

At least an hour passed as Jason explained the full story about the attempted assassination on Bran and how Catelyn nearly died defending him. The news of her being hurt troubled Petyr, yet he remained focused as the Surgebinder told the man how she was quickly arriving by boat, possibly reaching the city within the week. When he got into the details of the attack, Littlefinger showed a curious interest at the mention of the Valyrian steel dagger that had been used.

"That weapon. It sounds familiar. Does it have a dragon bone hilt as well?"

Jason had not mentioned that detail yet, drawing a hint of surprise from him. "That is correct yet how…"

"Because it used to be mine." The nobleman calmly explained. "Most houses own grand valyrian swords yet my simple family we had little more than that dagger. It is the finest of its kind yet meant more for appearance then battle."

"So then how did you lose it? Dagger or not a valyrian weapon is a valuable piece."

"Heh, indeed and the tale is a bit embarrassing really. All my life I've taken risks and while I often have the success I also have my failures. A month before the royal family left for the North there was a tourney for Joffrey's name day. It was quite an exciting event as the joust led to a great clash between the Jaime Lannister and the young yet talented Loras Tyrell."

"Let me guess…you betted the weapon?"

"Indeed. I betted the weapon for quite the tidy fortune that Tywin Lannister offered up. I betted on Jaime winning while Lord Tywin betted against him. Despite man's skill, Loras is a master when it comes to the lance yet it was a close match."

For a moment Jason thought over this information, finding some of it odd from his point of view. He had, after all, stayed with Tyrion for months and knew the dwarf well. The man looked up to his brother and deeply understood his father which made it odd for Tywin to suddenly doubt them during a bet. "So you lost the dagger to Tywin. Strange then that it is missing from his ownership."

"Left in the Red Keep leaves it open to being stolen or perhaps he gifted it to someone else," Littlefinger suggested. "Sadly my knowledge of the dagger ends there yet I can suggest some leads. Varys be your best choice to learn of anything odd going about the Keep. Nothing rarely escapes that man's knowledge."

"Guess I'll have to plan a visit with the good Master of Whispers then." Already Jason moved to get out of his seat yet continued to speak. "One other thing. If you get word of Lady Catelyn entering or roaming the city, I'd like it if you escort her here and inform Lord Stark."

"Of course. Overall I wish you the best of luck in your search Surgebinder." He'd stand up, one hand out to shake yet Jason didn't take the offer. He just had a gut feeling, a natural distrust of the man.

"Thank you for your support. Until next time Lord Baelish." With that, he'd leave the study, yet just as he closed the door he swore the man had a sly smirk on his face, yet for what he wasn't sure. He'd retrace his steps through the brothel, getting a few teasing offers as he passed through the sitting room yet ignoring the alluring girls. Leaving out the lobby, he'd only give a short wave to the mistress who said a quick goodbye, before heading out to the main street.

By now the sun was setting low, casting a yellow light across the tan-coloured buildings. He'd make his way back southward towards the main square before the Sept, deciding to head back to the Red Keep. From a distance, he'd get quite the view as the setting sun cast beautiful light across the red stone structure. The walk to the keep was uneventful yet nearing the gates he'd see the guards were speaking with a short curly-haired fellow, who seemed to be arguing with. The man was dressed in a deep green coat and tanned vest along with fine leather pants and boots. At his belt, he had a sheathed thin blade that reminded Jason of Arya's gifted sword, although this one was double in size. The man's overall look reminded him of a duelist, especially with the way he stood, relaxed yet on guard as if to spring forward at a moment's notice.

"I'm sorry sir but we're under orders to not let you in."

"Surely this is a mistake, good sir. King Robert himself said I was free to visit whenever I wished." The man remarked, his voice having a quite foreign accent to it. "Syrio, First Blade of Bravos has long been a friend of the court. Please tell the King of my arrival and surely you will see I am welcomed."

"We can't follow such a demand, sir." The guard started before noticing Jason approaching. "Please sir, we have others waiting for entry. Sir Jason is a very important guest who-"

Hearing the name, the curly-haired man seemed to snap to attention and turned about quickly. "Jason…THE Surgebinder?" He asked curiously. The man had a sharp and inquisitive look in his eyes as he gazed at the Surgebinder.

"Let me guess you've heard of me? Slayer of a dozen Wildlings and challenger of the Hound?" Jason quickly asked.

The man gave a wide grin. "Sharp aren't you. Indeed rumour travels fast. I thought this country would lack any more interesting yet then I hear from you." He'd brush his lightly bearded face, nodding his head. "Yes, you have an experienced look. Yet I wonder how does one like you dance…much less with a sword like that?"

At this point one of the guards interrupted. "Excuse me. We do need to lock the gates for the night."

Jason and Syrio were silent, yet in the end, the Surgebinder spoke up. "Then let us in. I'll take responsibility of Syrio as my guest."

For a moment the guard seemed ready to argue yet he'd sigh and nodded. "Very well sir." He and the guard gave an order as the men behind the gates raised the portcullis for them. The guards escorting Jason and Syrio towards the keep before moving onto the barracks, no doubt to rest the night away.

"Many thanks, friend. It's troubling that this…misunderstanding happened."

"Any idea who tried to keep you out?"

"A few. The bald eunuch perhaps who thinks me a spy from Essos or maybe the golden-haired queen who sees me as troublesome around her husband." The man shrugged. "Maybe the good King did simply forget to warn the guards."

"Heh…perhaps. So is it true you're a guest here?" By now the two were walking through the main hall, heading towards the living quarters for the guests. "You mentioned Bravos which I know is in Essos."

"That be correct. I've come here to see more of the world beyond Free Cities. King's Landing is a more…rough capital for sure yet the Seven Kingdoms have been wondrous to explore. King Robert took notice of me during one of his smaller tourneys when I showed the Water Dance against one of his knights. Ever since I've always been welcomed here at the Red Keep.

"Water Dance?"

"It is the fighting style of my city. It requires speed, grace and balance to master this style of fencing."

"Fencing huh. My master was renowned for his duelling skill and taught me everything there was to his style."

"Oh? Very interesting." Syrio saw the familiar look in the man's eyes, the exciting look of a challenge. "Perhaps a sparring match one day yes?"

The Surgebinder nodded. "Perhaps. Have a lot of work to do."

"Whenever you feel free Jason. A wise warrior never rushes into a fight he doesn't seek." The man chuckled before he'd move aside down one hallway. "Until next time!"

Watching the man stroll off down the dimly lit corridor, Jason tensed as his sharp ears heard someone shifting behind in from another hallway. By reflex, one hand shifted to the sword on his back, yet a soft voice had him stop.

"Relax Surgebinder. I'm not some assassin if that is what worries you." The smooth voice of Varys reassured as the chubby spymaster slipped out of the shadows. Jason had to admit the man was very sneaky despite his appearance. It made sense why he had the nickname the Spider.

"Habit. Blame it on a bad experience." Jason muttered back.

"Interested. You'll have to share the details on that matter."


The blunt answer didn't make the spymaster's smile falter as he'd step more into the light. "You've been quite busy today. I know you spent plenty of time exploring our fair city yet did pay quite the visit to one of Littlefinger's…establishments."

"Personal business."

"Pleasure or…"

"Personal," Jason repeated a more cold annoyed tone to his voice.

"Touchy now. No need to be defensive Surgebinder, I know you were there seeking Lord Baelish help. He is a resourceful man, yet not one you should be quick to trust." Varys said with a small sigh.

"And I'm to believe you're more trusting?"

"Simply yes. My interests are far less self-serving then Petyr. I care simply of the stability of Kingdoms and the wellbeing of the people."

Jason was silent for a moment. "You'll have to excuse me if I'm doubtful on that claim. I've met a dozen men who've said the same thing."