
Supreme Primordial God

AN: first time writing, and english isnt my first language, and i m not using translator so any wrong words please tell me. As you see i am bad at intro. first world should be Naruto. and i dont own nothing: anime, manga or character , well just my OC

Saintz · アニメ·コミックス
66 Chs

Chapter 23

Ryu: [Want to eat something before we see about your training?] Kakashi hearing this just nodded as response.

They had lunch on Ryu's restaurant, talked about what their life goals and his training while walking towards Sakumo's office on the police department.

Kakashi: [Hey, dad. Why didn't you tell me that nii-san would be my sensei?] said as he walk in his father's office.

Sakumo: [Hahaha, because it was a surprise, and even if he trains you, you will still have to enter a team, we agree to train you till 10, and after that you will enter a good team. We can't have a solo shinobi.] said grinning while petting his son's head.

Sakumo: [What area you will train him? I know you are good in all areas.]

Ryu: [You can train him in your clan kenjutsu, in taijutsu you could let him be trained by Might Duy and it would be good for him, because Guy is about his age and would be a good friendship and rivalry, I can help him with Ninjutsu.] Sakumo nodded.



Train Kakashi for 5 years.

Rewards: 50.000 Sp, Wolf summon scroll}

"Wolf summons? I don't need it, Tsunade have slug, Mikoto can use Crow, I will give it to Kushina."

Thought Ryu.

Saphire: "You have me and Kurumi to summon, I don't think you need puppies."

Kurumi: "You should take some missions and summon me; I want to fight too. I have been caged for too long that I might forget how to fight."

Even with Kurumi and Saphire talking to him in his mind, Ryu didn't lose focus on outside.

Sakumo: [Good, it is settled than.]

Ryu: [Kakashi you can keep on calling me nii-san, for outside people I am Ookami as we talked before no need to call me sensei.]

Kakashi: [Hn] nodding

Ryu: [I will go to the Hospital, Tsunade might need my help]

Sakumo: [OH? Already spoiling your fiancée?] smirking.

Ryu: [I have so much work, it is a good think that Shadow clones exist.] not minding his older friend teasing.

Sakumo: [Yes, perfect for paper work.] nodded with a smile.

-Konoha hospital-

Tsunade: [*haa* it is a good day, no serious case or injuries today, no rush] stretching her arms on her chair.

Nurse: [Today we really had a calm morning.] Tsunade nodded at her.

[C-can I ask you something, Tsunade-sama?] was a little embarrassed to ask.

Tsunade: [sure, go ahead.]

Nurse: [Y-yesterday, that young man who come to take lady Tsunade, Was he your B-Boyfriend?] blushing.

Tsunade blushed a little and just nodded at her question.

Nurse: [All nurses were talking about him; milady sure knows how to choose.] still blushing.

Tsunade: [L-let's stop here, we should go and eat something.] trying to change subject.

Doctor: [Tsunade-sama, Y-your boyfriend come to see you. Can I let him in?] a female doctor entered to notify her about her new guest

Tsunade: [Let him in] while arranging her clothes.

Doctor: [You can enter.] said as she opened the office door.

Ryu: [Thank you.] moved towards Tsunade, as he come near her, Ryu put his arms on her waist and kissed her in front of her nurse and the doctor.

Ryu: [You already eat something.]

Tsunade: [N-noo I was about to go out.] blushing even more when she noticed that there were people on the room.

Ryu: [Good, I made food for you, and bring some drinks, let's get out and eat outside.] Tsunade was too embarrassed to answer that she just nodded. Ryu took her to recuperation park area on the

Hospital's back.

As they were eating and talking, slowly but surely the park where they were become crowed, dozens of nurses and doctors come to eat near them. Tsunade just shook her head and smile slightly at

Ryu's direction.

Finishing their small picnic, Tsunade took Ryu and lead him towards her personal library, he just made his clones study and make an advanced medical book. He also gave one Bloodline potion for her, she increased her chakra reserve, awakened Mokuton.

They talked about not letting her affinity with wood get out or her beloved village would do anything to make her a breeding machine. Alice also report a bonus effect from her bloodline purity being increased, she increased her longevity and gained higher affinity with senjutsu and sage body.

-1 week later, Uzumaki compound-

In a clearing on the compound training ground, there was two people preparing for their training schedule.

Ryu: [Kakashi I will train you in chakra control, after mastering, we will train your main nature, like your father I guess you should have lightning. An excellent element for fast movement and attacks.]

Kakashi: [but I already trained with father in leaf exercise, and tree walking for chakra control.] frowning slightly.

Ryu: [That's good, but my tree walking is different, you will start controlling your chakra on your feet while keeping a leaf rotating on your left and right hands rotating into different directions, while you also run from a kunai barrage from me.] said with a evil smirk. Kakashi becomes pale.

Ryu: [After you master it, you will go to water walking than waterfall walking with the same set up as tree walking, good right?] said with and fire burning in his eyes.

Kakashi just resign to his tragic fate with his new teacher.

-1 Year later-

Kakashi become Chuunin with 6 years. Ookami and Tsunade Senju marriage occurred 3 months after regaining alliance with Uzugakure, Mito asked for their marriage to be on Uzu. Daimyo and his wife alongside with Arashi, Hiruzen, Sakumo, and his family, all Uzumaki and other friends were present for the ceremony.

It was a grand ceremony, Tsunade was wearing a white ceremonial traditional kimono with golden flowers design. Her blond hair braid was carefully combed and arranged with a red flower. Ryu was also wearing a ceremonial kimono with black and white details, his long hair was freely flowing behind him, making him even more charming.

After a long feast, Ryu and Tsunade's night just began.

(18+ Warning. If you don't want to read skip it.)


(AN: he is using his adult form.)

Ryu took Tsunade on princess carry and headed towards their main room.

He looked at her beautiful face that become more alluring with her red lipstick. He pressed her down against the soft bed as he gently kissed her.

[Nghhh] Tsunade moaned after Ryu pressing her body, she reciprocated to his kisses while wrapping her hands around his neck. Gently inserting his tongue into her mouth, her body trembled slightly, and received his tongue happily. Their tongues swirled together, greedily sucking each other's lips, feeling pleasure from the exchange.

As they keep their tongues intertwined without stopping, Ryu didn't stop kneading her big breasts trough her thin clothing. Clothes were stripped away from their bodies, Ryu become dazed when he saw her curved naked body, and her erected nipples. [Ryu ….] she said shyly as her eyes were filled with love and lust. She wanted to become one with her lover.

Ryu gripped her breast as he sucked her nipple. [Aahhnnn, Ryu], her body shivered at this sensation and moaned in pleasure. Hearing this Ryu's little brother become even more hard. His free hand slowly slid his finger towards her garden, it was already soaking wet.

Breaking free from her breast, Ryu looked at her grinning, [My hime, Are you already this wet?], while showing his fingers.

Tsunade's face was red from embarrassment but still with lust, and without warning she sucked his dripping fingers. [You should take responsibility for this.] with a seductive voice.

With excitement and lust Ryu's kisses slid down from her breasts all the way towards her entrance, she closed her eyes in pleasure. His fingers swirled around her clit, while he rubbed his tongue towards her dripping garden. Because of pleasure she pushed his head deeper towards her p*ssy.

She become even more wetter. [Ryu …. , I-I am cumming, ahhhh].

Because of his primordial god body and natural aura, the desire and pleasure she felt would be increased several folds. Even after she came, Ryu didn't give her enough time and was already teasing her, she was still squirming from her orgasm. [S-stop teasing me, I w-want it].

Ryu positioned himself and slowly entered into her soaking hole, both moaning in pleasure. Tsunade didn't feel much pain, all she felt was something hard and thick entering and filling her. If she was to describe this it should be, ultimate pleasure.

After half an hour…

[Ahn! Ahn! Harder, Harder! …. I am cumming.] Tsunade was kneeling on all four as Ryu held onto her back and keep pounding her from behind. She already had several orgasms. [Hime I am going to cum … ], [Inside me … Ahn].

Ryu keep pounding her and slapping her sensitive buttock, her eyes turned white from ecstasy. He could feel her wall clenching him, causing him to spasm and spurted everything inside her. Both off them collapsed beside each other painting heavily. Ryu lovingly caressed Tsunade's face.

Tsunade turn towards him with her nipples still erect, she smiled mischievously and caresses his hard and wet c*ck. [Let's go, second round.] smiling at her seeing that she was stroking his little brother.

They keep on going till Tsunade even with her high vitality couldn't keep up.

-Flashback End-

-2 Year-

There wasn't anything major occurring, Ryu keep enjoying dating Mikoto and Kushina, he advanced his relationship with Sayuri. His chakra control training with Kakashi finished, he trained him in nature transformation, he also helped him creating Chidori. Because of his adaptable body he didn't have any problem with the tunnel vision that is created from Chidori's use, his eyesight improved, so he doesn't need Sharingan to perfect his jutsu.

His father trained him in kenjutsu, and his mother even if she doesn't want to be an active kunoichi she still adept into Inuzuka clan tracking, and started training him.

-3 Year-

Ryu finally removed his second limiter and awakened his Rinnegan, his eyes becoming ringed with metallic purple color like Nagato's Rinnegan. His Breathing style also upgraded to Grandmaster level.

His Chakra increased in quantity and quality after removing the limiter, and gained perfect chakra control.

The Rinnegan is able to see chakra and its flow within the body, as well as invisible barriers, a normal Rinnegan cannot see through obstructions such as smoke bombs, but because of Ryu's lineage he didn't have such flaw. Possession of the Rinnegan allows one to easily master any jutsu as well as all five basic nature transformations, he already used any element this didn't change for him.

One who wields the Rinnegan can utilise six abilities collectively known as the Six Paths Technique: controlling attractive and repulsive forces with the Deva Path; mechanically altering one's body with the Asura Path; extracting souls through the Human Path; summoning various creatures through the Animal Path; absorbing chakra through the Preta Path; and access to the King of Hell through the Naraka Path. A seventh ability, called the Outer Path, is said to allow the user to preside over life and death, granting them the ability to revive the dead.

The Outer Path also allows the user to transmit their chakra into black receivers, manifest chakra chains to bind the tailed beasts, with this Nagato created the Six Paths of Pain: six bodies controlled through the use of black receivers, which can each utilize one aspect of the Six Paths Technique. The Rinnegan grants the user a shared field of vision with their Six Paths of Pain, the creatures summoned through the Animal Path, and the King of Hell, all of which possess copies of the

Rinnegan in their own eyes.

He also received creation of all things, the process used is to have initially involved the administration of imagination, and the spiritual energy which forms the basis of Yin chakra to create physical forms from nothingness. Then, through the application of vitality, and the physical energy which forms the basis of Yang chakra, he would breathe life into the resulting creations.

He also gained Limbo, create corporeal shadows in the world of limbo like Madara; and Amenotejikara allows him to shift spaces within a certain range of himself like Sasuke's Rinnegan.

On these 3 years he never forgot to use his clones to train new Ninjutsu, or keep mastering his Mangekyo, Mikoto and Kushina officially become Jounin. Even with Kushina now in Sannin level and Mikoto is Elite Jounin level. Minato also become Jounin like the girls with 16 years.

Kakashi still chuunin, his father is looking for a team for him to enter, Ryu asked to try putting him on Minato's team after he complete his training with them, he would enter Obito and Rin's team.



Name: Ryuji Senju Uchiha

Race: Primordial God

Age: 15 years

Titles: Primordial God, Absolute Prodigy, Shinobi, Junchuuriki, Chef, Hero

Elemental affinity: ALL, including concepts and laws


Immortality (Passive) (Level: Primordial God)

Extreme regeneration (Health, Stamina and Energy) (Passive) (Level: Primordial God)

Extreme Comprehension (Passive) (Level: Primordial God)

Swordsmanship (Active/Passive) (Level: Grandmaster)

Breath of the Void (Active/Passive) (Level: Grandmaster)

Medicine (Active/Passive) (Level: Master)

Cooking (Active/Passive) (Level: Master)

Driving (Active/Passive) (Level: Advanced)

Singing, playing and dancing (Active/Passive) (Level: Advanced)

Mangekyo Sharingan: All Abilities.

Shinobi Arts:

Chakra level: 5 Tails + 9 Tails (Kurumi)

Chakra control: 100%

Kenjutsu level: Super Kage

Taijutsu level: Super Kage

Ninjutsu level: low God

Genjutsu level: Super Kage

Fuuinjutsu level: 12 Grandmaster

SP: 467.000 points

(AN: This Super Kage level is Hashirama and Madara's level, and God level is like Hagoromo's.)

The levels should be Academy student, Genin, Chuunin, Special Jounin, Jounin, Anbu, Elite Jounin/ Anbu Captain, Sannin, Kage, Super Kage/Shinobi no kami, Kami.

All divisions with low, mid, high. This God level is just for Naruto world, god level in Dragon ball for example is far higher than Naruto's world.

First Lemon, i hope it was good enough.

Dont wait for me to make it everytime, i will just make one for each girl.

If you see any error, comment it.

I hope you enjoy the reading.

Saintzcreators' thoughts