
Supernatural Beast Tamer

Join Chris as he tries to overcome all obstacles and emerge Victorious in the onset of the supernatural. Chris's Hot Night with his girlfriend Anna ends up, with him almost losing his soul, travelling into another world, and a transmigration into the body of a lowly Demon avatar. How will he escape from one of the most impenetrable spaces in the universe, and handle the Dungeon breaks threatening to tear apart his castle? Will he ever make it back to earth? What will happen to Anna now? P.S - A bit of Smut and Sensitive content read at your own risk.

scriber · ファンタジー
30 Chs

An Unexpected Outcome

When the crew was ready to leave, they still had to attend a send-off party, which lasted for hours, late into the evening. They spent half the time listening to their well-wishers, the offers of advice, as well as a few misgivings.

All in all, Mimi concluded that the event was more successful than she had expected.

While her team members, who were exhausted of all their stamina, lay collapsed on the floor. They wished for nothing more, than to never be put through such a gruesome experience, ever again.

Of course, it couldn't be ignore that more than half of the bachelor's belonging to her squad, were love struck.

"I thought I'd never find love, who would have thought my darling would be waiting for me, half way across the world in the lovely terrains of Kenya." A new member of the Frost army, Bill, sighed. He had a dreamy look on his brutish face, clearly his head was stuck in the clouds."

"My Egyptian goddess, when will I get to see you again. I'll use up all my saved up vacations just to be with you. This is will be my last trip, I'm definitely getting married." Another soldier commented.

"My sea shore darling, so wild and strong."

"My heart, My Bomi."


Mimi didn't want to see this. These muscular and brutish men where starting to compose poems, and ballads of their love, and loss.

"This is why you should travel more, your all acting like a disgrace, tsk."

"Ha, your just sore cause the girl you confessed to rejected you."

Ha, ha, ha, ha.

"How terrible do you have to be to get rejected."

Hah ha-ha ha.

"Even guys like us ended up with girlfriends and fiancées, just what have you been doing?" They said flashing their rings with a mischievous grin on their faces.


"Ignore that Jack ass, his just sulking."

Even the vice captain, was clearly thinking of something important, with a serious look on his face, only to blurt out his thoughts. "should I just quit my job?"

Everyone looked at him in surprise. Who could have made this workaholic think about quitting?

"It's not worth it if I can't be with my beloved."

Before the situation got any worse, the Captain had to intervene.

"Hey you bunch of Pu*****. Are you going to quit just because of this? Do you think your women would be proud of you?" They looked at the Captain tonged tied.

"Then you aren't a worthy member of the frost army, you might as well jump off the plane now, or get a bullet in your head." The violent McConnell yelled.

"Yes Sir," the men composed themselves and hid their feelings away, no one wanted to get pushed of a plane without parachutes. A chill went through their spine.

To be honest it wasn't surprising that these muscle heads were suddenly desirable, they just happened to be the spitting image of a perfect husband on the continent. They were in high demand. There was nothing better than strong, tall, brave men who just happened to be rich too. They were quite the catch.

Infact, knowing the continent it wouldn't be a surprise if there were actually a few match-making skill holders across the land.

She chuckled, thinking of a "Husband finder" skill user being groomed with care in the ADA, or a community leader being consulted over marriage prospects.

Little did she know, she wasn't so far from the truth.

If she had anything to say, it would be that, it was a wonder that they weren't all taken.

Mimi sighed those elders had clearly done their work, a little too well.


Next stop on the continental search was the Asian continent, they were well received in the Asian continent, a massive festival was held in their honour, the neutral land allowed for a quick and efficient gathering, with no one pulling more weight than the other.

It was tougher to arrive at a conclusion, unlike in the Arctic and in Africa. It took hours negotiating before they could come to an agreement.

"Tsk," at this rate she would faint from a different kind of stress, she would rather be partying and stuffing herself with food.

They agreed to help her in return for more rights to beast skins, for armour and weapons, as well as a few disaster exclusive rights. She had given in as much as she could, while swallowing the bile in her stomach, all for Chris. "These ingrates, should I just wipe them out?

"Where were they when we were cast out? At least the AU lent a helping hand." That was why no matter the stress involved, she preferred interacting with them.

They always delivered.

She wished she had found Chris within the AU, if she did, she wouldn't be here.

The AU didn't need anything, they were currently majorly self sufficient. All she needed was a truck load of single meat headed men, and she could get what ever she wanted.

So what if she sold out her men to First class match-makers, everyone was happy and she had gotten what she wanted, "hmp."

After the permit had been received they screened through the whole continent searching for Chris. From China to India, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong-Kong, Thailand, South Korea, Russia and even North Korea. They had managed to bypass and conduct a search in the most self-isolated countries. The scope of the search was gigantic.

After this, came the European continent. The Queen had given her permission along with other European countries, and they swept through the continent at break neck speed. Only to find nothing.

Even as she left empty handed, she had to clean up after the EU. They had no dome, and an unfortunate disaster had struck as they were about to leave. She had killed the high class Sea monster and left the carcass as a gift.

"Nature's Marvel, Sonic Wave!" She killed the monster, dropped it beside the London Bridge,  and ta-tad away.

She was royally pissed.

Thereafter, they moved to the South American continent, the countries had agreed fairly readily to the search. After receiving monetary payments running in Hundreds of Thousands of gold.

After the split, the North American continent was wiped off the face of the earth, leaving behind a few survivors around the globe. The continent could not handle the wave of energy that fried, and destroyed everything in its wake, as it had been in the centre of the split. It had borne the full weight of the impact, which killed human, and animal alike. It had crumbled into the North Pacific ocean, one night, never to be seen again, all as if it were never there to begin with.

With assets, wealth, and investment gone so quickly, the nations of earth struggled to fill the gaps of power.

Russia, China and The Middle East in particular, struggled for power.

It was a hectic period.

With no clear winner, the countries split. As a result each nation fended for themselves.

They created alliances and decided amongst themselves, with no superior world power.

The split provided resources as well as greater risks, and untold dangers.

It once again turned the world into a rich jungle of unexplored and unconquered land, a vast plane of opportunities.

This ushered in a new era in the Morden age of the world.

The Neo-golden Age.

In the aftermath, it had quickly plunged half of the world into danger, and darkness.

As the split continued, the people had no choice, but to take drastic measures.

To survive they became stronger, smarter and crueler.

Mimi went back to Percifernia downcast. The trip had been useless, she hadn't found Chris.

As she came back, she cried quietly in her room.

"Poor miss, who does he think he is to break her heart? We'll rip him apart if he ever shows up. Cheer up."

"That's right, he doesn't know what's good for him."

"That piece of shit."

"Good for nothing scoundrel."

"Piece of shit."


"Refuse dump."


"Yes captain!"

"Shut up."

"Yes captain!"

Engine Noises.

The jet sped up, its course set for the middle of the ocean,

Course Set.


Point Nemo.

◇ ◇ ◇

Clack, clack, clack.

Mimi walked into her room and slammed the door. That was the last that was seen of her.

As per her parent's request she had moved back with the frost family on the island. The Island was owned and built by super-humans with their manifestations, which they had earned in the aftermath of the split.

She hadn't left her room in a month. Except for the large order of food she sent to the kitchen, with which she stuffed herself with, and the loud noise from the cinematic shows she watched in her room, she was non-existent.


"Monica, I didn't raise her to be so weak. What's wrong with her?"

"Calm down honey, she just needs a bit of rest, that's all, she just needs to clear her mind a bit, and heal her heart. It's her first time facing a loss that's beyond her control, our baby needs to grow."

"I should have gotten rid of him when I had the chance. You were the one who told me that a friend would do her some good."

"And it did, weren't you so proud of her."

"Everything she ever did, was in one way or another, for that damn boy."

"And now his gone, it won't be easy for her, he was her only friend, she must heal."

"Hah. I'll give her a week after that…"

"Good evening father, mother. Did you wish to see me?

Mina looked as beautiful as ever in a smart business suit.

She had finally appeared before her parents.

The right to succession swung in earnest.




Chris threw up.

Chris and sim arrived at a port near the sea, they looked around, but couldn't find anyone they knew. Sim stretched her legs and yawned a bit.

The people went around their daily business.

"Let's find a place to stay," they were both beat. The theme song had kept playing even as they were teleported. It wasn't a quick and simple process, they had sung in the loop for 6 hours. Chris was hungry and tired, he needed to sleep. As they walked down the road people stared at them weirdly, but Chris paid no mind, he had better things to do than be concerned about the gazes from strangers. He immediately got into the closest cheap looking inn and booked a room with two beds.

"That would be 50 golds per night the keeper snickered," she wondered who the slave and his dog were, for them to walk around in broad daylight and come to an inn. They must be runaways or worse, they had run away after stealing.

'Hmm, just you wait, I'll make thing as difficult for you a…'


50 gold laid spread on the table, "don't disturb us."

'My word.'

'Maybe he was a rich guy going around in a disguise, but instead of normal clothes he had opted for that of a slave,' that was the only explanation, there's no way a slave could have 50 gold the most they could steal was one, for fear that if caught they would be killed.

"What are you waiting for, take him to the best room, and serve him the best meal, with the best service."

She was happy she hadn't acted out too much or her head would have be flying.

Chris was shell shocked, '50 gold per night, 'wasn't that way for expensive,' his back was sweating, 'how many days can I afford?'

Even though he had entered the closest inn, he had entered the one that looked least expensive, 'it was a pity?' Chris and Sim were led to their room by a beautiful young woman, and served fine food and fresh drinks.

At least the service is worth it, after downing some cool drinks the nausea he suffered from the trip, and the cheesy theme music that played on repeat was finally gone. Sim proceeded to bring out her favourite puzzle from her bag, apparently she had hidden one from Chris. When she saw the look on his face, she let out a doggy sounding laughter and proceeded to busy herself in her game.

Chris shook his head, "They all grow up so fast." Chris quickly took a bath and laid down to get some sleep.

A few hours later Chris awoke to find Sim asleep.

Chris stretched and took another bath to wash off the sweat caused by the hot weather, this was a luxury he couldn't afford in the dungeon, so he planned to enjoy every bit of it now, before he went back.

The woman in charge of the inn came to meet him. "Young master we apologize for the insult you suffered on our account this morning, and we are here to give you a full refund, so please don't be angry."

"Alright," Chris said pocketing his money, he didn't know what happened, but it was an unexpected gain. "In return, I want you to tell me about the events going on in the past few days."

"Yes, young master."

"The magicians have removed the statue of the ancient watchers who watched over us since the creation, and warded away all evil. We told them they were crazy, but they didn't listen, now we're suffering from all kinds of famine, drought, and epidemics never seen before.

The magicians insist that it's all a hoax.

Yet they built barriers to defend themselves, leaving us out in the open.

Not only that, but the legendary beast Lepercuchin, has appeared where the statue of the helper was before. Legend says it would swallow the whole world."

"Hmm," Chris pondered.

The woman on her knees glanced at Chris nervously.

From the looks of it she assumed that the youngman happened to be a young Knight. 'Going from the situation at hand, has he come to gain experience. If his family found out I told the young man about the beast and sent him on a path of death, my life would be in danger.'

"Young master, you don't have to concern yourself with the mere commoners plight, this old woman doesn't know what she said."

"Could you guide me to the destination?"

"Young master," he threw a piece of the refunded gold back at her.

"Young master, no matter how interesting, it isn't worth your life."

He threw the entire bag at her.

"Young master, please don't do this to me, I beg you I might not be rich, but I am honest," she said, shedding tears while clutching the bag of gold. It seemed she was quite conflicted.

He decided to give her a little push, if he didn't do this, he would never be able to find out the exact location just from mere rumours. He might even be able to join a group heading towards the same location to try their luck.

More importantly, he would rather just go alone. 'Since anything else would be a headache.'

{Your loved one is praying for you, your being is more protected.}


It couldn't be his father, could it?