

When nightime arrived, Jason ventured out from his room as he'd hear the sound of laughter and music filling the air. Already the guests and people of Winterfell were heading for the Great Hall where the feast was being held. As he moved across the yard, Jason noticed Jon who was off by the stables chatting with a man dressed in black leathers and cloak. The two seemed to be in a heated discussion, yet it soon ended as the man patted Jon on the shoulder before heading towards the feast hall.

Jason decided to check up on Jon, hurrying over to him before noticing a very short figure step out from the shadows and also approach the Stark bastard. Nearing the two, he'd just hear a few words between the two.

"Your uncle's in the Night's Watch?" The figure said in a well-spoken manner.

"What are you doing back there?" Jon countered back, on guard at first before the figure revealed himself to be a dwarf of a man, dressed in fine leather clothes and waving a flask in one hand. Despite his oversized head, he had a good quality about his looks and his head had the recognizable golden colour of a Lannister about it even in the low lighting.

"Preparing for the night with your family." The short man simply remarked, pacing over to a nearby fence post to lean up against before sipping his drink. "I've always wanted to see the wall." He started, keeping a casual demeanour while Jon kept a questioning look and was ready to speak again before noticing Jason. The dwarf glanced at the Surgebinder, a curious look showing in his blue eyes as he got to see the man's white hair, pale scarred face and sharp cat-like eyes. "Well now. The Wildling slayer himself; Jason, I believe yes?" He asked.

The Surgebinder nodded as he'd move to stand by Jon. "You'd be right. I take you're Tyrion Lannister, the lecherous 'imp' I've heard so much of." He remarked back. "Have to say…Arya was way off on your appearance. Missing the tail and horns."

The Lannister chuckled, shrugging at the remark. "Sadly I left my costume at Casterly Rock. Normally I bring it to such occasions just to embarrass my sister. Those days though are long past." He said sarcastically. "Jokes aside, I didn't expect to meet you so soon. I thought you'd be sleeping the night away after your duel with the Hound."

At that point, Jon looked to Jason with a surprised look. "Wait, you battled against THE Hound?" He remarked. "Heard the man is a beast in battle and doesn't hesitate to fight dirty."

"Pretty much right. Kicked the guts out of me at one point. Anyway, I'm fine, a little wine and rest got me through." Jason reassured the two.

"So I take you two are going to the feast? Perhaps I may join with you. After all, we'd make the quite the show among the tables. The dwarf, the bastard and the Golden eyed warrior."

Jon seemed annoyed with being titled as 'the bastard' yet Tyrion was quick to raise one hand. "Sorry I meant no offence with that."

In the end, Jon sighed and nodded. "None took. Still, I'm not sure I'll-"

"He will be going." Jason interrupted, placing a firm hand on Jon's shoulder. "Bastard or not, he's a Stark and has a place there, even if it's at the lowest table."

Jon was silent, for the moment while Tyrion chuckled a bit as he moved towards the two. "Ah, a man that understand things! He has a point Snow, don't feel shame for being a bastard, never forget about who you are. The world wouldn't forget. Wear it like armour and no one will be able to hurt you with it!" Taking another sip from his flask, he'd shake it and shrug. "So then shall we go crash a feast?" Already the small man was off towards the feast hall while Jon and Jason had the last moment.

"I know I promised but…" Jon started while Jason pushed him lightly along towards the feast.

"What did I say about excuses?" Jason remarked back. "Look if I could tangle with Westeros's most feared warrior, you can survive one night at your own family's feast."

Jon chuckled and shook his head. "Stubborn man." The remark got a friendly jab to the side from the Surgebinder. "Fine then. Guess facing one's fears is food for oneself."

Soon the two caught up with Tyrion at the Great Hall doors, the guards opening them for the group. The place was completely different from the dinners Jason had enjoyed over the last few months as every table was packed with people. Music, cheerful laughter and chatter filled the hall as the party was in full swing.

Eddard was not at the head table but off to the side talking with the man Jon had been talking to, which Jason deduced was Ned's brother Benjen, First Ranger of the Watch. Already the Surgebinder wondered what the two were chatting over, no doubt the story the deserter Ranger had given, Jon's interest in joining the Watch and Jason's interest searching beyond the Wall. For now, he left them be, deciding he'd try talking with either man later tomorrow.

"Jason! You crazy bastard! Up after dancing with the Hound!" The familiar voice of Graffin spoke out to the Surgebinder. The trio moved towards the guard's table where the man's group of friends sat about over roasted boar and mugs of ale. "I knew you were made of tough stuff, yet to survive the Hound is a rare thing." By then, Graffin noticed Jon and Tyrion, staring a bit at the dwarf. "Hey, you're that Lannister fellow."

"Tyrion at your service." The dwarf introduced with a jesting bow before hopping up onto one bench seat and already getting a plate of meat for himself. "Jason here has been kind enough to invite me along, so I hope you have no issue."

"Heh…never thought I'd be sharing a table with the Imp. Ah hells with it, no issue with it." He'd nod for Jon and Jason to get a seat while his companions got plates cut meat passed over to the pair. "Good to see you with us, Jon."

The Stark nodded, giving a small yet welcoming smile back as he'd cut into his plate of boar. "Thank Jason for bringing me along. Though he'd drag me here back at the yard."

"A little force can be quite convincing." Jason chuckled before Jon gave a short elbow jab to the Surgebinder in annoyance.

"Blunt yet wise words friend!" Graffin laughed out before raising a mug. "Toast then to the Surgebinder! The Demon Eyes who clashed with the Hound!" Everyone raised a mug and leaned in to clack them together, Tyrion having to stand on his bench seat to do so.

Time passed as the group chatted about, Tyrion being the most active as he focused on Jason. The Surgebinder spend a good while sharing his half truthful story, having refined it further after studying more about the world. He'd go on to share the tale about what a Surgebinder on, even casually remarking about the monster-slaying as the ale loosened in his tongue. Despite the fact he could drink the most toxic of potions and endure the deadliest poisons, booze still affected him like everything else.

Strangely though Tyrion seemed more fascinated and curious about Jason's claims of monsters. "Can't remember the last time someone admitted to believing such things with such a dead serious look…while half-drunk" The dwarf chuckled. "Yet you seem like no lying man Jason, even if what you say is outlandish."

"Same could be said about dragons and generation-long seasons." The Surgebinder countered back.

Tyrion paused, thinking some counter-argument. "True…right another mug then!"

As the Lannister refilled his mug, Jason took a sip from his. "So what were you saying about the Wall earlier? Not planning on joining the Watch are you?" The Surgebinder questioned.

"Gods no!" Tyrion laughed out. "I enjoy my role in life, being my family's amusing sideshow while I go off enjoying all the whores and finest drinks I desire…all on my father's gold of course."

"Quite the carefree career you have. I bet many envy your way of life." The Surgebinder chuckled while the dwarf a grandiose wave of his hand.

"Life is short Jason. Too often men are focused on achieving fortune and power, even those with it already. I'm happy with my lot in life and plan to enjoy all the world's pleasures and see its many wonders." He declared to the group.

"So you see the Wall just to…for sightseeing? The Surgebinder questioned.

"It is one of the many wonders of our world yet…" Tyrion paused to think for a moment, tapping his fingers along his mug before a mischievous grin crossed his lips. Standing on his bench seat, he'd suddenly climbed onto the table quite agilely, nearly knocking a few plates and mugs doing so. "I do one amusing idea in mind. I plan to go up to the top, watch the sunset with the best wine I can find…and piss off the edge of it!" The group burst out in laughter at his crazy idea. "Bet that will give the Wildlings pause to near it!"