
Superman's Saiyan brother

Twelve years ago, the first spaceship brought a superhuman son to the Kent family. Twelve years later, a second spaceship brought a Saiyan son to the Kent family. What kind of waves will the brotherly combination of Superman and Saiyan cause in this world? Ps1: The world background is a new and completely different comprehensive American comic world after the protagonists of the previous game merged with the universe. DC movie animation + some comics from Marvel movies + Jackie Chan’s adventures + some movies containing extraordinary powers. Some of the characters and abilities are designed I will definitely not follow the routine, and I will not follow the original plot flow. Instead, I will intercept the major events and rewrite it. The plot and characters will be affected by the butterfly effect of the comprehensive world. I will try my best to write a plot trend that you have never read Author : dreams and reality Translation work : don't own anything :

Deep_Singh_6455 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 2: adaptation and changes

Although Jonathan warned Clark of sudden accidents like the death of people in vehicle accidents and , that it was best not to expose his ability to rescue but it was all for the sake of protecting Clark.

There is no doubt that Jonathan is a kind person, and the same is true of Martha. Otherwise, Clark, who suffers from his ability, can't maintain a kind heart. When he sees the classmates who bully him, he is still willing to save each other …

Almost subconsciously, Jonathan and Martha are unwilling to let such a small child stay in the wild and are not willing to let such a small child be officially discovered, thus conducting rounds of experiments. Their hands tremble whenever they think about such a possibility.

Moreover, from Clark's performance, Jonathan and Martha understood that it's best to keep his power hidden...

Jonathan and Martha glanced at each other and knew their thoughts, Martha's about to speak but she stepped and Clark moved forward to pick up the crying baby.

At this time, Jonathan and Martha discovered that although the baby was the same as a human baby, there was a small tail like a monkey behind the buttocks, which made the two of them stun.

"Drink!" At this time, there was a burst of drinking. Jonathan and Martha looked at it subconsciously, but saw his son Clark raise the ball-shaped aircraft and look at them excitedly, "I think this small spacecraft should be placed next to my spacecraft, I remember there is still a vacant position … "

"Okay … OK!" Seeing that Clrak raised the aircraft directly, the eyes of both parents raised a bit every time they saw such shocking power of their child, but there was no way to refute it. The family hurriedly cleaned up the traces around and returned home. With Aircraft and babies.

The Kent family didn't know that their actions had always been seen by others. One black-haired loli suspended in another space, with mysterious golden magic light surging around it.

On the side of the black-haired loli, there was a trace of naked, the whole body exuded blue light, and the human-shaped creature of the birds under the moon flashed the blue light in the eyes of the birds, which also stared at it all.

"Variable." After a long while, the black-haired loli said softly, "Jonathan should have only one child, that is the Clark, he will become the god of the world, but now everything has changed! Dr. Manhattan, what do you think?"

"The future of Jonathan was destined to die in a tornado, but now, I can't see his future, or I can't see the future of this family, which is not right!"Dr. Manhattan shook his head and said solemnly.

"From my birth to the present, I have not observed the timeline. In theory, there are countless species in the future, but there will be only one established trajectory in the future of this universe. Now, as he comes, the future will become the future. Numerous New species will appear... He opened the way of the unknown … "

"Ancient Master, can Time Gem can see all the future about him?"

"Seemingly flat, but full of variables." Loli Guyi faintly flashed with green light, and then shook his head, saying a mystery.

"His appearance is very abrupt. His spacecraft is not owned by this universe. Also, some cities in this world are strange, as if twins are similar, there are the same urban structure, but there are different names., Also distributed in similar places … "There was a trace of confusion in the eyes of Dr. Manhattan. From the moment he obtained his ability, the universe should not have kept secrets from him, but he found that there is still too much in the universe and that there is still too much knowledge in the universe. He couldn't figure out a lot of things.

"Om!" As soon as Dr. Manhattan's words had just fallen, a rule that made Dr. Manhattan unable to resist trapped Dr. Manhattan.

"Congratulations, I saw your ability above and promoted to the observers. We will be a colleague in the future!" Bald observers suddenly appeared, holding Dr. Manhattan with a smile, and said, "From today, your work is to observe and record what happened in the universe outside the universe, and not allowed to intervene … "

The head observer didn't give Dr. Manhattan a chance to speak. He glanced at Loli Gu Gu with a slight ridicule and nodded, and disappeared with Dr. Manhattan.

"I don't think I should not look like this. Whether it is a bald woman or a white-haired old man, I have to be more in line with my identity, but what do I say?"

The idea of Loli Guyi flashed, and her figure didn't know when she disappeared.


In Kent's house, Jonathan went to the town to buy various infant supplies overnight, and then feed the baby with milk powder. After the family watched the baby sleeping, he was relieved at the same time.

"Clark, you go to sleep first. It's not too early. Your mother and I have to discuss something …" Even if Clark saw unprecedented excitement at this time, Jonathan still pretended to drive Clark ruthlessly. The next family meeting did not have Clark.

"Nothing to cook at all!" Clark whispered, but his eyes were always turning to what was going on.

Since the discovery of spacecraft and alien babies, Clark's thoughts have been a lot more lively, and it has also been cheerful as if the impact of the school bus incident on him has been completely forgotten. 

"We, do you want to adopt this child?" After a short while, looking at the sleeping babies, Jonathan took the lead in saying.

"Aren't you already thinking about it?" Martha smiled softly and said softly. "Clark is different from ordinary people after all. Even if he doesn't say, we can know that he is lonely, and there are no friends …"

"Moreover, Clark is the best gift for God for us. When we were confused, Clark came, bringing us warmth."

"Similarly, when Clark was confused, the child came to the of Clark just after the daytime incident. Is he the best gift for Clark?"

"Yeah! I have never seen Clark so excited and active. Before he was so silent, coupled with the depression brought by his ability, I was worried about his psychological problems …" Jonathan shrugged with a smile, "Besides, don't we adopt him, can we still let him live like this? "

"Clark has a companion, a brother, a friend. It is estimated that Clark will rush to take care of him in the future, but it can also save us a little effort …"

"But his tail?" Martha noticed the tail curled up behind the baby's buttocks, and said, "What about his tail? Clark after all, looks no different from us, but this child is all places elsewhere in other places. Fortunately, this is just a tail. "

"Let Clark see it, if you can remove it without hurting him … forget it, hide it first, anyway, there are clothes that can be blocked, just pay attention when wearing pants." Jonathan looked at the baby and the tail was a little unbearable, it should be removed, and in the end, he could only shake his head helplessly.


{ translation: chat gpt +me 


It's too bad I spent like 40 minutes or more in just translation but I didn't completely change it...}


I will translate this novel anyway but to motivate me you can buy subscription of my patron account, which is only $1 
