
Supreme Sin Emperor

******* Discord: https://discord.com/invite/MXzXh7AW ******* In a world where magic and several fantasy races existed, a boy goes into hiding in a forbidden land but finds something he could never have imagined. He comes out reborn and with a new identity and sets out on a journey to conquer the world. Along the way, he faces numerous challenges and battles, as well as other factions. But fuelled by the knowledge and power gained from the forbidden ground, the young man soon becomes a force to be reckoned with. He gains allies of different races and starts to uncover the secrets of the universe. As he becomes more powerful more questions pop up. How did he come to be? Who gave him his powers? What price shall he pay for what he has gained? Follow Rene as he dives into the world to find out who ly is while conquering worlds and doing as pleasesase with his brain and brawn. ******* All constructive criticisms are welcome, and I will try my best to read them it. ******* Please note that there are several dark scenes in the novel including and not limited to rape, gore etc so read at your own risk. ******* Note the picture is not mine if the owner wants me to take it down message me.

Golden_Wolf_ · ファンタジー
116 Chs

Prologue II

Rex thought about all the decisions that led to him getting attacked. Honestly something didn't feel right about the attack.

He had purposely chosen a different route from what they first planned before changing it to another at the last minute making sure they couldn't be ambushed.

He knew nobody would be able to move the amount of manpower needed to ambush all the routes without raising eyebrows.

Although he was thinking about where he went wrong Rex still didn't stop running.

Suddenly Luna began to growl as she looked over his shoulder.

Rex didn't need to look back to know that the enemy had defeated his guards and were coming after him.

He already realized that a traitor was among his guards but he didn't know who to suspect.

Rex peeped over his shoulder to realize that the enemies were catching up. He put every bit of mana he had to enhance his speed.

In the past few hours he had managed to get away from them with the help of his mana replenishing pills but even that was about to run out.

'damn this bastards just don't give up!' he thought as he gasped for air.

As he was about to turn a corner he caught a glimpse of one of the cloaked men so he instantly changed his direction.

Three of the cloaked men paused before stretching out their hands and stomping on the ground while making an over exaggerated raising hand gesture causing a giant wall to rise in front of Rex.

Upon seeing this, Rex planned to jump over by adding more wind mana to his legs and increasing his speed when suddenly a wall of flame rose above the wall.

Rex knew he couldn't over come both of them so he took a sharp turn by digging his spear into the ground and swinging towards the only direction that had no enemies.

'shit I have to lose this bastards some how' he started thinking of possible ways to lose his enemies but couldn't come up with any.

This was the first time he visited this part of the world and bring out a map to inspect was asking to be caught.

He thought of backtracking but that was off the options, with the possibility of enemies besides given the amount of turns they had taken he didn't think he could backtrack from here even if he was left alone.

"Awoo" The black winged wolf on his shoulder sounded while gazing upward.

He looked towards the place Luna looked only to realize that the darknar forest was giving way to a mountain range.

'well ain't I unlucky' he thought as he looked at the mountain 'I have been changing direction since so I can lose them and make sure I'm heading back outside this damn forest'.

He looked back and tried to find a way to turn around and go the other way because nobody made it out alive after stepping into the Primus region also nicknamed the valley of death. Unfortunately luck didn't seem to be on his side.

"he is cornered, just box him in" one of the cloaked men said.

'Damn I felt I got away to easily, turns out this bastards are just trying to lure me into a trap' Rex thought before turning his head to make a last ditch effort while still running. "Hey, let make a deal I will give you double of what you were payed to kill me"

"Stop dreaming kid, your entire merchant group has been slaughtered and all your property is already ours what else do you have to give us" one of the cloaked men replied.

"This motherfuckers",' I guess I have no other options' Rex thought as he ran right into the valley while shouting "YOU BASTARDS IF I MAKE IT OUT OF HERE I AM COMING FOR YOU!!!"

"STOP!" The leader of the group shouted to his group after making sure Rex entered the valley.

"There is no way that kid is surviving that", one of the cloaked men laughed before they all turned back and returned.


The Primus region which consist of the Primus forest, Primus valley and the Primus mountain range is one of, if not the most deadly death zones in the world, was located in the chaotic lands.

As it is said in this world that 'the more dangerous a place was the more benefits can be reaped', this is not the case for death zones as they are termed.

This zone sometimes contain incurable diseases which are airborne or even space cracks that could appear randomly and teleport you to random places like the lair of a dragon, into a wall, into the void or even the depth of the ocean etc.

They also always contain dangerous and powerful beasts.

We move to Rex who was huffing crazily as he ran for his life within the Primus mountain range.

Two vipers chased after him with bloodshot eyes in a zigzag manner.

In his mind, he was cursing himself 'Why did I have to encounter two vipers at Rank 2?!'

He didn't even try to fight as his body was only running on grace, besides he didn't think he stood a chance against them at his peak.

The only reason he was even able to escape from them is because he was attuned to both air and fire element and due to his weak body he specialized in the usage of spear so he could fight in close combat while keeping his distance.

Although he would have loved to become a mage it wasn't possible as he had a low affinity in both elements.

His other speciality was running away, as he wasn't good at fighting the next option was running which he mastered to perfection.

Suddenly, as Rex was running, he heard a loud roar. It was a roar that scared him, freezing him on the spot before he immediately picked up speed again.

Instinctively, he knew that this was the roar of a Tiger!

'Oh shit! I can't escape from such a Beast! If only I had more Mana, I would be able to escape'.

"awooo" the wolf on his shoulder howled out towards the direction were the roar sounded from.

"Fuck, do you want us dead, I swear on my soul if that tiger comes after us I will personally feed you to it", Rex whispered to the wolf while holding the mouth shut.

Suddenly, he remembered the two threats who chased after him. He turned around and almost breathed in relief as he found those two vipers nowhere.

It appeared that this roar didn't just startle him, but it had also scared off those vipers.

"Well, this is one good thing, at least."

Soon , he felt a drop of water hitting his head. Rex raised his head with a frown and observed the clouds.

The dark clouds had covered the entire Sky.

"Just great… Now comes the rain." He grumbled unhappily and jogged towards his east.

He left the tiger's territory and found a safe place to rest until he could recover his mana and then return to his city.

As he was jogging, he soon found a dark cave.

A cheerful look appeared on Rex's face as he muttered, "Great. I even found a cave. Let's hope this is not the residence of some beast. If it is… That would be tragic."

Rex cautiously approached the cave while picking up two stones.

He also looked at his surroundings and was soon familiar with them. Without any hesitation, he threw the first stone in the cave.

Rex heard the stone strike the walls of the cave.

Soon enough. Rex was nowhere to be seen. Currently, he was hiding behind a tree while using a skill to conceal his aura.

He didn't feel any presence from that cave. But still, from that same spot, he threw another stone. The stone hits the outer walls this time. And Rex continued to conceal his aura with a unique technique.

After waiting for 5-10 minutes, Rex concluded that the cave should be safe. If a beast did reside in this cave, it was probably in a deep sleep.

As long as he was careful, he shouldn't wake it up and would have a chance to escape.

Taking one more look at the dark cave from outside, Rex mustered up whatever bits of courage he had and entered the cave.

As Rex continued to walk, he had an eerie feeling. His instincts were screaming at him to run away…

However, his curiosity forced him to dive even deeper and investigate exactly what it was

'Have I found some inheritance ground of one of those experts?'

This question appeared in Rex's mind as he had read in some books that a few experts left behind their inheritances before they were about to die.

Soon enough, he did reach an empty room and as soon as he stepped into the cave he was swept away by a space crack.

Soon the feeling of discomfort washed all over his body before disappearing as fast as it appeared, he felt that he had arrived at the location because his senses told him that this was a spot with the densest mana he had ever felt.

He raised his hand and used mana to cast a small fire ball spell. An orange light started shinning on top of Rex's palm, and Rex moved ahead while its light spread to the surrounding only for him to realize that he was in a throne room.

The palace was unexpectedly clean even though Rex was sure that the palace was devoid of any presence.

But still, if this was an inheritance ground, it didn't fit the description from the books he had read.

He walked even further. Soon enough, the orange light fell upon some drawings on the walls. It only took him a while to realize that they were runes. They were very unfamiliar to Rex, though. Rene kept moving towards the direction he believed the throne would be and sure enough it was there.

The throne was quite tall. Rex had to go near it and raise the orange fireball to see it fully.

Soon enough, the entire throne was in his view. And as soon as he saw the whole throne, Rex's expression changed from curiosity to dread. This was because he noticed that on the throne sat a large skeleton.

Moreover, as he looked closely, this large skeleton was at least 2x his size and wore a luxurious clothes with a ring on his left finger and a spear stabbed on the ground next to it.

Rex knew what it was. This was an undead lich which was at the 5th rank at the least.

He immediately turned and ran towards the direction from which he appeared.

However, before he could take 3 steps, he felt a sudden burst of mana from the skeleton.

This sudden burst of mana froze him in his tracks. He wanted to run… He tried to scream… But Rex felt as if his body wasn't in his control.

Rex questioned "W-Who are you?"


A cold voice resounded in the throne room and with that Rex soul was dragged from his body.


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