
Chapter 2: Wait What?

" You can open your eyes other self"

" I will give you some of my power, after all I die if you die."

"Now rise Wolfric, I Rebuilt your heart, now let me kill that son of a bitch that killed you."

"Oh, and I'm taking over your body for a bit to do so, now enjoy the ride."


"So, you thought you could kill my host, you fucking blood sucker. Well, I hate to break it to you, but you're not strong enough!!"

"What, what are you?"

"Who me? I'm the one who is going to vaporize your ugly hide. Now die, Bitch"

(At that moment the entity possessing Wolfric summoned a blade out of thin air, striking fear in the Vampire Royalties eyes for the very first time. The blade was swung directly at the blood sucking demon, slowly turning them to dust, all while leaving the Vamp in indescribable pain in the process.)

"Guess it's time for my host to wake up, well so be it the task is taken care of any way. Wake up, Wolfric!"