
Supreme Alien Collector

From the first contact between humans and aliens, to the establishment of the Alien Society, the interaction between humans and these amazing beings does not stop for a moment. Captain Roger Heart, an alien collector, is piloting his spaceship to and from different planets, striving to become the supreme collector. But in order to become the pinnacle that all collectors look up to, he has to conduct research and write many papers instead of participating in the confrontation. Roger Heart: Where is danger where is me because I have to write my thesis. Even God can't stop me. This is an interstellar travel taming novel; hope you will like. Please comment more often, I love reading them. : )

9 Chs


"Liliana, I noticed that you performed a very distinctive dance at the end of the performance, can you introduce it?"

Liliana nodded her head and said with a somewhat hesitant face, "Ah, yes. This one was adapted by the dancers of our troupe, inspired by the dances of the San Buffy region's rituals to the god of the sea. The original dance is a bit more solemn and is usually only danced on major occasions."

"Sacrifice to the god of the sea," Roger thoughtfully rubbed his chin and requested, "Do you have someone here who can dance the original version? I would like to refer to it."

This time Liliana answered very quickly, she said bluntly: "Do not need to bother others, I can dance, but also need Lulu and Momo their accompanying dance."

In Liliana's arrangement, she stood in an open space in a position, surrounded by Lulu and Momo, after which she released a unique alien, EI carone.

It was about five feet tall, with a face that looked basically the same as a human's, white armor draped over her pearl-colored body like a shawl, and a soft, boneless body that extended out from it with oddly graceful curves arranged according to some natural pattern.

This is a kind of alien from a distant star field, according to the taxonomy belongs to the 'ordinary' aliens, or according to Roger's habit, call them 'miracle' aliens.

These miraculous beings with no obvious special abilities often show themselves to be extraordinary in less dramatic areas. For example, EI carone, which have almost no fighting ability, are natural dancers, and even in the history of the Federation there was a master dancer who personally traveled to the planet where they were born to explore the mysterious connection between nature and dance.

The EI carone stood opposite Liliana, and together with Lulu Momo they formed four points of a square, or four points on a circle.

After that they begin to slowly do the dance movements while circling around a certain point.

The dance itself was not complicated, just some repetitive movements and sounds, but it still captivated Roger.

When the dance ended, he immediately applauded for the four and expressed his gratitude.

"Another question, Lili, do you know what the legendary sea god of Saint Buffy is?"

Liliana pondered for a while and told Roger: "There doesn't seem to be a standard answer to this question, people nowadays generally believe that those singing super-powered shells are the sea gods, but if you ask the fishermen on the beach, they will say that they are just the messengers of the sea gods, and that the real sea gods are something else."

"Then what is the real sea god?" Roger heard such a statement for the first time and couldn't help but ask after it.

Liliana showed a smile and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what exactly they call the sea god, I can understand this only because my grandmother used to be a fisherman and she told me stories about the sea god, but in that story, the sea god seems to be an insubstantial thing."

"What does that mean?"

"When the realm of the sea is eroded by the land, the sea god sends his messengers to sing around the stubborn rocks, songs so beautiful that even the rocks can be sensitized. The stories we hear are often related to this, that god sends out messengers, and then the balance is restored, as to what god is like and what it is capable of, it never seems to be mentioned."

Roger heard this unexpected answer, tightly frowned into thought.

"If you are very interested in this, perhaps you can go to this place to find out."

Roger raised his hand to look at the information projected on his wristwatch, Liliana had sent a coordinate to his personal terminal, and from the map it seemed to be a natural village protected by the Federal Natural Village Protection Act.

"So now I have to visit a fishing village by the sea in addition to the tribe in the forest?"

Roger chuckled to himself over his upcoming trip to the countryside, but accepted it anyway.

"I will visit there as soon as possible, thank you very much for your help, Miss Liliana, and if the natural disaster of Parry can be redeemed in the future, it must also have a credit to you and your troupe."

"That's very kind of you to say. Where are you staying? It's very late now, and in recent years the security in San Buffy at night is not very good, I will let Berkeley drive you back."

After the two people shook hands very politely and said goodbye, Lulu led Roger to Mr. Berkeley.

Berkeley was the one Roger had met before, the trainer who used the edelfin, and at that moment he had just finished his late-night meditation and came out of a tent with his own edelfin.

To Roger's surprise, when he saw this trainer face to face and up close, he realized that he was not as old as he thought and could even say that he looked a little younger than he was. On the contrary, the edelfin on the side, with a thick, porous armor, the fine and exquisite lines on it shows that this edelfin is already very old, no wonder the telekinetic power is so powerful, the power that can easily separate the crowded crowd.

"Hello, Berkeley, I'm Roger Heart, a collector from Hecal."

Being able to meet a collector after finishing his meditation late at night, Berkeley was also surprised, but his mood quickly regained its calmness and shook hands with Roger to say hello.

After that, Lulu on the side introduced Roger and conveyed Head Liliana's explanation, which made Berkeley pay more attention to him.

"Please come with me, it is true that St. Buffy is a bit dangerous at this time of the year, but I will return you safely to the Collectors Club."

Roger nodded, accepted Berkeley's kindness, and followed him to a nondescript black sedan.

Berkeley didn't seem to have the idea of letting Edfine return to the hive to rest, just letting it sit in the passenger seat, leaving the more comfortable back seat to Roger.

On the road, Roger remembered the nickname of Edfine messenger of the sea god, could not help but ask Berkeley about the local legend of the sea god, and learned from Berkeley's words about the story of Edfine.

A hundred years ago, the Berkeley family was still a well-known priestly family in the area, inheriting the ritual of worshiping the sea god from generation to generation, using Echelle's singing to attract the attention of the sea god.

Later, for some reason, Berkeley's ancestors gave up the family tradition of being priests and brought the Echelle to the newly built city of San Buffy, looking for work.

After several generations, although the family has experienced all kinds of ups and downs, but this faithful Echelle never left them, and eventually transformed into an Edelfin.

"A very legendary experience indeed, Mr. Berkeley."

"Compared to the story of a collector who can be certified by the Federation, these are just some boring family stories that happened on the surface of the planet."

"Is that so? Then let me tell you the story of how I met a unique sheep when I was living on the planet Hecal IV."

"At the time I hadn't yet entered college to learn how to be a real alien collector, but had acquired the first hive of my life, which had nine compartments and some simple functions."

"I remember it was a hot afternoon, the huge blue blazing star 'Hecal' spinning in the canopy, the barren steel earth where people had taken refuge from the terrible radiation."

"I was chasing a rare heterochromatic dingus at the time, a mechanical alien that was found almost everywhere above Hecal, but heterochromatic ones were rare and therefore precious."

"I got so caught up in chasing it that I lost my way and got trapped between pipes, wires, steel and sludge."

"I was trapped for almost a month, completely lost, and the complex metal structure and magnetic field made it difficult for others to find me as well."

"For almost two days, I couldn't find food or clean drinking water and could only chew some moss to barely stay alive."

"Before I was about to fall into a coma from weakness, a bouncing, miraculous little being appeared in front of me and gave me a sour but juicy fruit that saved me from dying of dehydration."

"He's actually in a bad situation, with lots of bad guys chasing him, and he's too weak to deal with them."

"I can't either, but I'm a little smarter than he is. Hecal is full of old machinery, broken, not broken, ready to break. As long as there's electricity, you can find a way to use them."

"It took almost another two weeks or so before we were completely free of those greedy, cruel bounty hunters, after which I decided to bring him home as my first alien."

"My parents were so happy to see me home alive that they almost fainted, and they loved the little guy who saved my life and named him Hill. It is said that I should have had a brother, they prepared this name for him, but he was not born, so the name belongs to that little rabbit."

At this point, Roger could not help but laugh out loud, said the interesting end of this story: because everyone thought Roger was dead, so he had to re-register, destroy his coffin and tombstone, and therefore delayed enrollment, and had to take an interstellar flight to another place extremely far away to enroll.

"And that's the whole story."