
Supreme Divine Eye

KenitsuHiroshima · アクション
2 Chs

CHAPTER 2: Supreme Divine Eye


(Treasury Of Ancient Gods)

Ken adventure inside the palace and got lost and found a room full of treasures.

These treasure items shine like the stars of the Milky Way. Among them are the ten divine items: the Immortal Heart, the Creation Staff, the Dagger of End, the Gloves of Fire and Ice, the Spear of Death, the Ring of Disguise, the Sword of Heaven, the Boots of Speed, the Divine Assistant, and the Supreme Divine Eye. The Supreme Divine Eye is the most powerful of all the treasures.

The Immortal Heart, the first among the ten ancient treasures, was created when the ancient Gods willingly gave up their immortality and combined their life forces. This sacred organ pulsed with everlasting energy, radiating a warm and golden light. Those who possessed the Immortal Heart gained immortality, with their wounds healing quickly and their vitality restored with each beat. It stood as a powerful symbol of the ancient Gods' selfless sacrifice and eternal love for their creation.

The Creation Staff, a majestic artifact of immense power, was crafted by the master creator deity. With this staff, the Gods shaped the very fabric of reality, bringing forth worlds, galaxies, and all forms of life. Infused with the raw energy of creation, the staff allowed its wielder to shape elements, sculpt mountains, summon oceans, and breathe life into empty spaces. The Creation Staff represented the boundless power and limitless creativity of the ancient Gods, who used it to craft the cosmos with their divine touch.

The Dagger of End, a mysterious and dark weapon, was forged by the God of death and shadows. Crafted from rare obsidian and infused with the essence of the underworld, its blade had the power to sever the threads of life. A single strike from the Dagger of End could release souls from their mortal bodies, sending them to the realm of the afterlife. Legends spoke of its ability to bypass defenses easily, piercing through armor and enchantments. The Dagger of End served as a chilling reminder of the inevitability of death, even for the Gods themselves.

The Gloves of Fire and Ice, enchanted gauntlets, were a collaborative creation of the Gods of fire and ice. One glove contained the scorching heat of the sun, while the other held the icy chill of the frozen tundra. Wearing both gloves granted mastery over fire and ice. Flames danced upon the fingertips of the fire glove, while frost formed intricate patterns on the ice glove. Those who wore the Gloves of Fire and Ice could command infernos and blizzards, harnessing the primal forces of creation and destruction. These gloves showcased the delicate balance between the elemental forces, a harmonious union forged by the ancient Gods.

Each of these ten ancient treasures carried the essence and power of the ancient Gods themselves. They were not mere objects, but embodiments of divine craftsmanship and will. Born from the hands of the Gods, these treasures held profound significance that resonated throughout the realms. Their stories and feats became the stuff of legends, inspiring awe and reverence in the hearts of mortals who dared to seek their power.

The Spear of Death, a weapon forged by the God of war and the Goddess of the afterlife, possessed an unmatched power to claim the souls of its victims. Made from rare celestial metals and infused with the essence of death itself, the spear's sharp tip could pierce through any armor or enchantment. Each strike of the Spear of Death drained the life force of its target, leaving them lifeless and sending their souls to the afterlife. Legends told of warriors who wielded this spear, their enemies falling before them, devoid of spirit. It symbolized the eternal connection between war and death, reminding all that even the Gods were bound by the cycle of life and death.

The Ring of Disguise, a creation of the Goddess of illusions and deception, had the power to conceal the wearer's true identity. When worn, the ring allowed the wearer to take on any desired form, creating illusions that fooled even the most discerning eyes. Those who possessed the Ring of Disguise could move undetected, gather secret information, or play harmless pranks. The ring represented the Goddess's mastery over illusion, reflecting the Gods' understanding of the complexities of mortal existence and the power of perception.

The Sword of Heaven, a celestial blade crafted by the God of justice and righteousness, radiated with divine energy. Its shining blade could vanquish evil and protect the innocent. The Sword of Heaven was believed to be infused with the power of the Gods, channeling their essence into each strike. Its presence inspired courage and awe, while its sharp edge cut through darkness and corruption. Heroes who wielded the Sword of Heaven were said to dispel evil and bring forth justice. It symbolized the unwavering commitment of the Gods to uphold order and righteousness.

The Boots of Speed, created by the God of swiftness and agility, were enchanted footwear that granted extraordinary speed. When worn, the boots enhanced the bearer's natural speed, allowing them to traverse long distances in an instant. With each step, the ground seemed to blur as the wearer outpaced foes and effortlessly avoided danger. The Boots of Speed were highly sought after by adventurers and warriors seeking an advantage in battle or the ability to explore far-flung realms. Those who possessed the boots were known for their lightning-fast reflexes and untamed vitality, reflecting the God's mastery over swiftness.

The Divine Assistant, a relic of divine wisdom, was crafted by the God of knowledge and enlightenment. This mystical artifact bestowed unparalleled insight and guidance upon its possessor. It served as a trusted companion and advisor, offering counsel and support in times of need. The Divine Assistant had access to a vast repository of divine knowledge, providing answers to complex questions and revealing hidden truths. Those who possessed the Divine Assistant were respected as scholars and seers, their decisions guided by divine wisdom. The artifact represented the divine connection between mortals and the Gods, reminding all of the Gods' desire to share wisdom and enlightenment.

The Supreme Divine Eye, the most powerful of the ten ancient treasures, held the essence of the greatest God, the Ancient God who sacrificed himself to save all beings. This divine artifact was the right eye of the God of Gods, representing his ultimate sacrifice and unwavering love for creation. The eye possessed an extraordinary ability to see into the past, present, and future, granting its possessor a deep understanding of how the universe works. It was said that a single glance from the Supreme Divine Eye could unveil hidden truths and shape the destiny of all beings.

But the power of the Supreme Divine Eye didn't end there. It had an exceptional ability that surpassed all other treasures. With a simple blink, the eye could mimic the abilities of any being, effortlessly assimilating their powers and skills. It was as if the eye itself became the controller of all things, harnessing the essence of every encountered being. This incredible power granted its possessor unmatched versatility and adaptability, enabling them to face any challenge with the combined strength of countless beings.

Legends spoke of those who possessed the Supreme Divine Eye, revered as the chosen ones of the Gods. With the eye's power, they became conduits of divine will, shaping events and guiding the destiny of all beings. The existence of the eye served as a reminder of the Ancient God's selflessness and boundless power, forever reminding mortals of the ultimate sacrifice made for their salvation.

These ten ancient treasures, crafted by the Gods themselves, represented their divine powers and wisdom. Each artifact embodied the essence of its creator, serving as a testament to the profound influence of the Gods on the mortal realm. As they passed into legend, these treasures continued to inspire awe and reverence, reminding mortals of the enduring legacy of the ancient Gods.