
Supreme Preeminent Sovereign


42 Chs

Overwhelming Performance


This is the first word that came out of Kent's mouth after discerning the familiar appearance of the super speed creatures moving from branches to branches.

'For them to be able to move in such speed and maneuver, amazing'!

Instead of worry, Kent is more like amazed, observing the actions the beast is displaying.

The dozen or so monkeys maneuver themselves moving from branches to branches, moving in fast speed trying to find an opening on Kent's guard while surrounding and cutting his escape route.

'Just as expected from monkey type creatures, these beasts didn't just rely on their instinctive feeling, they're moving and performing in a coordinate action where they'll make sure that their prey couldn't escape.'

Kent praised, observing such actions the group of monkeys did, he is happily observing them with eyes that seemed to shine in deep curiosity.

Kent behaved like a kid who found an interesting new toy, giving by its parents.

Then as if they're seen an opening, eight monkeys surrounding Kent in all sides baring their fangs releasing a green glow pounced.

The speed and maneuver they've displayed is commendable, anyone in the S Tier rank would sure to have a hard to escaping their grasp.

Moreover, that strange green glow that seemed to resemble the savage bunnies' enhancement, yet at the same time different; gave off a threatening feeling.

Unfortunately, for these creatures, Kent isn't some simple S Tier individual, what's more that need to consider is that Kent's overall normal state prowess surpassed that of an S Tier level.

The addition of two titles, skills, techniques, and battle sense reached or even surpassed that of an SS Tier prowess.

The eight beast jump in all sides cornering him.

Kent unsheathes his sword, this time unsheathing two.

Earlier, before entering the dimensional gate, he only carried a kitchen knife. Unknowingly, Kent pull-out swords from a subspace, a passive ability he studied and created from the combined power of two traits.

The Domain Emperor's, gravity manipulation and Seven Terror Sins three abilities combined, Terror of Pride [Defensive Barrier Type], Terror of Gluttony [Devouring Type], Terror of Envy [Analysis Recreation Type]; resulted to the creation of an artificial subspace inside him where he could store anything, whether those are food or items.

Worrying about food rotting inside the subspace is also a fix, as time inside seemed to have to stop. Kent could stock anything as large as a two-store house, as long as such thing didn't possess any life force.

Unsheathing the two swords, Kent motioned for a dual blade formation, time seemed to have slow down as black crimson lightning slowly coated the two swords.

Mystic Trinity Dual Sword Art, First Form, Turbulent True Darkness.

Strong destructive force we're release, causing the very air itself to vibrate. The black crimson lightning of three different QI elements marvelously danced around the sword.

The bright blue sky turned dark, the deemed shadows of the areas blocked by the light turned crimson, and around Kent the very air itself shook as the combination dark crimson lightning coiled around him, taking a shape of a dragon.

Kent extended his hand, his bright eyes turned cold, motioning for an attack.

The monkeys watching the scene and the eight who attack him had their instincts ringing in despairing alarm, advising them to escape as fast as possible.

Time seemed to have stopped, the sky opened itself, an overwhelming pressure descended.


Followed by the loud sound of exploding thunder, a wonderful flashy show where numerous lightning strikes descended; each one of this lightning strikes heading straight to Kent's swords.

Kent moved, rotating himself in a circle, as the two swords moved in a circular arc motion, cutting down the eight beast monkeys before they could've even realized.

Their bodies disintegrated, as a terrifying destructive particle swarmed like mucus, devouring their bodies into nothingness.

This didn't stop there, as Kent's circular arc motion sent a destructive dark crimson lightning, annihilating everything it passed through.

Swoosh…! Boom! Boom! Boom!

What followed was the sound of the wind getting cut through, accompanied by the continuous explosive sound of numerous ancient tree's being brought down.

The two aura wave, that been released, carried a terrifying destructive force destroying then annihilating everything in its path.

From the eight monkeys that died, the other monkeys nearby and those that a far we're also killed.

Those that survived has yet to react.

Unfortunately, for them, Kent didn't intend to let them go.

Kent let out another circular arc motion, releasing the same destructive force and power, aiming at killing the remaining beast resulting to the destruction of the whole forest.

Boom! Boom! Boom.

The sound of massive tree's falling down, the smell and presence of flames spreading around, then the aroma of burnt corpse's spreading around.

Everything happened in no less than a single second.

Two beast lucky survived, but in truth Kent purposely let them go, aiming to turn them into guinea pigs.

The two who survived looked at Kent in horror, his display of prowess is enough to make the poor beast despair.

The two couldn't even muster a strength to escape, as their bodies denied their thoughts.

"It's been a long time since I feel this refreshed, letting out some steam now and then really is a must."

Kent spoke in a nonchalant manner, stretching his muscles, behaving like he didn't cause the devastated scene destruction around him.

"The trial stage didn't end, I need to kill them?"

Hm! mm….

Kent slowly walk close beside the two beast, the two uncontrollably shake in horror, gazing at Kent like his some kind of predator.

Kent sent a slight chop to their neck, made them lost conscious, falling to the ground a sleep.

Then a second later, the same prompt show up questioning, if he wanted to go on or stop.

[First Trial Scenario] E Tier Stage Quest Complete.

[Would you like to continue?] [Y/N]

Choosing [Y] would mean for the trial to continue. The trial taker would then reach the second stage of the trial.

Choosing [N] would mean for the trial to stop. The trial taker would then receive the equivalent rewards from the previous trial stage, rewards is dependent on the trial takers actions during the trial stage.

Special Note – Choosing [N] would mean for the trial stage to be reset back to the first stage.

One's the trial taker decided to select [N] trial taker will be thrown out of the trial ground's.

However, the spatial note of the trial ground wouldn't disappear, the trial taker could now enter the trial wherever he wants.

[Would you like to continue?] [Y/N]

This time, Kent didn't bother himself onto the prompt. His focus is drawn to the two asleep beast. Just like before, Kent used his Terror of Envy [Analysis Recreation Type]

Kent spent a bit of time studying the beast, he dissected one of the beasts searching for something like a core or any organ that functions as an energy conductor. On the other hand, he forced the second beast to use the pure energy particles.

To his experiments, Kent concluded that the beast can use the strange mystical pure energy particles lie breathing.

He also found a core like thing a size of a tiny marble, releasing the pure energy particles. However, compare to the energy core, martial artist and mage's held this energy core that gather energy through absorbing the surrounding energy around this core seemed to absorb energy for something that didn't exist.

This discovery dumbfounded Kent for such a logic to exist, it seemed like logic is nothing but a laughable word to this discovery. Unable to continue his study hitting a wall that cannot be broken, Kent couldn't sigh.

He wanted to curse but held himself, for someone love studying the unknown things, trying to discern see through the truth of existence, cursing the analysis result is an insult to himself.

Kent stood up, preparing for another trial stage.

Most of the lost energy he had spent due to his flashy display of attacks, wanting to immediately end the trial for him to quickly gain a test subject out of his own selfishness desire; we're mostly replenished.

[Would you like to continue?] [Y/N]

Kent decided to continue, hoping that each time the beast in the trial stage's grow stronger, the closer he'll get to the truth and answers he desires.

Kent continued spending more time inside the dimensional inheritance ground.

The first beast is called {Tempest Horn Bunny} while the second we're called {Tempest Jester Monkeys}

[First Trial Scenario] D Tier Stage Quest Complete. {Tempest Flash Falcon}

[First Trial Scenario] C Tier Stage Quest Complete. {Tempest Star Wolves}

[First Trial Scenario] B Tier Stage Quest Complete. {Tempest Shadow Panther}

[First Trial Scenario] A Tier Stage Quest Complete. {Tempest Venomous Serpent}

Kent continued his way clearing up trial stage's one after another, most of the beast that we're presented didn't even give him much problem except when he reached the B Tier stage and A Tier Stage.