
In Shike's Memory

"Look, lady, I'm happy you freed us from that dome... but Shike is still dead," I muttered, walking back over to his body.

"I know. I'm sorry. I briefly met him in the Black Lake we both traveled to up above this world, and he did seem like a good man. He wanted to defend you guys, and without even knowing me, he took a stance and risked his life. I'm sorry Illya did that to your friend." Dani told us.

So... she was capable of compassion...

"Illya... I'll kill her... where is she...?" I turned to Eo, who could apparently track Sky's location.

She pointed up.

"They're in the Black Lake? I don't understand... how could they get up there?" Dani asked, looking up to where Eo was pointing.

"Well, that's just the thing... she shouldn't be able to, not without Sky's permission," Eo explained, but I interrupted her again.

"Then, we'll build a staircase to them. I don't care what it takes... I'll kill her..." I muttered under my breath.

"Sounds like we have another person like me here, Eo." Dani smiled as she turned back over to Eo, but Eo remained latent with her facial expressions.

"You have more than just one other person. You have all of us. Shike was our friend too, maybe not like he was to Belle and Alexia, but he was our friend, and Illya will pay." Boo added on.

"Not to mention, Miss Ali... she took everything from us, and Ali risked her life to save us, including Shike... yet Illya didn't care. We knew her for a while, but to think that she had something locked away so sinister..." Alexia held her arm as her eyes tread the ground.

I hate her.

"I'm sorry, you guys. I should've acted sooner... I was born without emotions in mind, but you have seemed to bestow them on me, and now, I regret every decision I've made." Eo said.

"You're definitely different here than you are in the Real World," Dani said. Her eyes fixated on me and she closed the distance between us.

"You, you seem to share a hatred more relentless than most people here. Shike, did you love him?" Dani asked me. It was embarrassing at first, but I answered nonetheless and avoided eye contact.

"I love Sky as well. Illya has taken something from us both. You know what it's like to lose loved ones... some of my loved ones have died as well, and if Sky joins them, I'll purposefully Corrupt myself and destroy everything in sight. I'm beyond trying to cooperate and be friendly with you guys, I'm far too irritated and brimming with rage to do such a thing." Dani said. She took a break to look at everybody, then turned back to me.

"I'll work with you, on the condition that you bring me to Illya so I can rip her in half until she dies. That is all I want. I will get what I want whether you help me or not, but our goal can be met together if you help me." Dani told me.

"You don't have to do your weird speech thing. We're with you on this." Mitra told Dani. We all nodded and she smiled.

"Sky had some very good friends. Good, then, our first plan of action. How well-equipped are you guys for battle? Tell me your abilities." Dani asked us.

"I can shoot ice, create it, and destroy it at will," I told her.

"I can manipulate the size of objects, and apparently summon a dome," Alexia added.

"I can move at the speed of light a few times," Boo said.

"I can create illusions," Mitra explained.

"I can create lightning." Myth told Dani.

We all took the time to explain our abilities in depth to Dani while she listened silently, and then, she looked at me

"Create and destroy ice, did you say?" Dani asked me. I nodded, and she seemed to get emotional.

"You'll be a core component in my plan. Listen, one of my friends was killed with an ability like that. The ice dropped underneath her and she was eaten by an underwater animal or something like that. You'll create a sheet of ice underneath Illya and drop her to trip her up." Dani told me.

Woah... I didn't even think about my ability like that...

"Alexia, you can manipulate the size of objects? Is it possible to change the size of people's limbs? Or their weaponry?" Dani asked her.

"No, the mental strain on changing a moving object is already too much for me... I don't think I could do that." Alexia told Dani.

Dani seemed to understand what she was saying, but she got aggressive, looking at Alexia with a dirty stare.

"Are you afraid of pain?" Dani asked her. Alexia seemed to get nervous and Boo picked up her katana and rose it to prepare for an attack.

"No." Alexia said, but Dani shook her head with a frown.

"I can see your heartbeat increase. About one hundred beats per minute, if I had to estimate it. And Buusu's back there is ninety, increasing to about yours. You're nervous, aren't you?" Dani asked her.

"I'll make one thing clear. Being nervous about anything lowers our chances. You can't be afraid of pain, you can't be afraid to act. A girl who's been alive for four hundred years, or however long that bitch has been, knows how to exploit people and their weaknesses. Forget your fear." Dani said.

"I don't remember you being this assertive when I was watching you on the Isle," Eo commented, but Dani smiled at her attempt to defuse the situation.

"With Sky gone, somebody has to call the shots. It's what he would say as well." Dani said with her eyes closed.

"I'll listen. I'm sorry, Miss Dani." Alexia said.

What?! Was she being serious? She was even being respectful to Dani!

"It's just Dani, I'm only fourteen." She said.


"You're our age? You definitely don't look like it. We thought you were an adult." I told her.

"I'm flattered, I think, but no, I'm your age then. Fourteen, I think. Sky's fourteen, so I'd say I'm close to him." Dani clarified.

I just notice this atmosphere completely flipped...