
Supreme Evolution: Rebirth

In a world beset by unprecedented change, a young man named Bultear is killed and revived with a special role as the Supreme Evolution candidate. After revival he soon finds out that he has fused with Sigmund, a stray dog he took care of, gaining thus two sets of Evolver abilities, while others only have one set. The machinations of powers that be have something big in store for him. In front of Bultear is a world 500 years after the Great Fall, where the emergence of Evolvers poses a great danger as well as a chance to storm high into the sky and etch his name in history! The cogs of this machine are ever turning, how will the mysterious, supernatural fog surrounding our main character affect him and his role in all of this? This is a story of beasts, vampires, mutated humans and many twists and turns set in the wild Victorian era!

Luke770 · ファンタジー
34 Chs


It was a crackling mesh of energy, power, spine tingling malice oozing out of this unholy creation. Chains of lighting slivered around the outer layer like serpents. Hissing, waiting for their rightful meal. The people in the backyard cried, wailed at the ever increasing danger that even they, as powerless as the were, could feel. All of the cultists were except for the one with the boy in his possession. No moon was visible, no clouds hung on this reddened sky. The ape turned cultist was running along the roof of the school with Milek on his tail.

*Crackle* *Crackle*

'I won't make it in time!'


"Beasts Of Heaven; five hundred years ago when the Great Fall changed humanity forever, beings of great power emerged that shook the skies, rendered mountains to dust with a mere sweep of their presence. Humans cowered, blood flowed instead of rivers. Parents sacrificed their kin to appease them. Women their virgin blood, young men their youth, kings sacrificed their kingdoms. They predate all rational, chaos seeps from them. Hope withers like flowers in snow when they come."

"W-what iis that really true!? Something like that can not exist?!"

Screamed a young woman with water blue hair, her blue eyes glimmered along the flowing river. The light, white nightgown allured the moonlight to her pristine figure. She was the second princess of the Sepurnum kingdom- Priscilla Kotr.

She was embraced with big muscular arms of a man. His muscles radiated power, his wide shoulders where that of a hero. A hero he was: Pathos the great hero of Sepurnum was telling her a story of ancient times, The Age Of Chaos five hundred years ago. He was an extremely powerful stage two Evolver said to be even capable of rivalling some early stage three Evolvers.

He fancied himself somewhat of a poet. He would often read books of mythology and history. Plus he could not get used to Priscilla's shocked face when ever he would dive into the depths of his soul to use the most fitting words to describe what he had read.

"But don't worry my love, if any of those dared to even hurt a single strand of your hair, I would cleave even their souls in twain!"

She smiled bashfully as her face reddened hearing those words. Like a puppy she nestled even further her long hair entwining with his golden hair that was more of a lion's mane than a human's.

"Well if such a brave hero is ready to do so much for me, I should reward him for his efforts~"

Her blushing face came closer, her hot breath giving his skin goosebumps. They were about to embrace into a night of passion.

[Attention Candidate, the Beast Of Severing is close to completion.]


His face grew pale, his hot blood immediately cooled when he saw a transcendental world appear before him. His face then resembled a corpse when he heard what was said. The thing he just bragged about to his missus came to bite him in the ass.


In a different but no less extravagant castle the 4th prince of the Sepurnum kingdom Thanasie Kotr was scurrying about in his study. Gazing at the bright red orb in his hands.

'So this thing is called the Orb Of Weeping huh?'

Thinking of the how his dreams were steadily on course he could not help but giggle. His giddiness was like a child's fiddling with its favorite toy. So suddenly was his reverie broken by the sudden appearance of a transcendental world that he fell down from his chair.

[Attention Candidate, the Beast Of Severing is close to completion.]

"WHAT... That is so cool! I heard about them in legends and bed time stories. I wonder who is crazy enough to do such a thing..."

He really was like a child no matter what happened.


[Attention Candidate, the Beast Of Severing is close to completion.]

These words reverberated in Bultear's mind like drums. His steps faltering for a second.

"Come Bultear what are you doing!? Speed up we haven't got much time!"

Pax yelled at his sluggishness.


'If it wasn't obvious before now that it's important enough for that world means something is very serious happening.'

Bultear never heard of such beings, since those books were only available to the upper class leaving regular people like Bultear in the dark. Still, he did not need any book to tell him that this situation was extremely grim.

Soon they were on the roof facing the final cultist. They stopped in their tracks when they saw him holding the boy over the edge.

"Too late."

The ape's mouth opened with human words leaving it. The boy was thrown over the edge.

"Stoooop!" "Waiit!"

Screamed both Pax and Milek at the same time. The boy who was supposed to fall did not, instead he started floating towards the blood cloud. The group watched in horror as the unconscious boy was about to be devoured by the ritual.

In that moment Bultear acted, which shocked even himself. He was faster than everybody shooting all of his nails at the shocked gorilla. It was maybe the panic or maybe the rage at a child being sacrificed so easily but what was evident was their destructive power when they shattered his hide, drilled through his body that was supposed to be like steel. The corpse of the gorilla fell backwards of the roof.

Bultear jumped with all his might grabbing the boy's leg with his hand and, to his dismay, he realized he was being pulled upwards along with the boy. The situation was not allowed to develop when Milek grabbed Bultear's leg to save them. Sadly, the same thing happened again now with all three of them being pulled upwards by the superior force of this ungodly creation. Couple of moments later the entire group were holding each other with Sinthia being the last.

Somehow, someway after a show of herculean strength they were able to somehow pull themselves back. The human rope the now formed twisted and fell back down to the roof.

'We did it!'

Suddenly Sinthia who was the most stable and didn't fall at all, felt the ground become smaller.


Pax agonized bellow echoed through the air as he tried to stand up and save her from flying away. Unfortunately he was not fast enough, he looked back in panic to the two physically strongest members of the group, Milek and Bultear, only to see both of them hanging of the roof's ledge.

What a sad fate that the only two people would be flung the furthest back.


Pax's screaming went unheard, his pleas went unanswered when the evil maw swallowed Sinthia whole.