
Supreme Monarch

After being reincarnated in a world called Neron, and destined to be an Average Joe, a common D-Rank Adventurer. Tyler quickly learns the cruelty of life, after being used as a pawn in a selfish and ruthless war, he ended up being captured by the very thing he was fighting against, demons, without any hesitation he was bombarded along with the demons. Caught in the destruction of the demon king, he was unable to save himself and fell to his death. Fate, however, had other ideas, it wasn't done with him yet. After being reawakened in a new era, in the center of the demon territory, he finds himself caught in a rapidly growing and dangerous situation. Swept in his newfound strength, and caught in the greed of his formal self. What will he do next? Will he return to the people who used and betrayed him, will join the enemy against the human race, or will he forge a new path as the one above all. The Suoreme Monarch. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support the Author. PayPal: animetagz@gmail.com Join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/QGQJm6XHCf Read other works on, Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Animetagz You can also follow me on Instagram: @Animetagz.

AnimeTagz · ファンタジー
461 Chs

C45. Magic Library (II)

*Knock... Knock... Knock...

Tyler's attention was jolted awake, his thoughts returned to normal as he stared at the door that lead to the hallway. For a second there he had thought the knock came from within the library and almost lost it. 'That would have been scary...' He wanted to ask the person that knocked to enter but when he realized the state of the room he quickly got up and walked to the door.

After resting for a while now he finally felt a lot better, his mental exhaustion had been alleviate by the thoughts of his sister and mother. Even though he knew that there was no longer any hope of returning back to Earth. He had investigated it several times in the past and had never found a way back, he had also died on Earth before coming here so his body was probably long gone.