
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · アニメ&漫画
241 Chs

×Chapter 108×Conference Of Kings

*Dxd World*

*Kuoh Academy*



Haile was now standing outside the gates, he really took his time, he was completely blinged out, he had on an outfit he made, everyone else had dressed in there respective high-class outfit, so he had to bring his out as well.~Pic here~

He walked right through the gates and into a replica barrier, he felt a multitude of different presences as soon as he stepped through, he smirked as he disappeared in a Teleportation circle.


He appeared in a hall way, down the hall he saw all his girls standing, it was Sona, Rias, Akeno, Tsubaki and little Koneko, he smiled as he walked down to them slowly.

The girls were speaking amongst themselves."Why is he taking so long, is he trying to start something on purpose."Sona said nervously as she bit on her nails, she was not worried on Haile's side but if anything goes down she knew her family will definitely suffer.

."It's not a big deal Sona just relax, you will get wrinkles worrying so much, this is not your place to worry."Rias said carefreely as she smiled.

Sona was irritated."Easy for you to say, I think like my family."She said to her.

Akeno, Tsubaki and Koneko just ignored them, they had nothing to worry about so they don't care what he does one bit.





The girls hearing the sound of light metallic foot steps look around to see who it was and got the shock of there live, it was Haile, Tsubaki, Koneko, Sona, Akeno and Rias collectively all had one thought.'Damn'.

Haile came up to them with a smile on his face."Hey my lovely ladies, hope you didn't wait to long."He said as his teeth sparkled as he smile.

."N-n-no yo-you *Ahem* came just on time."Sona said stuttering taking back everything she said before, if she knew be would look like this he could take as much time as he wanted.

Rias nodded in a daze, she never seen anything so beautiful, her mind instantly went to anime characters, even amongst them none could hold a candle to this Ultimate Specimen before her.

."~MmmHn you really came dress to kill, I'm wet just from seeing you."Akeno said as she bit her lips, she felt a tornado of sextual energy building up within her.

Koneko just stared at him as her tail popped out from under her skirt and started waving around by itself as she stood in silence.

Tsubaki push up her glasses slightly as her face redden.

."Come on now, let us go in."Haile said as he smirked.


Inside the conference room were only a few people only 7, but they were all leaders who could represent the rise and fall of races alike, or even be the end of the world itself.

Standing up were 3, all powerful brings as well but they now acted more like representatives of there respective backgrounds.

Around the table now were four beings sitting quietly, these four were the rulers of there respective races, 1 the leader of the angels and current ruler of heaven Arch Angel Michael, he was sitting with a glowing smile as his eyes were pure like the very light he uses.

Another by the table was the Governor General of the fallen Angel Azazel, he still had that Omniscient smile on his face like everything was within his control.

Oh the other side was two familiar faces one Sirzechs Lucifer the great all powerful bitch of a devil with his stupid smile and the last person was the beautiful and gorgeous Serafall Leviathan another devil king with her innocent looking face as she was just happy to be there.

."Haha this person sure is taking his time."Arch Angel Michael said with a light chuckle that sounded Melodious like a gentle bell that echoed in the room.

Sirzechs sighed."He just does what he wants to, just give him a bit more time, he should come shortly."He said putting in a small word for him.

.""You don't have to wait to long"".


Hearing the voice everyone turn to the door, some with serious expression, one with shock at the familiar sounding voice and one with a joyful continence.




."I've come a bit late, my bad."Haile said as he walked in with a smile as all his Goddesses followed behind him respectfully, he went straight to the table and took a seat.

Serafall was excited to see him here."Haile-Chan Darling, so you were the one we were waiting on, I didn't know you were a leader like us."She said happily as she almost wanted to bounce over to him but she retain herself as this was an important meeting.

."*Ahem* let me introduce him to you all, this person is the Godking Of The Supreme Wing Pantheon Haile Supreme, behind him are Goddesses of his Pantheon, m-m-my *cough* my sister has joined him, don't ask me how that happened."Sirzechs said a bit depressed but he caught his baring.

All the others greeted him, Michael had a strange look in his eyes as he looked at Haile, Azazel had a different vibe as now that he knew how dangerous this fellow was he had to be careful, but his expression didn't change.

Off behind Azazel was Vali who had a serious expression on his face.'So it's you, who would have thought, I hope Ophis knows what she's doing, did she sacrifice me to die?.'He thought to himself in silence.

Behind Arch Angel Michael was another familiar face, Irina, she had a shocked expression on her face seeing Haile here, first he was someone who she had developed a bit of a crush on so seeing him again she was abit flustered but then now finding out he was actually a God and a GodKing at that, she started connecting the dots with Xenovia.

.'*Sigh* she was really telling the truth, so I am the one who turn my back on her, I have to apologize.'Irina thought to herself in slight regret.

."Nice to meet you all, hello Serafall looking beautiful as always, Hmm I see some very familiar faces in this room."Haile said calmly as he swept his eyes across the room, he landed on Vali for a bit who clenched his fist, then he glanced at Azazel who just smiled then he looked at Irina who hung her head down avoiding his gaze, he let his eyes pass over Grafia.

He finally finished by looking at Michael."You are the only person here who i have not met before, My name is Haile."He said as he reached his hand forward for a handshake.

Michael looked at the hand and felt a bit apprehensive for some odd reason."Nice to meet you as well, my name is Arch Angel Michael."He said and took the hand, then his eyes widened a bit as he looked deeply at Haile.

.'How does this being exist, how could something be this pure, such purity, this should not exist, no one can be this pure not even her,

he would have to not kill an ant.'Michael thought to himself, he will have to contemplate more on this when he returns to heaven.

."Alright, I believe all the participants are here so let us begin the meet."Sirzechs said calmly as he pass him gaze gently over everyone.

In the sky's of the barrier hundreds of different beings could be seen each belonging to one of the 3 races, Fallen, Devil and Angel.

Back in the conference room a few minutes later, Grafia hqd just finished doing a briefing of what took place with Kokabiel attacking the school.

."Thank you for that Grafia, you can step back now, I would like to hear the Fallen Angel Governor General's opinion of this matter."Sirzechs said with a smile as he turned to Azazel.

Azazel still had his smile with his eyes closed relaxing in his chair."It doesn't really matter what I think does it, Kokabiel was acting on his own accord."He said with a casual expression.

."Are you saying you knew nothing of this?."Michael asked him as he turn, his halo floating above his head.

Azazel shrugged."Well, I did let him move until I knew what he was planning, but I bet that he didn't know that I had also infiltrated this town, haha this is a pretty nice town isn't it."He said as he tried to switch topics.

."Don't change the subject, you can't get away from this responsibility."Sirzechs said calmly as he tapped the table with his finger.

Azazel sighed with a smile."Didn't I have the White Dragon Emperor take care of it already, he had even been put in the lowest level of hell for permanent freezing as punishment, what more do you want."He said with a shrug.

."That is not the problem, the problem is Kokabiel's motivation for his action, that Kokabiel was dissatisfied with you all."Michael said to him with a gentle gaze.

Haile who was there also had his hand fold and his eyes closed, he was dead asleep, he was so bored sleeping sounded like a fun thing to do.

."Yeah he was not very happy I can tell you that all because the war ended halfway through, I personally have no interest in war this late in the game."Azazel said.

Serafall had an extremely rare serious expression."The seeds of discontent, huh."She said softly.

."Haha funny, aren't they like that in your faction as well."Azazel said with a smirk purposely making her upset.

Sirzechs interjected."That has nothing to do with the matter at hand, the purpose of this summit is to-."He was speaking but was interrupted.

."Man, enough with all these fancy words, this is going to do nothing but sow discord when we chance upon our differences, so let's just quickly make peace and call it a day."Azazel said nonchalantly.

Azazel looked at everyone."Is that not what we all gathered here for?."He asked them.

The leaders all thought to themselves as they looked at him, meanwhile Haile who was sleep snapped open his eyes as they glowed brightly.'Someone is going to die'.

."Come on, peace is the best thing, the current 3 way deadlock is only doing harm to this world, don't you think so."Azazel said smiling as he lean back slightly in his chair.

Michael looked down slightly then back to no one in particular."We have all lost alot, the two war generals, God and the Devil King have been eliminated, balance is disturbed."He said softly.

."See that is the thing, the problem now lies with the 3 outside the 3 factions, the Red Dragon Emperor that is seemingly no where to be found but is supposed to be in this town, the White Dragon Emperor and my friend over here, who are all powerful enough to truly change the world, as there is only two I would like to hear what you have to say on this topic of peace."Azazel said to them respectively.

Vali glanced at Haile and spoke."All I really want is to be able to fight against strong people, is that to much to ask."He said with a slight smirk on his face.

."You can find alot of strong powers in this world without having to start a war, also since your counterparts is nowhere to be found, what reason you have to fight."Azazel said as he followed his gaze.

Vali nodded slightly."That is true I guess."He said as he closed his eyes.

."And you GodKing Haile, even though you are not of the 3 factions but I see you have, um adopted, some very important ones and now possess the power to change the balance of the 3 factions, what's says you."Azazel turn to Haile.

Everyone in the room switched there gazes to him as they gave there full attention on pure instinct alone.

."Haha, do I look like someone that likes hurting people, that likes war and destruction and the sweet metallic taste of blood in the air?."Haile said as he shook his head with a tsk, he was not like that at all.


."That was a little to specific ain't it hahaha."Azazel said as he chuckled lightly, he liked this guy.

Haile smiled, then his face went serious which surprised everyone, Sona felt her heart skip a beat, she came up to Haile slowly and touched his shoulder.

."It is fine Sona, depending on what he makes of this I will see."Haile said as he looked directly at Michael who tilt his head confused.

."Arch Angel Michael, current ruler of heaven, you have something that belongs to me, for the sake of peace return it now."Haile said to him dead serious, if he refuses, he will go straight and destroy heaven right away.

Sirzechs, Serafall, Azazel and Michael all frowned collectively, this was not going good, Vali in the back smirked, he knew that if that Angel did not comply he is done.

."GodKing Haile, forgive me but is this not the first time we have met, I can't recall another time."Michael said gently as he looked at Haile with soft eyes.

Haile nod."Yes indeed, what you have taken from me is the soul of someone dear, I want her back from the kingdom of heaven."He said calmly as he looked Michael in the eyes.

His girls shared some looks between each other, they wanted to know who was the woman that was able to capture his heart like this that he would be willing to fall out with a powerhouse like heaven itself.

."I see, I sorry but at this moment I cannot afford it, can you give me some time please, I want to help best I can, but not right now."Michael said to him as he understood, it was a human love one that he had that died and went to heaven, she must have been pure and deemed worthy.

Haile smiled lightly."It seems you did not hear what I said, alright I will say it in better words, I want her back from the kingdom of heaven, or I will take her back myself."He said as his eyes glint savagely.

At his words the entire room became drenched in tension, everyone frowned except Vali who already knew the outcome if something went down, Irina stepped forward worried but was stop frozen by Haile's terrifying glance.

."Please try to understand, it is not that I don't want to give her back to you, it is just it is dangerous to do it right now, I am not God so my control of the system he left behind is severely lacking, any attempt at something so big could disturb the entire world of Christianity."Michael said trying to explain it to him.

Haile really didn't care, he frowned."I could care less about wh-."He was saying but felt a small hand on his shoulder, he stop and turn around to her.

."Haile....please.."Koneko said to him softly, she didn't want to see him angry.

Haile looked at her for a bit, he turn back and look at Michael."You are a lucky man, you don't want to see me angry, how much time is needed till I get back my belongings."He asked casually as he calm down.

."That is quite rude don't you think, you cannot call her a belongings, I don't think she will like that, please be kind."Michael said as he shook his head, his personality and his aura are completely opposites, or maybe he was just putting on a tough front but is actually kind hearted underneath.

Haile rest his chin in his hand as he lean on the table."When will it be ready, or do you want me to choose a time myself, I suppose 3 hours could work."He said with a gentle smile on his face but his eyes were piercing.

."....Give me a a few weeks to 1 month."Michael said as he sighed lightly, he hope it doesn't go wrong.

Haile rest back in his seat."Ain't this something, I have to wait to get what is MINE, Hmm in the mean time, I suppose I can use some compensation, give me Ascalon."He said asking for it straight out.

."...Ok, I will get it to you by the end of the day."Michael said agreeing to it, it wasn't a big deal, no one in heaven uses it they really aren't that many dragons just around to fight.



Everyone in the room was surprised, suddenly the room became coated in a purple hua and time it felt to have stopped.

."What is happening."Rias said as she looked around, she saw the girl over in the corner had out a glowing sword.

Azazel chuckled."It seems like time has stop, but because we all have superior power it did not affect us, but I must say I'm surprised..."He said as he glanced between, Akeno, Rias, Sona, Koneko and Tsubaki

."They are all my Goddesses, of course they have superior power as well, every single one of them a confident True Leader Class in the flesh."Haile said with a smile as he glanced back at his girls, he showed them off a little bit.

Koneko, Rias, Akeno, Sona and Tsubaki all stood with grace and elegance making sure not embarrass him, they each radiated there own unique charms.

."Hey what about me, am I forgotten."Serafall said with a cute pout, she folded her hands and turn her face away angrily.

Haile smiled at her gently."Of course not Sera, if is impossible for that to happen after all you are beyond what any guy like me can ever hope to achieve."He said to her softly as his eyes focused on her.

Serafall face covered with a slight redness as she played with her fingers, she glanced slightly at Sona.

Sirzechs gain an awkward smile on his face."Haile are you trying to take all the members of my race or something, aren't you satisfied with already taking the most important heirs, now you even want to take one of the devil kings, who is next."He said as he shook his head slightly.

."Hey shit happens, not like I tried to make it happen, they like me what can I do about it."Haile said as he lean back, not his fault he was born this way.


Suddenly an explosion sounded from outside shaking the very building, everyone looked out and in the sky's coming down were hundreds if not thousands of magician women and men.

."They have some very nice assets I must say."Haile said as he looked at the magician women coming down, all of them kinda look the same though.

Azazel glanced at him in interest."Ho you a fan?."He asked curiously.

."Hmm, well I do enjoy the occasional cleavage, very fluffy and nice, you?."Haile raised an eyebrow as he rubbed his his chin.

Azazel shrug."They are some very nice female Fallen, all of them have nice bodies, there quite good, some of them have Giagantigons."He said as he used his hand to describe how big it is.

Everyone else in the room just looked at them speechlessly, Michael and Sirzechs just chuckle, Serafall was just Serafall, Grafia was looking out the window at the group of people coming to kill them, Koneko was just standing there watching Haile and the other girls just sighed at his antics, Vali off to the side just smile slightly as he glanced out the window.

."Hey sorry if I'm rude but can't anyone else feel the urgency of this situation, only me, they are people outside trying to kill us and you all are playing around."Irina said not knowing at all what to do in this situation, she felt that she is only worrying because maybe she is the weakest in the room.

Haile nodded at that."She is right, my student Gasper has been captured, he is the one responsible for this with his Forbidden Balor View, so let us get serious, Rias and Koneko go rescue Gasper avoid as much confrontation as possible, go."He said seriously as he sat up right rest his hand on the table.



Rias nodded and complied, Koneko responded immediately, they turn and walked out the room quickly going to find Gasper.

Feeling his aura change to a more serious one everyone also followed suit, it's almost like everyone subconscious felt that he possessed the disposition and power necessary to take lead.

They all looked outside seriously, the 3 factions had each brought there own guards as well so they were trying there best but somehow they were almost too easily defeated, they were being hit by lighf beams and disappearing.

."Mm, I see, it seems that they are being teleported, someone must be connected to the gate within this space.""Michael said after looking at the battle taking place outside.

Grafia had her hands by her ear in surprise."It also looks like our magical transport troops are completely sealed off."She said gravely, it was more serious than they thought.

."Haha they got us good huh."Azazel said with a smile still completely relaxed as he looked on.

Sirzechs sighed."It seems like it, with this timing, using the boy Gasper to attack us, well well, I hope Rias get to him quickly, if they make Gasper's power any stronger even we will end up..."He said letting his voice trail off.

."Won't it be easier to just erase the vamp-."Vali was saying but his words jumped back into his mouth as a pair of eyes latched onto him.

Haile glanced at Vali slightly with his piercing golden eyes they flashed menacingly for a bit as he stared him down with intense pressure.

Everyone got slightly tensed up at this as well, Azazel stepped slightly infront of Vali with a casual smile."Vali what are you doing, we are here for peace, if you want to cause problems do it outside that's sure to satisfy your craving a bit."

."Tsk, whatever man, guess it'll have to do."Vali shrugged as his smirk returned, his blue and silver wings popped out as theg brighten up the room slightly, he disappeared and appeared outside in a flash.

Vali flew high into the sky's zooming pass hundreds of magicians.""Balanced Breaker".."">Vanishing Dragon<""."He and his dragon both spoke out as he transformed into his balance breaker armor doing some kinda Saint Seiya Zodiac type pose.

He went and did his thing as he easily defended from the magician magical attacks, he destroyed hundreds of them quickly.

Back in the room, the others were seeing this Michael watched in interest."He is quite Impressive, alot of potential, still I wonder where the red one lies, I will have to look into it when I go back to heaven."He said calmly as he just observed.

."Indeed, but the bastard have made me angry threatening my student, I will give him a good punch in the stomach making sure to spill out the contents that he consumed 5 years ago."Haile said annoyed as he stood with his hands behind his back.

Azazel gained an awkward smile as it turn stiff then he relaxed again.'He probably won't kill him, Vali will be fine, he's a Dragon, he can take a hit....'He thought but didn't have supreme confidence.

."Alright let us focus on the matter at hand, let's wait until Rias rescues Gasper and then we will counterattack."Sirzechs said seriously he is thinking about something, it might be that..


A light ensued in a corner of the room catching everyone's attention especially Serafall and Sirzechs they both frowned slightly at tye familiarity of the magic they were feeling.

.""Good day current Devil Kings Sirzechs and Lady Serafall"".

An unfamiliar woman appeared in the room via Teleportation, she had a smile on her face, she was a beautiful voluptuous woman that looked like a sadistic school teacher with a low cut dress and a slit that show 60% of her breast, she had glasses brown skin and long brown hair tied up into a bun, she also had grayish blue eyes.

."What are you doing here?!."Serafall asked a little surprised to see her here.

Sirzechs frown deepen as he drew certain conclusions in his mind."Katerea Leviathan who is descendants from the first Leviathan."He said softly and slowly.

."What do you mean why I'm here, it's to bring destruction and chaos to the world."Katerea said with a look of Madness in her eyes as she raised a staff in her hand into the air as it shun with orange light.




She created an explosion destroying the entire building leaving nothing but smoke and flame, Katerea looked on with a laugh."For the leaders of the 3 great powers to put up a defensive barrier together, what a disgrace haha."She said as she mocked them.

Where the building once stood everyone there stood in a Golden-Orange-Brown barrier, Sirzechs, Michael, Azazel and Haile all had there hands out maintaing it, well Haile...he just had his hand out but he wasn't actually doing anything.

."Whose auntie is this."Haile said looking at the crazy bitter woman infront of him, she came at the wrong time, he was still annoyed.

Katerea heard him say that and her eyebrow twitch."And who are you you ugly bastar-ag."She said as she turn to him but felt a pressure on her throat, she look at the person.

."Let me here you say that again, I will send you to the depths of hell for insulting my King."Tsubaki said as she clenched tighter in her grip but ultimate decided not to kill her, that was Haile's decision, she threw her to the side.


."*Gasp* *Cough* *Cough* damn bitch, who do you think you are!."Katerea said as she caught back her breath rubbing her throat in slight pain.

Michael, Sirzechs, Azazel and even Serafall were all surprised on how she got out the barrier, she would have to be stronger than them and that was impossible.

Sona and Akeno were calm in comparison, they at least expected this much from a fellow Supreme Wing Goddess.

Sirzechs focused back on Katerea."What are you really trying to do Katerea."He said to her trying to see the reason maybe they can come to an agreement.

."Damn, you all make me sick, my thoughts are the complete opposite of those of you at this meeting."Katerea said as she vigilantly watch them all as she tried to buy some time.

She put a smirk on her face looking all confidence again."If God and the Great Devil King aren't around then there should be a revolution in this world."She said with conviction.

."Stop it Katerea, why are you doing this?!."Serafall said feeling legitimately sad, she felt she knew why she was doing this for.

Katerea grit her teeth at her."Serafall, you sure are slacking off after stealing the title from me thief."She said with a bitter tone of voice as a hatred could be seen in her eyes.

."B-bu- i-."Serafall didn't know what to say to that but she knew it was slightly true and she do feel bad.

Sirzechs and the others let the barrier touch the ground and released it as it was draining magic.

."So what glasses girl, unfortunately for you she is mine now, so what if she stole your stupid title, she can now have whatever she want."Haile said as he walked forward to Katerea.

Serafall who was a bit down heard him saying this and her eyes brighten up."Haile-Chan Darling..."She said happily as she saw him standing up for her.

."So what, this bitch is a thief yet you all try to stop me."Katerea said with anger in her voice and eyes, he stepped forward towards Serafall.
