
5 x 6 Jesse

I was in a meeting with the Seraphs, discussing what to do with Jesse Turner, a Cambion who was prophesied to be the Antichrist who would destroy heaven.

Jesse was a small boy whose power was growing the longer Lucifer was on Earth, many of the Seraphs wanted to kill him but I refused.

"Lord! Please just listen to reason about that Cambion, it's a threat to humanity and to you, its been been killing people left and right, and created monsters by reshaping reality." Peter slammed his hands on the desk as he tried to convince me to kill the child.

"He is an nine year old child, who is impressed by candy or shiny things like kids his age, and he's only doing those things subconsciously without even noticing it." I Refuted as Abel spoke up and said the most stupid thing he ever said.

"He is being hunted by both demons and angels, who only just want to either kill or convert the Cambion for their side. How do we know if that boy isn't already influenced by hell, and joined Lucifer's side." I gave Abel a deathstare as I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Let me tell you something Abel, that was the same reasoning that Cain gave to me when he killed you, that he already believed that you were going to follow Lucifer, and that he was justified in killing you. It was you who begged me to spare his life, you told me that you forgave him, and understood the noble but selfish act that cost you your life." Abel dropped his head on shame as he knew that I was right.

"Matthew, what did I tell you when I first met you? To follow me, even though you were a horrible person, that was the least likely to be my disciple, I gave you that invitation to find a purpose, and a place where you belong even when people told me that it was a bad idea." Matthew went silent as Peter and John had looks of shame.

"Judas, when I brought you out of hell and cleaned your soul, everyone who is sitting at this table wanted me to send you back, I gave you a chance and a purpose, and now you are one of my closest friends and advisors."

"All of you forget that I was the one who gave you this opportunity and power, in all the years that you have reborn as angels, do any of you still remember what it was like to be a human being? Because if I wanted to hear the answer from a robot, I could have just went back to heaven and listen to the council."

The entire room went silent as they knew that I was right, all of them have done terrible and horrible things in both of their lives, what right did they have to judge a child, who didn't even know what he was or doing with his powers.

"I have watched and spoken to this kid since his conception, and he has shown none of his demonic tendencies or killed anyone of his own volition, if he is a threat to humanity, then everyone here can take care of him, we got ways to cure his tainted blood, and powerful sigils that will block his powers." Offering alternative solutions to the problem then killing a potential threat.

"And if by any chance that he does pose a threat to humanity, then I will personally rip his soul from his body, and erase all versions of his past, present, and future self in the timeline." Everyone straightened up as they knew that I mentioned every single word.

"Moving on, Mary and Zerachiel, the both of you will go to the hospital, and fix all the damage that Jesse has caused, but be on your guard because the Winchesters will be there as well, so you have my permission to maim but not kill." Mary and Zerachiel left as they wanted to finish the task quickly.

"Peter, James, and John, you guys will go with your battalions, and work on a counter attack to stop the demons from raising up more of the Horsemen." The trio nodded as they flew off to notify their troops.

I dismissed the meeting and flew off to the bar, that my human contact worked to learn more information about the other pantheons.

When I got to the bar, the entire place was trashed and a bloody mess, intestines and bodies were thrown in the walls and floors.

"Hello Brother, you are quite difficult to track down, it took me over a hundred demons to find this pitiful bar, and get inside without the alerting you." Lucifer smirked as he offered me a drink from the bar.

"Look at yourself Lucifer, you look like a mess, and I should have known that you would have caused another of your tantrums." Scoffing at his attempt to gain some favor from me with this mess.

"Is this really my thanks after dealing with a pile of drunk roaches, who pitiful tried to stop me with their little toys, and that guy over there was a traitor, he was selling information to the pagans about the war for money." Lucifer pointed to Cameron who was my human contact.

"What do you want Lucifer? You can't possibly expect me to join you after this display, I have nothing for you and Michael to use on me." I created a spacial barrier that covered the town incase of a fight.

"I want many things little Brother, I want Father's location, I want to see these greedy cockroaches to burn, and I want to know where is the Antichrist is currently." Lucifer gave me a knowing look.

In the split second, I threw an energy beam and blasted Lucifer, and then gave him a punch of concentrated lighting to his face.

Lucifer was sent back flying as the bar exploded due to the power, Lucifer recovered quickly and froze the entire area in ice.

I created multiple fireballs and shot it at Lucifer at high speeds, Lucifer used the ice in the area to create an ice wall to protect himself, as a huge explosion happen due to the power of the two elements.

I dropped down next to Lucifer and covered my hands with fire, and the two of use began to fight hand-to-hand, Lucifer created ice spikes, as I defected them with a wave of fire.

The two of us continued to punch and block each other's attack, when I used a part of my shadow and shaped it into a sharp and pointy end, it hit Lucifer in the heart, and before he could react, I blasted him with a beam of light and fire.

When the smoke cleared from the explosion, I couldn't sense Lucifer anywhere, I expanded my senses and couldn't find him in the surrounding area, he probably retreated due to the damage done to his vessel, and his grace.

With a wave of my hand, all the damage was restored and the barrier taken down, I left the area and went to the house of Jesse Turner.

Jesse was playing with some toys, when I appeared in front of him and sat down, conjuring a blueberry and a chocolate muffin, in front of him.

"Hey bud, how's it been, you have gotten taller since I last saw you." Jesse smiled as he took the chocolate muffin and took a bite.

"It's been great! Mom took me to get ice cream earlier, and we had so much fun at the park. But, there're were these kids who called me a freak, because I showed them the magic like you told me to." Jesse stopped eating and looked sad, I could feel the clouds assembling and getting ready to unleash Jesse sadness.

"Mind if I tell you a story about a kid just like you? Jesse looked up and he nodded his head excitedly, eager to listen to another of my stories.

"There was a little boy who lived in a village full of ninjas, the boy was deemed cursed, due to the fact that he had a demon inside of him."

"The boy was ostracized, neglected, and beaten by the villagers, his dream was to be the Hokage, and make the villagers respect and look up to him."

"And in time, the Villagers did respect and look up to him, the boy fought many battles and saved them from world-ending threats, in the end, he accomplished his goal and became the best Hokage in his world."

"The point of this story is that people will consider you evil, a freak, an abomination, but they will only be right if you listen to what they say, but if you prove that your more than what they say or think, they will have no choice but to respect and look up to you." Jesse nodded and looked at me with admiration and happiness.

I went invisible and watched Jesse until Sam and Dean spoke to him, and revealed myself as I exorcized the demon in Jesse's mother.

"Hello Jesse, it seems like you know the full truth now." Stopping time for the both of us as Jesse looked at me with pain on his eyes.

"Is it true that I'm a half-demon? That I'm going to end the world and hurt people? Jesse began to cry, as raindrops pounded on the ground the more he cried.

"Hey bud don't cry, remember what I said about the boy in the ninja village, what they say doesn't define you, it's what you do with your actions that will define who you are." I snapped my fingers and brought the both of us to one of my personal worlds.

"This place is a world created by yours truly, a paradise for kids like you, abandoned, outcasts, and need help in controlling their powers." Showing Jesse aurond the world as he looked with excitement and interest at the other kids.

"What about my Mom? Can she come with me to this place? And will you visit me too? Jesse looked afraid as he waited for my answer.

"Of course, I have plenty of places to put your mother, to protect her and of course I will vist you, you are going to need a teacher to teach you about your power." Giving Jesse a beaming smile, as he smiled back at me.