything? We have to help them!!!" Salem yelled frantically.