
Supreme Eldritch Lord

Journey of a 17 Year old boy. From his humble beginnings to hailing as the strongest Eldritch Lord in existence. Now guys what can you expect from this Novel. Overpowered Mc Kingdom Building.(not the main plot tho) Overpowered Followers No harem (it's kind of a personal preference also it's very hard at least for me to write a harem) Cold but rational Mc World Conquering & sci-fi elements (in the later arcs there will be a lot of that and some sci-fi elements as well so a double check) I am a newbie writer so don't expect a lot but still you guys can be sure that I will try my best to keep a stable weekly release other than that I also will hopefully get better as time passes. that's all I don't like long synopsis or useless info dump so I'll end it here.

Archlegion999 · ファンタジー
45 Chs

Ch 4- Levelling Up Again!

You know sometimes it's really hard to believe reality as you could never imagine what can happen in the future.

if a few days ago some people told me that i would get involved in a isekai type of situation i would just brush them of as crazy. But now that something so unbelievable is happening right in front of my eyes you cannot just not believe it.

I was just having a normal day with my friends chatting and laughing until one of our female friends noticed some weird lines lighting up in the floor. At first most of us thought it might be someone just trying to prank us using some projector or something but soon the entire room was covered by these lines.

And then the typical bright flash which happens in those isekai scenes that my lil bro and i used to read happened and poof we got summoned to another world. I suppose when i graduate i could publish this on my resume 'Achievement Unlocked Travel to Another world' or something like that. Anyways after we were informed of where we were and what we were supposed to do. We were than tested for magical aptitudes. I scored the above average amount guess i should be happy for that. After that a few more days passed and all of us eventually came to terms with our situation. I split from our original party because it got toxic because everyone started having big egos after they received some superpowers.

Now on this sunny day i'm writing this on my journal and talking to myself about my discoveries, Have i gone crazy...? welp i guess i might have anyways what i did discover something about this planet though is that the humans in this planet are far more crueler than in ours kinda like those cultivation novels where it's a dog eat dog type of world. So to anyone ever reading my journal if and only if after i die you somehow receive this than you'll know that i'm tryna find a way out of this fucked up world and i am also spearheading the project with some other enthusiastic people which i will not mention at least not for today. Welp i guess no more info dump for today.

Log -10 [Steven Barlow]


It was a very sunny day in Sector- 9 where Zain lived with his parents. The sector had nothing special or wasn't even famous for anything other than being a bit bigger than most other sector it was ordinary from every angle. But after the mysterious disappearance of an entire graduating class this sector actually became famous. Many detectives and people looking for adventure started to come here which is why lately the sector has gotten pretty crowded recently. In one such alley we can see a boy sitting on top of a guy at least twice bigger than himself. There were also other such people who could easily go for gangsters were all kneeling infront of this young man who didn't even look a day older than 15. Yet all the people here kneeling to this boy had various degrees of horrifying expressions.

A few minutes ago.

The day was good the birds were singing and even my parent's were a bit excited because today was a day when the big festival will happen. As such i was just strolling in the streets when i heard some screaming which i immediately recognized as a girl's. So i hurried and saw 6 big burly looking guys manhandling a girl who'd in tears. They stopped when they noticed me.

"hey you brat get lost or your gonna get it!" Random gangster

He said it while emphasizing his bulging muscles and i immediately knew what they were planning to do. So i wasted no time and used demonic charm on them. This was the only spell that i could afford to use in public and it worked like a charm. They immediately dropped to their knees and let go of the girl. I charmed the girl as well and commanded her to forget about this exchange and then sent her off. Now after that it was time for punishments so i commanded the biggest of them to lower his back so could sit on top it and he did so very obediently.

Which brings me here now. After hearing some of the crimes these guys did i don't wanna let them live anymore i don't know what's wrong with my mentality but after i got my powers i changed quite a bit.

"You fools truly are scums of the society. The likes of which don't even deserve to live, well let me do everyone a favor and kill you all." I waved my hands and six visible air currents gathered near my palm which then sliced each of their heads smoothly. There were six satisfying 'Thuds' as their heads dropped to the ground.

Then i began to wonder i nearly tested all my powers and they all work wonderfully. Only one remains unchecked. So seeing these scums corpses i had a grin on my face as i finally used the ability i was most excited about. "Raise Undead" as soon as these words left my mouth dark energy that is darker than the night sky itself emerged from my hands and it completely devoured the six corpses and soon six bony looking skeletons took their place. They kneeled to me as soon as they were made. The skeletons looked very ethereal, they were bluish green in color and their eyes had a visible purple color in them. Just one look could suck in you soul.

While i was entranced by my summoned skeletons i heard some noises of people near me then i started sweating.

"shit how am i gonna explain this.. o-ok i should be able to de-summon them". As i thought of de-summoning them they immediately went in my shadows. I was relieved and it was also cool to watch them disappear like that. I felt like a certain korean hunter at this moment.

"oof..that was intense haven't felt an andrenaline rush like that for quite a long time". Toda the most exciting day in my whole life. I went in a another alley and re-summoned my skellies. I then commanded them to do a lot of stuff and they followed my words to the letter. Also it seems my skellies can also get stronger the more they level up as for now they are only level 1 with the most basic stats of 1 in all. I am so looking forward to levelling them up.

Before returning home i quickly finished my daily tasks which were mostly the same as the day before with increased difficulties.

[Level up!]

As i was just gonna distribute my points i noticed i levelled up. Then it hit me i did just non-chantedly kill six people so they might've given me close enough exp to level up again.


Host Status-

-Name : Zain Barlow

-Class: ???

-Level: 2

-Exp: 105/300

-HP: 100/100

-EP: 80/80

{Host Attributes}

>>Strength: 3>4

>>Agility: 3>4

>>Dexterity: 3>4

>>Intelligence: 3>4

>>Perception: 3>4

>>Charm: 3>4

{Attribute Points: 6}


All of my attributes increased again. I added the rewards from the daily tasks evenly to all of them again.


Host Status-

-Name : Zain Barlow

-Class: ???

-Level: 2

-Exp: 105/300

-HP: 110/110

-EP: 90/90

{Host Attributes}

>>Strength: 5

>>Agility: 5

>>Dexterity: 5

>>Intelligence: 5

>>Perception: 5

>>Charm: 5

{Attribute Points: 0}


Each Level up also seems to passively increase my hp and ep by 10.

I eventually returned home. I got ready and got dressed for the festival which i hope goes without a hitch i really don't want any trouble for the rest of the day. Hopefully my luck stays good. My mother called me and soon were out to go the festival spot Via Car.