
Supreme Overlord System (Re-Write)

Ren Yagami a 27 year old [otaku], died due to a newly discovered deadly virus outbreak. one of God's Pillars will ask him to do a task which will lead him to the top of the World. *Also the cover is not mine if the original owner wants me to remove it please let me know.* •Wish Fulfillment• •Most likely I will mess up the original story a bit here and there, so please understand if it doesn't make sense or isn't like in 'canon'.• =================^================= [warning!] [This novel is a translation from Indonesian to English (Well.. I edited it and included my ideas in this book, because otherwise the results would be messy.) This novel has content (18+) and I also wrote this FanFic according to my own wishes, so the name, place, etc. what's here is my own bullshit please don't take it seriously.] =================^================= because this is going to be a Mega Harem where the MC wants every (Waifu) he dreams of, so I hope you guys don't take it seriously when there's so much bul*sh*t here. ==================^================= [I don't have any characters other than OC, so forgive me if I don't perfectly imitate every character trait in this FF] ==================^================= • I like to write Fanfic with OP MC, I write to my heart's content, I don't want to bother if I can make it easy (Even though it doesn't make sense). So if you like the OP character and are just looking for the 'Lemon', then read this Fanfic. Don't expect too much about anything, because I write it to my heart's content, so turn off your brain when reading my Fanfic and use your 'D'.• - LewdSenPai ==================^==================

LewdSenPai · アニメ·コミックス
89 Chs

[Ren Yagami] (1/2)

~New systems and adventures~

Ren woke up in a pitch black void as far as the eye could see and then heard a female voice inside his head

[System merging--successful

Installed all system features-- Successfully

Installed the buff on the system -- Successfully

Scans the whole system function-- Successfully

Greetings Ren system has merged with you now. ]

Ren smiled as he saw the transparent blue screen in front of him.

"Aoi. That's your name from now on" Ren said.

[Thanks Ren♡, because you have completed the hidden quest you got the supreme prize package. And also Aoi has a starter package for you, do you want to open it now?]

"open all the presents!"

In high spirits Ren saw a blue screen slowly showing the prize he got.

[Unlocked all packages-

Congratulations ren you got from the supreme package

- Supreme void god bloodline (EX)

- Body perfecting pill (EX)

- Skill free coupon (EX)

- Gravity training room can reach 1 million times gravity (EX)

- Weapon creator (EX)

- Void assimilation technique (EX)

1B shop points, because the buff system points are multiplied 10x to 10B

Open starter package--

- Senju bloodline (S)

- Shinigami bloodline (S)

- Gura-gura no mi devil fruit (A)

- Training suit weighing 1000 kg (A)

- 50% discount on tickets in store

100M shop points due to buff from system points multiplied 10x to 1B]

Looking at the list on the screen ren jumps and laughs happily

"Hahaha that's great.. Aoi did all the buffs work?" Ren asked.

[Ren don't need to worry all the buff systems are running very smoothly]

When Ren made Aoi with supreme Ai, he added many features to Aoi, one of which is 10x shop points: multiplying 10x the points you get from activities.

"Aoi show me all the system buffs"

[Okay Ren,

1. 10x shop points : multiply 10x the points obtained from activities

2. Ageless : making the host and the female host not age beyond the age of 25.

3. Training gain 1:1000 : make the host and members in the group gain 1000x faster results without reciprocal fatigue.

4. Affection : make the female host have an attraction number status, if the number reaches 100 the woman's feelings cannot decrease or betray the host.

5. Freezing time dimensional inventory : makes the system storage unlimited and does not rot over time. ]

Ren was satisfied with the work of his system.

"heheh very good then Aoi now what will I do?"

[You have 2 choices Ren.

1. Create a new body with Aoi's help before being transported to another world or

2. Go directly to another world with the body that was created there.Aoi suggested that Ren should make his own body because it will be more effective in the future for growth.]

"hmmm... Fine please help me form a new body"

[Understood Ren~]

The blue screen shows the way and application on ren to achieve what he wants.

After some time passed ren finally finished creating a new body, this can be described as similar to Ushui Takumi but has black hair and blue pupils.

[After this Aoi advises the host to use the supreme void god bloodline and body refinement pills.]

"why?" he asked confused.

[Because it's easier to apply when the body doesn't yet have a spirit and for descriptions

- Supreme void god bloodline : the strongest bloodline in all dimensions of the universe that gave birth to other bloodlines, it is said that even a god cannot absorb this bloodline carelessly.

- Advantages :

1. Possesses all laws and elements including chaos, karma, dimension, time, destruction, and creator with the highest affanity.

2. The owner of the bloodline can absorb any form of energy to an unlimited capacity.

3. The owner of the bloodline can accommodate all kinds of bloodline without restrictions and strengthen the bloodline.

- Disadvantages :

1. Without a void god body anyone would die if fused with this bloodline.

2. Progress in cultivation arts is 10x slower without void assimilation]

"Wow.. This is really strong, from what I've read I don't have a void god body. Where can we get this body?"

[Ren doesn't have to worry because Ren has a body refinement (EX) tier pill]

"what does that have to do with it?" Ask Ren curious.

[Body refinement pill (EX) : can evolve the body according to one's bloodline and make every part of the body including veins, acupoints or meridians reshape to match one's bloodline.]

"I understand now.. Then let's do the process now Aoi. And please use the remaining two bloodlines as well."

[Sure Ren,

Using blood line supreme void god-- process is successful

Using body perfecting pills-- process is successful

Using senju and shinigami bloodlines-- process is successful

Process complete. Congratulations Ren you get 5 new skills

1. Perfect element control (passive)

2. Perfect reiatsu control (passive)

3. Perfect chakra control (passive)

4. Perfect senjutsu control (passive)

5. Extrime energy absorbtion (passive) ].

Seeing this Ren smiled happily before asking

"Aoi what is extreme energy absorption?"

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