
Help From A Distant Land

"Who are you people? Don't hurt us!" Lily shouted out to him.

He was a dark-skinned man clad in black robes, and it looked like he just stepped out of a sauna. He was a muscular person with an annoying, arrogant smile. His gaze met mine and he only smiled.

"Got a little beat up, eh? No problem, you'll be alright. Harry! Take a look at this young man!" He said. He slowly trotted over to Shike and Boo, who were still on the ground.

"Damn, how badly did you guys get messed up? Are these guys even alive? Oh... I am feeling a heartbeat. Don't worry, so long as you cling to life right now, you'll be without injuries in the next few minutes..." He mumbled, looking ahead.

"What is that pressure...? Damn! That's intense! Scovia, look for me, what am I feeling that's so unpleasant?" The man asked.

"Khalil, the pressure can be led to a singular point... back the way we came. I thought it would've been done for, but it looks like something... Demonic... is coming out of that city we helped," The girl named Scovia told the man named Khalil.

"City...? What are you guys talking about? Is it Zealous? Did you see a red-haired woman there?!" Belle shouted out while lying on the ground.

"Holy shit, your hair is frozen! I don't know what you're talking about little lady. Harry, give me a blanket," Khalil said. As soon as he snapped his fingers, Harry took his coat off and threw it toward him. Khalil caught it and wrapped Belle up as soon as he could, keeping her next to Shike on the ground.

"Look, little lady... and, I hate to ruin your party, but your health comes first, and then I'll explain. For the time being, you worry about surviving, and then we can worry about that city," Khalil said, turning toward me.

"You look real messed up... you definitely took the worst of the damage. And your jaw, it's snapped! Here, let me adjust it..." Khalil muttered. I heard a loud click and a snap, and before I knew it, I was moving my jaw again. It was severely dislocated, but he fixed it with nothing but his hands.

"The city... our friends are there... tell us, are they okay?!" I shouted out.

I don't know this man, but he was kind enough to watch over us and take us under his wing for the time being. I didn't want to tell him who we were fighting or training to fight, but Quake and Genesis could give away who we are hiding from this Earth. Sky Asterio.

"Shock is something that can kill on its own. If you're weak and trying to stay awake from the trauma and pain you've felt, you're still kicking and alive and well. It can activate that shock if I tell you what happens to that city, good or bad. You worry about yourself first, and then I'll tell you what I know. What happened here? And why is Ultima's city empty?" Khalil asked me.

"What, it's okay for you to get information, but not me?" I sarcastically replied to him.

Khalil adjusted the shoulder to his robe and laughed loudly in my face.

"You! You got an attitude! That was a good one, I have to admit. I'm not almost dying kid, I can take any information you give to me. You, on the other hand? I just snapped your jaw back into place and it still looks like you're ready to bite the dust. You'll wait, and tell me what I want to know," Khalil told me.

What an asshole.

"I'm messed up, you're right, but I'll die with all the information I have if you don't tell me if that city is at least standing!" I screamed at him. I held my ground, knowing that every time I moved my body, I risked death from the blood loss and pain.

"I get it... you don't know who I am, do you? You know, that's understandable. I was taken out of history books for making the greatest country left on Planet Earth. Reviving it from a history of discriminatory behavior against all things that could be discriminated against, there is no conflict where I'm from, and people who can make money off of you don't want you to know that. Well, boy, my name is Khalil Leyndell, and I'm the Leader of the American Continents. If you need that to be translated for you, I'm extremely important," He said with an arrogant smile.

"I don't think that matters. You're still an asshole," I mumbled. I almost wanted to copy his smile, but his demeanor was unbreakable. I would just look like an idiot.

"Then, I'll tell you what happened to your city, kid. I was off, sailing to meet Ultima because my radio was failing, and I hit the dock of this shithole of a continent when I realized that this city was empty, and nobody was anywhere to be seen. Naturally, I started to look around and came across a young couple begging me for help. I listened, as nice as I am, and when I joined them to find their people in need of assistance, I was met with a whole city. Is that enough for your brain?" Khalil asked me.

"Khalil... something urgent... these people... they're Asterios…" The man named Harry said to him.

My heart sank lower than it ever has before, watching Khalil slowly turn his head back to me.

He held a chunk of my hair up, holding me up in front of him, and looked at me with evil eyes. There was no color, only a black abyss filled with nothing but anger.

"Boy... are you Sky Asterio?" Khalil asked me.

Shit... he's after him too, isn't he? How do I stall? How can I get him to run away from here?

"My name is Charlie," I told him, keeping my last name purposefully hidden. I wasn't even sure what it was, but by keeping it hidden, I could keep him on his feet.

"Do you know Sky Asterio?" He asked me next.

"Do you want him killed?" I returned to Khalil another question, and his anger faded. Another arrogant smile appeared, and he let go of my hair.

"Do I want him killed?! Please! I respect that man greatly. All effort he puts into everything he does... and oh man, Ultima is pissed about him! Genesis told her that he was present on Earth and she basically walked out of the damn meeting! Ahahaha! Hearing you have a connection to Sky Asterio means I can finally shake his hand. So, tell me, where is he?" Khalil asked me.

I was super confused...

"Why did you act like you were going to kill me?" I asked him next.

"To see if you were a little bitch or not," Khalil told me with that annoying smile.