
Attacking Class

"Good morning new students of MTG. Welcome to your attacking class! In this class, you will learn everything about taking on an opponent and what kind of attacks to expect, and what kind to use. I'm excited to see how capable you are." Our teacher said.

Illya, Shike, Belle, Alexia, and I were sitting in a cluster while the teacher spoke after the next day. We all slept well in the dorm and warmed up to each other. I made us breakfast this morning and Illya offered to take the second day so I could have a break. With all of that stuff done at our dorm, all that was left were the classes today and free time after lunch.

"So, I want you all to pair up with one other person. Dorms hold five people, so some of you will be forced to mingle!" The teacher said, pacing back and forth with his hands interlocked. He looked funny when he did that.

Buusu instantly walked up to me mid-eye-roll. "Hmph, looks like you didn't find another partner at all." She said.

"Never change Buusu... so, looks like we're partners." I declared.

"Now that we're all partnered up, I'll explain the exercises we'll be doing. At first, we will move slowly, but you will find yourself blocking at least one high-speed hit by the end of this class period." The teacher said. High speed hit huh...? Wasn't Buusu's big ability something to do with speed?

"We'll start with the two people at the top of A-Rank, Buusu Achamo and Sky Asterio. Will you two please demonstrate good attacks for the others?" The teacher asked us. I hated that he put us on a pedestal like that. I don't see myself better than anybody here, yet he had the nerve to assume that was how I felt.

Buusu held a wooden katana at her hip, ready to strike me with terrifying speed, but I didn't grab any weapon because I could summon a saber.

As soon as the teacher told us to start, Buusu's weapon almost collided with the side of my head. Her eyes still had that terrifying look to them as she swung in an attempt to severely injure me. I ducked backward by bending my knees and summoned the saber in my left hand. With that, I swung upward and cut her katana in half.

Buusu didn't stop there, as she took the broken katana and swung it at my chest with the same speed. I was able to reinforce in time and took the hit without actually taking damage, then I slammed my knee into her chest, causing her to fall to the ground.

Buusu retreated with another attack projected in her eyes. What was with this lady?! I didn't want to make a scene, but she was seriously pissing me off.

"Next attack you throw at me and I'll break your arm. That's not a threat, that's a warning." I told her, wielding my saber again. She didn't seem to care and charged in with a straight face yet again.

Her speed was blinding. She created a shockwave of air from her old position and by the time she came close to me, she already understood her mistake.

Buusu always attacks at an angle, and since I figured she would do it again, I prepared a kick with my heel straight into the side of her body. She took the hit so hard that she lost her breath and fell to the floor. While she was on the floor, I took her arm and spun it around to her back, holding her in a locked position. If she moved at all, she would suffer the consequences and would be worthless until Gabrielle showed up again.

"I made myself clear. You need to stop seeing me as your enemy and start seeing me as your friend. I'm not here to beat you, I'm here to get to know you, I don't care about who's the strongest, but when you come at me like that, it pisses me off. Quit it." I threw her arm out of the lock and stood up, walking back over to the teacher.

"E-excellent! A perfect display of disarming and throwing attacks in response to the attacker! Everybody, Buusu Achamo, and Sky Asterio!" The teacher praised us both. Buusu sat up and stared at me with rage. I could feel it in her gaze, without even looking at her.

"Sky, Buusu, that was an excellent display you two just showed us. What was going on through your mind when fighting Buusu?" The teacher asked me.

"To analyze her attacks, I first understood the speed and strength of her character. Buusu may have skinny arms, but she has legs with muscle on them, meaning her strength is speed, not strength. On top of that, she's blinded by rage, which means she doesn't think clearly and can be outsmarted. I feel that if she dropped that blinding rage, I would lose in a fight against her." I told the teacher. Buusu stood silent and looked the opposite way from me.

"And Buusu? What did you analyze in your fight with Sky?" He asked her next. Buusu fidgeted around and looked at the ground with irritation.

"He can defuse me really well, so I wanted to go for one-hits. It didn't work." She muttered.

The teacher moved on to the other students and have them attack to train them separately. Meanwhile, Buusu walked up next to me with her head still pointed at the ground.

"You..." She muttered again. Was she seriously still mad at me again?!

"You... can call me Boo... my friends call me Boo..." She mumbled.

"Good. And I'm Sky, not just Asterio." I replied. It seemed that we both had some sort of friendship now... even if weak?

"I'd love to spar with you some more, but you can't try and kill me," I told her, smiling. Boo seemed pretty normal after she told me her nickname, and we both decided to continue sparring.

I learned from Boo that her hard-hitting attacks came from the speed at which she threw them. She couldn't hold her own in a close-range fight, but she could close the distance in a blink of an eye and fight as a mid to long-range fighter. I, on the other hand, excelled in close-range because of my saber and armor.

"If you don't mind me asking, how does your ability work? How do you initiate the super-speed?" I asked her.

"It's like second nature. I just imagine my body moving fast to its target and it does. Unfortunately, I can't use it more than three times for a certain period of time, because my muscles and brain can't keep up and would be damaged." She told me.

So, even her ability causes damage to her brain?