
Supreme Arcanist of Time and Space

[WSA Entry] Powerstones= More daily chapters. Kai was a magician who tried his best to make a living out of it, yet during one of his tricks, he got stabbed by swords. It was a stupid way to die, and during his final breaths, Kai only thought about how people would laugh at him when seeing the news. ‘This is the end, right?’ He believed it to be the end, but the higher forces had different plans for him. Kai got reincarnated into the body of a baby with the same name, living in a small village called Silka, part of the kingdom of Aakanan. A world dominated by magic, and ruled by a system that granted classes and levels to everyone. But the world has not always been like that… Kai, being a person from another world, received a passive related to Space-Time magic, and his destiny soon got intertwined with a heavenly artifact. A pocket-watch capable of rewinding time. ‘I can return one hour into the past? Isn’t this like cheating? I can literally become the best student in this magic academy!’ The pocket-watch had its flaws, obviously, but it quickly became a great tool for Kai, especially when strange murders started to happen in the magic academy he was in. But things were not so simple. Kai found himself trapped, chained by the power of time. He was in the middle of a bigger problem, one that could end the world. He was inside a time loop.

BigToad · ファンタジー
80 Chs

Trouble in Paradise

The years passed slowly for Kai, who wanted to reach six years of age as fast as possible to see what the system would bring him. He talked to his father other times about magic and the system, and also about the world they were in. Zerin felt like it was all important things his son needed to know.

The village of Silka belonged to a kingdom called Aakanan. Zerin made it clear to his son that the village they lived in was far from everything else, but that they were not poor as things might indicate.

One night, Zerin shared a crucial fact to his son. "Me and your mother were mages, but decided to retire to start a family. We are not rich, but we do have enough money saved and some contacts that will get you and your siblings into a magic academy so that you can start your path as Arcanists. But only when you reach 14."

The magic academy Kai would be going to wasn't the best one in the kingdom, as that was only for the few, but it would not be a shit place either. All magic academies were really prestigious in the kingdom of Aakanan.

Another fact Kai came to know was that he and his siblings would go to different academies, and he asked his father the reason for him.

"Hugh wants to be a historian, therefore he is studying abroad in another kingdom. Aakanan is not known for its archaeological teaching, so there is no academy fit for him here. As for Lily, well, she will be going to the same academy her mother studied at, as Seneca is thinking of becoming a teacher there so that she can protect her."

Both Hugh and Lily were older than Kai, so the two would be leaving first. Kai understood the reasons as to why Hugh would go to another kingdom, and why Lily would go to another school, but what about him? Would he be alone?

"Will you be coming with me then? Kai asked.

Zerin had a clear pain on his face, as he looked away, "I will be going with Hugh. But don't worry, you will be in good hands."

Kai always had a loving family, but something else was happening, something that he did not pay attention to. After that midnight serious conversation with his father, Kai started to pay more attention to both of his parents, as well as his siblings.

The relationship between Kai, Lily and Hugh was just like it always had been. It was a loving one, as they all cared deeply for each other. Well, Hugh sometimes was a little annoying, saying things like how he would be the best mage in the family, and how he would make everyone proud. He was just a kid, so Kai paid no attention to it.

But the relationship between his parents was different. Something had happened, and Kai wanted to know what. He tried to listen to their conversation, but they barely spoke with each other when inside their house, always acting like everything was okay, but it was not.

A normal kid would think that everything was just like it always had been, but Kai was not stupid. One day, during the night, Kai decided to leave his house.

It was a night of full moon, and the brightness of it helped Kai to safely traverse through the village. Everyone was asleep, so the place was quiet, cold, and a bit creepy.

'So cold. I think winter is coming,' thought Kai.

He had been born during winter, so that meant his sixth anniversary was coming, which was something he eagerly wanted, but that was before he noticed the problems inside his home.

Kai still remembered the path to the cabin just outside of the village. It took him around 10 minutes of walking to get there — way less if he was an adult, but his tiny legs made everything harder.

The cabin belonged to the only healer the village had, and the person who had helped his mother give birth to him. Kai knocked on the wooden door, hoping that the lady was still awake.

It took a few minutes for the lady to answer, and when she realized who had been knocking, she was shocked. "Kai? What are you doing here? It's cold, you can't be out here so late."

Jane pulled Kai, bringing him close to a fireplace and giving him a fur cloak, which was so big that it acted as a blanket for him. 

"I will bring you home, but I will have to talk to your parents. You shouldn't be here," Jane said, trying to teach him a lesson about his behavior.

Kai was not dumb. He knew that was not a smart move. His body was not one that could withstand the harsh weather, but he had to go there to speak with Jane.

"You're Jane, right? Tell me, what happened between my parents? I know they don't love each other anymore, so tell me, what changed?"

Jane was taken aback by the sudden question, not quite understanding what Kai meant.

"Where did that come from? Your parents are fine," Jane said, moving toward her kitchen to grab a hot drink for Kai.

"I am smarter than the kids my age, remember? I know something happened. They are divorcing, right?" Kai said.

"Where did you learn that word?"

"From a book I read."

"You read books? That's impressive."

Jane remained quiet for a few moments, carefully thinking of her next words.

"Right, I think there is no problem in telling you because I know your parents will talk about this, eventually. Well, probably when you are 10 or something… Anyway, don't tell them I told you this, right?"

Kai was not liking where that conversation was going, but he wanted to know.

"They are not your parents. Well, your mother is your mother, but Zerin is not your real father. I mean, by blood," Jane said.

Kai had the mind of someone older. He was basically 36 at that point when it came to mentality, but hearing that sentence from Jane shook his world and he did not know how to react. It was far worse than he had imagined.