
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · アニメ&漫画
241 Chs

×Chapter 29×The Strongest.

*6:40am Monday*

Haile thought about it first."Well the ranking is kinda mess up, most beings that are in the top 10 are not even actually top 10, because they would put two or three beings of equal power in one position, so if I would not do that then I would say.."He said and paused a bit calculating first what he want to say.

Asia tilt her head as she waited to hear what he said.

."Well I guess the absolute strongest would be great red, he is the strongest of the dragon race, also call the True Red Dragon God Emperor an almost almighty beast of legends, but he is in the dimensional gap where Ophis took you last time."He said to her while still thinking.

Asia eyes widened in awe."He sounds mighty, a dragon is the strongest being, he even live in that place we went, whose next."She asked with anticipation, it was really interesting to hear the truth of there existence.

."Next would be, actually now that I think of it, the next would probably be familiar to you as it was written within the Bible, it is trihexa or otherwise know as 666 the beast of apocalypse."He said with a smile watching her expressions.

Asia was shock once again."How, I thought God was able to seal it, so how is it stronger than him."She ask, that was pretty confusing in the Bible.

."I guess they did leave out many parts, when he found the beast it was already sealed, to make sure it couldn't escape he added more seals to it."He said think back about it, if gob was strong enough he would have killed it instead of seal it.

Asia nodded her head, her doubts about the Bible keeps getting stronger and stronger."So who is in 3rd, God?."She asked, she is still in hope that he would still be at the very top, after all he was still her creator and father.

."Nope, hehehe, you are actually extremely familiar with this one, she is a dragon and the 3rd most powerful being in the universe, The Infinity Dragon God..."He said with a small smile on his face as he awaited her shocked expression so he let a tense air build up first to make it more dramatic.

Asia started to straighten up as she got nervous."Wh-who is it."She asked with a shaky voice as she had a bad feel about it.

."Otherwise know as Ophis."

Asia's expression froze as her brain just stop work.'Ophis ophis ophis ophis.'When she came back to reality her stomach start to hurt, she felt a wave of insecurity hit her, she was already feeling jealous and inferior because of there body differences.

Then she felt insecure because she was just a tag along in there relationship that got pick up off the streets and now, ophis is suddenly the 3rd most powerful being in existence, how can she ever hope to match that.

."What are you thinking of again."He said seeing her expression turn sullen and her face paled, was she that shocked.

Asia came out her mind and forced a smile."Oh it's nothing, I was just very shocked, so ophis is that powerful huh...very useful to you, I'm glad."She said with a dull look in her eyes as she finished.

Haile raised an eyebrow.'What is with her now.'He thought seeing her expression, he reached for her face and kissed her lips and pulled back.


He kissed her lip catching her by surprise, trying to bring her out her depression and it work as when he did her eyes lit up no longer dull like before.

."Stop thinking of nonsense and jumping to conclusions."He said to her seriously as he patted her head.

Asia's eyes had regained there light and looked even brighter than before, she smile sweetly at him."Alright, I'm fine now please continue this is interesting."

She said feeling better about her situation, she clenched her fist and a fire appeared in her eyes as she looked at Haile, she will become stronger so she can be useful as well.

."So the 4th strongest is Shiva the Hindu God of destruction, the 5th is Indra the king of God's and lord of Heaven, the 6th is Vishnu the Hindu God of protection and 7th brahma the Hindu God of Creation.'He said rubbing his chin, this was probably the most accurate scale of power.

Asia nodded but then said."When is God going to come in."Her faith just kept falling apart.

."Next is the heavenly dragons, I would say the th strongest to be a Evil Dragon call Crom Cruach a heavenly dragon in 8th, though where he is is currently unknown, 9th and 10th I would say is Ddraid and Albion both heavenly dragons all three of the ones mentioned just now are the only heavenly dragons, 9th and 10th are interchangeable."He said, he has to think of it carefully.

Asia nodded her head."So all the most powerful are dragons and Gods of other mythologies, that's cool."She said with shining eyes, even though she was disappointed a bit, it was really awesome that a 2 races can dominate the entire world.

."Now don't forget this is the ranking in terms of pure power alone and some of the ones in lower rank had power close to some in the higher rank but they are ranked lower still because no matter how small the gap they are still slightly weaker, some also has some special abilities and stuff that make them dangerous to those of Higher rank."He said trying to warn her of the harm of underestimating those that are weaker.

Asia nod again."But can you tell me some more maybe to 15."She asked, she still wanted to see where God was in the ranking.

Haile shrugged his shoulders."Well the ranks down there are a lot more complicated, but I would say that God Of The Bible is 11th in the scale as he once even sealed the 9th and 10th place thought he is not stronger than them as he used the help of 3 different fraction, but Don't be fool by 11th place his ability to create is unmatched."He said to her so she doesn't feel bad.

Asia didn't know what to say, now compared to the others 11th place seems kind of lackluster, but she guess it was still impressive as they are probably millions of other powerful beings so being 11th amongst millions is extraordinary already.

."Somewhere between here and heavenly dragon is five legendary dragons called the dragon king but I don't really where to put them so I'll just leave them out, though it was said even a heavenly Ddraid was terrified of one of the dragon king Tiamat the Chaos Karma Dragon."

."So moving on 12th place is prince of the Norse Gods Thor and 13th place is Sirzechs lucifer the second generation lucifer and Supreme ruler(Almost if he would stop letting weaker people walk all over him) of the devil race, 14th is sun wukong a Hindu God also call great sage equal of heaven, then 15th would be Ajuka Beelzebub another devil king of the Underworld."Haile said a little hesitant as even he was getting a bit confused as they were just so many powerful beings that even though some may not match in pure power they still had abilities to keep up, like the other Gods of other mythologies.

Asia felt a headache."Alright I can't take anymore, I have to lay down a bit to process all of this, but the most shocking one is still ophis, I had no idea."She said as she thought back on ophis, she said as she rest her head on on Haile lap and closed her eyes.

Haile smile and shook his head, she has to learn it eventually what better time than now, even though they kind of changed the subject but whatever.

He rubbed Asia's head on his lap as he thought of what's old lady's death."Oh yeah the box, Asia where is the box that I gave you."He suddenly remembered it, he is now curious of what is inside.

Asia open one eyeball and pointed to the table and shut it back.

He held her head and got up resting it back down gently and walk to the table and towards the box, he look it and held it gently.

He pulled off the lid of the box and looked inside, he saw papers and a gold bars, he raised an eyebrow at it.

.'How did she afford a gold bar of this quality, at least a hundred thousand.'He thought to him, then brought his focus to the papers and look through them.

."....Did she really give me all this."He said as he look at the paper with widened eyes, it was a will and insurance papers along with a signature letter to prove she gave it to him.

."100 million dollars to a stranger she just met, was it because she didn't have any family left and she knew she was going to die soon, I guess the government would've taken this and kept all the money she payed over the years."He said to himself as he thought about the methods of the Hevsue Empire.

Haile looked at it for a bit."Even though I don't really need this, I still thank you, but you can use this money once I get you back."He said as a glint flashed through his eyes.

."Anyway what time is it, I should be getting along to school."He said as he looked at the clock, it was 7:35, maybe he should get along.

He glanced at Asia.'Maybe I should also get her to go, maybe she can get some friends, I could let her be friends with Aika, should I tell them before or after....I'll tell them eventually."He thought, he'll set up everything today for her, so she can socialize.

He walked along to the bathroom to bathe he'll get ready to leave now.


*10 minutes later*

He came out the bathroom after a satisfying and relaxing shower, he had a smile on his face as he checked on Asia who he saw was cutely sleeping by now.

He went to the bedroom dry and put on his clothes, he took off his 10 rings and put then in his pocket, he'll follow the rules for now, he knows how much Sona loves her rule even though she would bend them for him he'll give her a little respect.

He look in the bathroom mirror to fix up himself, he made sure everything is right, he had to treat his face right if not for it his life would not be as good as it was, so he always show his appreciation and gratefulness.

He walked out the bathroom with a confidence radiating off him, as he went to Asia so she would know he's leaving, he doesn't want to wake her but she may think that he just left her if he go without telling her.

."Asia, wake up, wake up."He said and gently shook her body, she was in deep sleep, it seems the news really stressed her out and burnt through her brain cells, then the old lady's sudden death all took a toll on her innocent and kind heart.

Asia cracked open an eyeball and looked at him."Mmmmm Haile...."She said softly and lazily as she reach her hand to his to hold it.

He smiled and held it."So Asia what do you think of going to school, do you think it would be fun, you could make friends and stuff, do you want to."He said her, he'll let her decide if she wants to go or not.

."Mmmm, maybe, friends.....all I need is you.... but if you want me to go I will."She said in a daze as she was still between sleep and wake.

Haile nodded."I would love if you come to school with me but not now I have to sort out the details first, so maybe for tomorrow or the next."He said to her softly.

Asia nodded slowly as she put him hand on her head and snuggle up to it."Ok."She said, moving in different positions trying to get comfortable with it.

."Alright, I'm going to school now, things are in the fridge to eat and cake is on the table, Ophis should be back by the end of the day, I'll be back at 3:00 to 4:00pm, bye bye see you later *kiss*."He said to her softly and kiss her forehead making her smile and he smiled as well and gently took back his hand from her.

He look at her a bit more then he turn to leave, he walk to the door and put on his shoes, he turned make sure everything was ok then went to check on Asia one more time before he leaves.

He went to the bedroom to get a sheet to cover her up, even though it doesn't really matter as it's not really cold or have mosquitos but he'll put it anyway.

."Alright I'm leaving now Asia."He said as he turned and left, he opened the door and went outside, a ray of sunshine shun on him giving a warm feeling as he glowed along with it.

Beneath his feet was a silver-white magic circle the cause of which was Disguise between seals the ultimate ability, he will Teleport close to the torture room as usual, Sona and Tsubaki will be there waiting for his arrival patiently.

He smiled as he thought about, he quickly disappeared not to keep them waiting to long.



With a dull silver-white light he appeared from his magic circle close to the school compound and as usual wait until the other students have gone in so he can have a little time with Sona and Tsubaki.

After sometime no more students were pouring in so he came out from his hiding place and walked confidently to both of them standing at the front gates.

Tsubaki was the first to spot him she smiled brightly and waved at him."Haile goodmorning."She said with joy in her eyes.

Sona who was looking at the students behind her heard Tsubaki and turn and saw Haile and glowed brightly."Haile."She said to him.

Haile smiled at them."Hey good morning my devilish beauties, hope you had a wonderful sleep last night thinking if me as I also did the same."He said as he walked up to them and hug both there waist with one hand.



He kissed them both one by one first starting with Tsubaki which made her feel good that he chose her first as he put his tongue in her mouth and sucked hers.

Then he turned to Sona who was waiting in anticipation, he kissed her lips softly licking all around her teeth and cheeks as he coped a squeeze of her ass.

."Alright let's go before I get you in trouble."He said as he pulled away from them still with his hands around there waist.

Sona looked at her watch."Oh...we have to wait for a bit more to see if they are any more students coming, can you go by yourself."She ask him cursing the rules in her mind and herself for always following them.

Haile nodded his head."Well I'll see you two later, I'll go say hello to the others in the club."He smile and said as he walked along to the occult research club.

Sona and Tsubaki watched him walking all the way till he disappeared from there sight.

."*Sigh* do you think we might be a bit to obsessed."Sona ask her.

Tsubaki shrugged."Probably, but will you stop?."She asked her back.




Haile is now headed towards the occult research club, he brought a treat for koneko and he got closer to akeno, he doesn't have to try at all to get rias, when the great riser arrives he will push her right into his hands.

."Haha, I kinda like that riser though, if he doesn't pull anything to nefarious towards me never know, I might form a brotherhood between us, funny guy."Haile said as continued on his walk, he'll have to beat that baseless arrogance out of him first.

."~Kyaaa prince Haile~."

Haile turn and look behind him and saw a stray girl blushing as she look at him."Hey sup."He said to the girl.

The girls fiddled with her fingers."Nic-nice to me-meet you, princ-you majesty good morning ah!."She stuttered and ran away because she messed up her speech.

Haile raised an eyebrow."These girls just get weirder and weirder, Mmm is it because they are rich and never had contact with boys because this was also only a girls school.

He continued on.