

everything is being destroyed and the universe is about to end, superman now gathered all the various version of himself that was spread across the universe, to fuse and combine once again into one. but before that, they all decided to tear open a hole in reality, escape and enter a whole new world....tune in to the same SUPER time, same SUPER channel!!

VENATUS · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs


"*sigh I need to study again....now I know why all those kids I see and hear before are bummed out on the mention of "studying."

Clark Kent, now fully immersed in his role as M.A.-01, found himself facing an unexpected crossroads. The military government of Country P had tasked him with choosing specific fields of study to further enhance his abilities and contributions to their operations.

They were not your typical subjects, but then again, Clark was far from a typical agent.

As he reviewed the list of available fields, only three truly captured his interest: Spycraft, Weapons and Tactics, and Culinary Studies. Each offered unique skills that could prove invaluable in his new life as an agent, but they also represented different aspects of his identity and the challenges he faced in this strange new world.

Spycraft, the art of espionage and covert operations, intrigued him. It was a field that required cunning, adaptability, and a keen understanding of human behavior. Clark knew that his heightened senses and intelligence could make him a formidable spy, capable of infiltrating enemy organizations and gathering critical information. Yet, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease at the thought of deceiving others. He had always been honest and straightforward, and the idea of manipulating people for a greater cause went against his principles.

Weapons and Tactics, on the other hand, spoke to his sense of duty and responsibility. He had witnessed firsthand the devastation that could be wrought by powerful adversaries, and he wanted to be prepared to defend innocent lives. Training in this field would allow him to use his formidable abilities strategically, protecting those who couldn't protect themselves. However, he couldn't ignore the irony that a former hero, who had once saved lives without taking one, was now considering the art of warfare.

And then there was Culinary Studies—a surprising choice, even to himself. It represented a connection to his human side, to the simple joys of life that he had embraced as Clark Kent. Cooking had always been a source of comfort for him, a way to find solace and happiness in the midst of chaos. Pursuing this field would not only allow him to explore his love for food but also provide him with a unique cover identity as a chef.

It was a small reminder of the life he had left behind as a journalist, a life that had once been filled with hope and optimism, and living alone and cooking ones' own food----in his case to ease his mind of the constant pressures of his dual identities.

After much contemplation, Clark made his decision.

He would pursue all three fields simultaneously, using his unique abilities to excel in each one. Spycraft would sharpen his observational skills and intuition, Weapons and Tactics would ensure he was a capable protector using latest and advance hardware, and Culinary Studies would offer a glimpse into the human experience that he cherished but wasn't full able to achieve because of balancing his superhero life.

As he began his training, he found himself facing the challenges of each field with determination and a sense of purpose.

"If only Bruce could see me now...."

He studied the intricacies of Spycraft, learning the art of disguise, cryptography, and intelligence analysis. He trained tirelessly in weapons and tactics, mastering a wide range of firearms and combat techniques. And in the culinary world, he immersed himself in the art of cooking, experimenting with flavors and techniques to create extraordinary dishes.

"Look at me I'm Chef Master Superman!"

Along the way, he discovered that his unique perspective and abilities allowed him to excel in ways that no one else could. He could identify the smallest details, predict his opponents' moves with uncanny accuracy, and create culinary masterpieces that left even the most discerning palates in awe.

But as he delved deeper into these fields, he couldn't escape the nagging feeling that he was drifting further away from the hero he had once been. The term "assassination" continued to haunt him, a reminder of the compromises he had made in this new world. He knew that his missions were necessary to protect innocent lives, but the weight of taking a life—even for a just cause—was a burden he carried with a heavy heart.

"Its hard but I can do it! I always excel in studies and school before, so I can do it again!!"

Despite the challenges and moral dilemmas, Clark remained committed to his training. He had a duty to fulfill, a world to protect, and a future to shape. And as he honed his skills in Spycraft, Weapons and Tactics, and Culinary Studies, he couldn't help but wonder if, in this new role, he could find a way to uphold the values of truth, justice, and compassion that had defined him as Superman.

In the end, he knew that it was not the fields of study that defined him but the choices he made and the actions he took. And as he faced the uncertainties of his new life, he was determined to navigate the shadows while staying true to the principles that had always guided him—no matter how much the world around him had changed.

[Doctor Z perspective....]

Dr. Z sat in his spacious office, his fingers steepled in deep thought. His office, adorned with various awards and accolades, was a testament to his years of dedication to the military government of Country P. He was renowned for his contributions to the fields of magic and technology, pioneering breakthroughs that had advanced the nation's capabilities.

Today, however, his mind was occupied by the enigma known as M.A.-01, or Clark Kent, as he had once been known. The transformation of the former civilian into a government agent was a marvel of science and magic, and Dr. Z couldn't help but be intrigued by the possibilities it presented.

His communicator buzzed, pulling him from his contemplation. It was one of his senior scientists, Dr. Eliza Simmons, a brilliant mind in her own right.

"Doctor Z, we've received the selections made by M.A.-01 for his areas of expertise," Dr. Simmons announced, her tone laced with curiosity. "They're rather... eclectic."

Dr. Z leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Elaborate, Dr. Simmons."

She handed him a tablet, and he quickly scanned through the selections: Spycraft, Weapons and Tactics, and Culinary Studies. It was an unusual combination, to say the least.

"Indeed, quite eclectic," Dr. Z mused, his sharp mind already working through the implications. "Eliza, gather the senior scientists for a meeting. We need to discuss M.A.-01's choices and their potential applications."

As Dr. Z waited for the meeting to convene, his thoughts swirled with possibilities. Spycraft would enhance M.A.-01's ability to operate covertly and gather critical intelligence. Weapons and Tactics would make him a formidable protector, capable of dealing with a wide range of threats. Culinary Studies... well, that was the wildcard. It was an intriguing choice that left Dr. Z pondering its significance.

The meeting room filled with scientists from various fields, all eager to dissect M.A.-01's selections.

Dr. Simmons began the discussion. "As you all know, M.A.-01 has chosen to specialize in Spycraft, Weapons and Tactics, and Culinary Studies. It's an unconventional combination, to say the least."

Dr. Z nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Let's start with Spycraft. It's clear that this choice will allow him to operate with a high degree of discretion and gather valuable information. In our missions, intelligence is often as crucial as firepower."

Dr. Franklin, an expert in magical analysis, chimed in. "But why Culinary Studies? It seems like an outlier among these choices."

Dr. Z stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Perhaps it's a way for him to maintain a civilian persona. Cooking is a universal skill, and it could provide him with an unassuming cover identity."

Dr. Simmons added, "It's also possible that he's looking to blend in with the local culture more effectively. Cuisine is an integral part of any society, and understanding it could be an asset in building trust."

The discussion continued as they dissected each field of expertise and its potential applications. Dr. Z was impressed by the depth of insight his team offered, and it became clear that M.A.-01's choices were not as random as they initially seemed.

After hours of debate and analysis, they concluded that M.A.-01's selections were a testament to his adaptability and strategic thinking. He was building a skill set that would allow him to excel in a variety of situations, both in the field and in daily life.

Dr. Z couldn't help but be intrigued by the transformation of Clark Kent into M.A.-01. It was a fusion of science and magic, of human and superhuman capabilities. He knew that the future held challenges and mysteries beyond their current understanding, and M.A.-01 would play a pivotal role in navigating this new world.

As the meeting adjourned, Dr. Z couldn't shake the feeling that they were witnessing the evolution of a new kind of agent—a blend of heroism and pragmatism, with a skill set that defied convention. The enigma of M.A.-01 continued to intrigue him, and he was eager to see how these diverse skills would shape his future and their world.

[Back to Superman...]

Clark Kent, or rather, M.A.-01, had always been a dedicated learner.

Whether it was the study of his Kryptonian heritage, honing his abilities under the sun, or mastering the skills needed to become Earth's protector as Superman, he approached each task with unwavering determination. Now, as a government agent, his chosen fields of expertise—Weapons and Tactics, Spycraft, and Culinary Studies—might appear eclectic, but they were a deliberate choice.

In the dimly lit room of his private quarters at the military installation, Clark sat at his desk, poring over textbooks, schematics, and mission reports.

"I always admired the spy movies of fictional agent characters James Moore and Connery Bond, it was recommended by Bruce one time during our late night stakeouts. I love those fictional gadgets they used but its useless if I'm the one using it, during my superhero days."

His dedication to Weapons and Tactics was well-known among his fellow agents. He studied advanced combat strategies, analyzed the latest weapons technology, and practiced various forms of martial arts. It was a field where his superhuman abilities could be concealed beneath the guise of a well-trained agent.

Spycraft, on the other hand, was a skill set he admired in individuals like Batman. The art of espionage, covert operations, and gathering intelligence fascinated him. He learned about encryption, decryption, surveillance techniques, and even disguise and impersonation. Spycraft would allow him to operate in the shadows, unseen and unheard, just as he had during his early days as Superman.

"Cooking is an Explosion!"

And then there was Culinary Studies, a seemingly whimsical choice. It was a hobby that had grown on him during his years as Clark Kent, a guise that allowed him to blend in with humanity. But now, it served a more practical purpose. Cooking provided him with a cover identity, a civilian facade, during infiltration missions. Plus, he enjoyed the art of creating dishes and indulging in comfort food.

Clark's dedication to his chosen areas of expertise was unwavering. He knew that to excel in these fields, he had to embrace the process fully. The spartan training sessions, the late nights studying blueprints and mission profiles, and the hours spent perfecting his culinary skills—they were all part of his daily routine.

"C'mon! Why is time so slow when you want it to go fast?"

Yet, Clark was not without his moments of respite.

After all, even a dedicated agent deserved a break. He chuckled to himself, thinking of his nighttime escapades. When the moon hung high in the sky and the world was asleep, he used his clone substitution technique to fool the security cameras and guards. Then, with a speed almost too quick for the human eye, he ventured out into the city.

"Hello my temporary Fortress of Solitude!"

His favorite haunt was the tall bell tower of a nearby church.

The solitude, the view of the city lights, and the distant hum of traffic were the perfect backdrop for his late-night indulgences. He would bring back bags of fried food and junk food, carefully paid for at a convenience store using his super speed to avoid suspicion. As he munched on greasy treats, he sometimes allowed himself a glass of wine or a bottle of beer, savoring the taste and warmth they brought.

"Kyaa!!! Puhaaa!!!! This is the life, drinking beer and eatin' chick'n!"

It was during these stolen moments of indulgence that Clark Kent, the former superhero, felt a connection to his human side. He reveled in the simple pleasures of life, just as he did when he walked among people as an ordinary journalist. These nights were a reminder that, despite the complexities of his new life as M.A.-01, he was still Clark Kent, a man who cherished the joys of both learning and leisure.

"The world may have changed and I have to adapt and now enjoy this new second life! There will be hardships but I will succeed, I know I will, one way or the other!!"

only coffee give me pleasure. i liked mine black and sweet. i also re-watched some dexter episodes and breaking bad, if only there was a show combining the two: a drug making, serial killer who kills only the evil----and his drug competition. i'd star minju from iz*one as the protagonists' girlfriend, fiance then wife, lost in translation between the mc and the female love interest would be interesting

VENATUScreators' thoughts