
Chapter 39: Revenge Is Sweet (Part 4)

It was now 10:30 AM, and Donald was currently standing in front of the school's library where some students were coming to collect their library cards. 

Rather than stand at the building's front entrance, Donald stood by the side, hiding in some shrubbery while looking toward the front junctions. He currently had his phone to his ear and seemed extremely nervous as he spoke to Don. 

"I'm still not sure this is a really good idea. What makes you think those guys are gonna pass through here anyway? I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but they don't look like the type to get library cards or hang near libraries for that matter."

On the other side of the phone, Don's voice could be heard, "They may not be the type to hang around libraries, but the people they're looking to exploit definitely are. It's a gamble, but I don't see anywhere else where we can find them and get a head start. You want to find another place?"