
65. Had a Dream I'd Just Fly Away

"Hello, Mother."

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

"No. Fortunately, I was finished."

"Lena, really?" Lillian said with distaste. "Is that anyway to behave as the CEO of Luthor Corp?"

"It's L-Corp, Mother." Lena said, walking over to her desk and taking a seat behind it. "But the good news is that I won't be CEO for much longer."

"And that's exactly why I'm here." Lillian said, getting up from the couch and standing in front of Lena's desk.

"Of course it is." Lena seethed, but this time managed to sound more calm "Worried about our shares, are we?"

"I'm worried about you, Lena. And the Company. And your Father's legacy." Lillian said, sounding indignant.

"And your own. You'll always be associated with L-Corp, regardless of who is running it."

"But you're the one who will be the biggest loser." Lillian said. "You're giving up everything you've been working for. Everything you've wanted to accomplish. In order to 'make the world a better place' - in your own words! And how can you do that without L-Corp assets behind you?"

"Let me worry about that."

"And for what? For some girl!"

"Watch it, Mother." Lena squeezed her fingers into tight fists, but held her hands tightly to her sides. "Leaving L-Corp is about much more than my relationship with Kara."

"I'm only saying - out of concern for you that...well, just that you've had a lot of women in your life, Lena. Many have caught your eye, and then they're gone. Some you were interested in for some time. And then they're gone. What about that Kane woman? You were serious about her for what - nearly a year, wasn't it? They disapear. Mostly because of you, moving on, pushing them away."

"Back off, Mother." Lena nearly growled.

"You see?" Lillian scoffed. "You're not the type of alpha to settle down. You were born to conquer. To take what you want, enjoy it, and then move on. This relationship won't be any different."

Lena could feel her face turning fiery red. She held her hands tightly to her sides and fought the urge to respond.

"You're upset because I'm speaking the truth." Lillian said. "Why do you think this woman will be any differnt?"

"I've warned you, Mother." Lena said, standing from her seat and gripping the edge of her desk. "Leave Kara out of this. I've told you it's about much more than her..."

"Don't you see, Lena? You really can have it all. You can have the girl and the company- for as long as you want. And when you're done, you can move on. And still have all the power and wealth of L-Corp behind you. No one will care what happens with her."

Lena could feel the rage building up as her mother leaned in to make her point.

"I can see why you're attracted to her. And you can have her, for as long as you want. You don't have to give up the company for her. The truth is, she's really not that special. And knowing you, she'll be gone before the end of this year."

At that point Lena couldn't stop herself. Her hands shot out and wrapped around her mother's neck. She felt relief and pleasure at the power of making her mother stop. At last stopping the horrible words coming out of her mouth. Finally taking control the way she knew she could.

"I warned you, Mother. And I swear, if you open your mouth again to disrespect Kara...I won't be responsible for what happens." Lena squeezed tighter and watched as her mother's eyes grew wider, realizing the seriousness of her situation as it became more difficult to breath. Lillian gripped Lena's wrists tightly, trying desperately to get free.

Lena could feel her alpha fighting for complete control, reveling at the sight of her mother's helplessness. At that realization Lena began to wrestle control back from her alpha nature to conquer, and not to stop things from getting any further.

Suddenly her desk phone rang, snapping her out of her impasse. She released her hold and shoved her mother back. Lillian stumbled backwards as she gasped for breath.

Lena hit a button on her phone to decline the call. She could see Jess had arrived early, probably out of concern that Lena had never left.

As Lena caught her breath she continued to glare at her mother.

"I warned you. I gave you every chance to stop."

"Don't apologize for giving in to your true nature...it's exactly what I'm trying to get you to embrace." Lillian rasped as she tried to pull herself together. "Come on, Lena - you just attacked your own mother! Let go. Let your alpha go and truly conquer. And don't let yourself be distracted or derailed by a relationship! Especially not one that won't give you any of the power that you really want."

"God damnit, Lillian!" Lena screamed before getting a handle on herself as her mother's eyes widened in shock. "Just...you have to stop. You have no idea how much I want Kara. How much I...how much I need her. The rest of it - the power, the glory, any of it...they don't mean anything compared to her."

"I'm just trying to help, Lena. You know this. Maybe it also relates to my financial bottom line. But ultimately it's also about you. Your success. Your own power. I'm here for you, Lena."

"Give me a break, Mother! Maybe my alpha wants to conquer and dominate. But Kara is my soulmate. And that overrides any other drives." Lena sucked in a deep breath. "And I'll do whatever it takes to protect her. To help her succeed. And ultimately, if it's what she wants, to make her mine. And to be hers. And all that entails."

"Lena." Lillian said, sounding shocked. "You can't just...give up all that you are...to make some woman...I mean, to make this person...happy."

"After all I've said and done - how can you think that I wouldn't give up anything to make her happy?"

"Lena, really..." As Lillian began another plea. Just then the phone on Lena's desk buzzed ahead. This time Lena answered.

"Good morning, Jess." Lena said with an icy demeanor. "Thanks for coming in so early."

"Of course." Jess said, sensing Lena's distress and trying to remain calm. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Indeed, there is." Lena said through her teeth. "Please send Security to escort my mother out of the building. She's having a hard time catching her breath. She should have a medical professional examine her as soon as possible."

"It would be my pleasure, Ms. Luthor." Lena couldn't help but smirk at the sound of smugness at the other end of the line.

"Good news, Mother." Lena said, glaring at Lillian as she tried to recover her breath. "You are just leaving."

Lillian sat down in a nearby chair looking defeated.


In Gotham City, Kara and her teammates were celebrated around the city, including a big parade, meeting with the mayor, and even getting a key to the city. Given their choice of where to have dinner that night they decided on Sylvia's, a famous soul food restaurant that had been around for over 50 years. Kara was starving and couldn't wait to get there, but as she headed toward the team bus she was waylaid by her coach.

"Sorry, Supergirl. Your duties aren't over yet." Sara said. "We've booked you on the Tonight Show. Taping starts in an hour."

"What? Coach, no! Please, I'm starving and..." She whined. "I'm sure others would love to do it..."

"I'm sorry, Kara. You're the one they want." Sara said and almost seemed sorry. "You know how important this is to raise the profile of U.S. Women's Soccer."

Kara looked disappointed but knew she couldn't say no. "What if I screw up? On national television?"

"Well, you managed to win the World Cup on global television, so I think we're in good hands." Sara smiled, then took her arm gently and squeezed it reassuringly. She led her towards a long black car parked near by. As they got closer the driver's door opened and Vaz appeared before her.

"Vaz! Is Lena..."

"No! No, sorry. She's completely tied up with the transition. But she sent me here. She said you needed me more than she did right now."

"Wow, that...was really thoughtful."

"I told her about the possible solo appearances and, well, she seemed to know it might worry you." Sara added.

"OK, I'll do my best."

"You got this, Kara." Sara said, punching her lightly in the arm, then going for a quick hug. "Break a leg."

Vaz opened the door for her and Kara plopped down on the back seat. Claire Clover, the PR rep for the trip got in on the other side.

"Hit it, Vaz." She said urgently.

Less than half an hour later she found herself being hustled to a dressing room inside the massive 30 Rockefeller building where they filmed the show. Claire was by her side, giving her instructions about what to say and what not to say.

"Stay away from personal questions as much as possible."

"You mean, don't talk about my relationship with Lena."

"Precisely." She said.

"Jimmy won't ask about anything personal, will he?"

"We asked them not to, but we don't have any promises."

Kara was excited to meet Jimmy Fallon, who she'd loved since his days on Saturday Night Live many years before. After a team of people descended on her for makeup and hair, she suddenly found herself behind the stage curtain, the band playing loudly and the next thing she knew she was shown through to the stage and the audience was on their feet.

She froze for several moments and eventually he came towards her since she wasn't coming closer. They shook hands and he led her to the chair by his desk. As she sat down she realized she was beaming from ear to ear. She decided to try to have some fun, even if she couldn't relax.

The host made her laugh and put her at ease. He asked questions about the games and the whole experience of the World Cup. Kara tried to highlight the team and soccer as much as she could.

Eventually Jimmy admitted he'd never really played soccer, and asked whether she would explain one of the plays that happened near the end of the Cup tournament.

"You mean the during regular time or the shoot out?" Kara asked.

"Here, let's just look at the tape..." Jimmy smiled and leaned back so he could see the screen behind.

Kara looked as well, and saw the end of the match as they won the shootout, followed by the eruption of the crowd. The audience joined in the cheering. Then the scene cut to a visual of Kara running and lifting Lena into the air, followed by their kiss. At that the audience began to howl.

Kara could feel her face turning crimson as she turned to look at everyone. Jimmy quieted the crowd, then looked at Kara with amusement.

"So, how would you describe that incident at the end there?"

"That, well, um..." Kara was at a complete loss for words. "I...don't have any comment on that."

"Hmmm, so you will not confirm or deny a relationship with the notorious Lena Luthor?" Jimmy smiled.


"Oh, I just mean that, well, we used to see her around Gotham quite a bit, years ago. With one of your teammates if I remember correctly."

Kara realized he was talking about Kate. Her stomach dropped, but suddenly she didn't feel embarrassed. And she didn't want to lie. She wanted the world to know.

"You must be talking about my friend Kate? Yes, they were together for quite a while." Kara admitted, then took a deep breath. "But lucky for me they split up a while ago - long before I met Lena.. And I can confirm one more thing Jimmy - I am in love with Lena Luthor."

At that the crowd was on their feet again. A lot of cheering and some booing as well. This time Jimmy seemed to be the one who was at a loss for words, his mouth dropped open and nothing coming out. Eventually he pulled out of his surprise to finish the interview. At that point the crowd was nearly rowdy with excitement.

The rest of the interview went by in a blur for Kara. Jimmy didn't ask more personal questions, they just had fun with the crowd. As they went out to commercial break the host leaned over to shake her hand and whispered. "That was an amazing interview! No hard feelings, right Kara?"

"No comment." Kara said as she shook his hand and looking at him seriously, but as she got up she winked at him before going backstage. Once she got past the curtain she rushed to her dressing room to get away from the sound of the show. When she reached the dressing room she let herself fall on to the couch and covered her eyes with her hands.

"What the fuck was that?" She asked herself.

"That was a phenomenal appearance." Claire said, scaring her half to death.

"What? I thought I wasn't supposed to talk about my personal life?"

"What can I say? I was worried that Lena was too 'notorious', that it might hurt you and even the team. But the way you did it, you've managed to make it positive. The people love you, Kara! And you did an amazing job talking about the team, and the whole experience as well."

Kara sat straight up in shock at not being alone. "Jesuschrist!" She exclaimed, even more rattled than when she thought she was alone.

"Relax, Kara. You handled that like a pro."

"I thought I wasn't supposed to talk about..."

"Sure, well. We were just worried that being with Lena would hurt your popularity. Obviously there was a percentage that was upset, but those that were on board far outweighed them."

"I see. So you've decided that my being with Lena will not hurt the bottom line."

"That's not what I said."

"You didn't have to." Kara said with a sigh. "Will you please go now?"

"Kara, I...didn't mean to upset you."

"Doesn't matter. Vaz will see me back to the hotel. Please go."

Claire backed out of the room and left. Kara quickly changed so she would be less noticeable, then made her way to the back exit of the building where Vaz had told her she would be. As she opened the door to the garage she was surrounded by people, calling her name, lights flashing from every direction.

"Kara! Kara!" Kara looked around, trying to figure out how to get to the town car. "Kara, look this way."

In the next moment someone had take her hand and pulled her to look towards them. "Kara, will you sign this for me?"

The lights were so bright, she could no longer see past the mob to find the car. She felt more hands pulling her, twisting her in another direction.

As she struggled to figure out how to get herself out of the mob she felt a strong arm around her waist, pressing her away from the crowd.

"Everyone step back!" The voice near her ear yelled. "Step back or the police will make you step back and have you in a squad car before you know it."

The voice was familiar to her, but she had already started to push before she could pull herself together to figure out what was going on. She knew she had to get out of the mob and it didn't matter what it took. She shoved forward and then looked to her side to catch a glimpse of Vaz, also maneuvering to move her forward. The sight of someone she trusted on her side helped rejuvenate her, propelling her again away from the mob until she caught a glimpse of the car she arrived in.

Kara used her elbow to give a push away from the group, enough to be able to make a dash for the car door, just as Vaz also pushed away enough to get the door open for her. Kara made a dive for the back seat then scrambled inside as Vaz closed the door behind.

Before she knew it the car was jerking forward and she was sprawled out trying to steady herself.

"Are yo OK?" Vaz asked, lowering the glass.

"Yes! Drive like hell..." Kara directed as she finally was able to lean against the plush leather seats.

"I'm so sorry..."

"Vaz! You totally saved me, please don't apologize!

"I'm sorry, Ms....I mean Kara...that was crazy." Vaz said, gasping for breath. "Ms. Luthor will never forgive...

"I'm OK, Vaz. Please, none of that was your fault..."

"I just...nothing can happen to you..."

"Nothing did happen to me." Kara broke in. "And I'll be sure to let Lena know that you saved me if you'll do me a small favor."

"You don't need to promise me anything. I'll do anything you ask. Regardless of what you plan to say to Lena."

"Vaz. Really? You're just too precious." Kara watched as Vaz neck went bright red.

"Yes Ms....I mean...Kara."

"Thank you, Vaz." Kara smiled widely from the back seat. "All I need is for you to come inside the hotel bar and share a drink with me."

"You mean...?" Vaz froze momentarily.

"Exactly." Kara said with a triumphant smile.

"Oh." Vaz said, pushing down on the smile that was determined to cross her lips.


"Ok." Vaz said, seeming to overcome her hesitation. "If you insist."

"I do."

Once they were inside and seated, Kara subtlety sent a text to Lucy, demanding that she come to the hotel bar immediately.

Kara just sat back and enjoyed the expressions of both Lucy and Vaz when they noticed each other. Kara waived Lucy over to join.

"Lucy." Vaz said, sounding a bit amazed as they stood to help Lucy get settled.

"Hi. This is a nice surprise." Lucy said, sounding sincere but then looking at Kara with wide eyes as if to say "you could have told me!"

"Right, well." Kara said, as the two starred at each other with small grins. She downed the rest of her drink. "You know, it's been a long night and I'm exhausted. I'm going to crash with Alex tonight, ok roomie? No need to worry about me."

Kara stood and patted Lucy on the back. Lucy finally looked away from Vaz and back at Kara. "Right, OK. I mean if you want to."

Kara chuckled and slipped away.


When Kara knocked on Alex's door she opened quickly, looking surprised and happy to see her. She opened the door wider and motioned her in.

"So - how'd it go?"

"Well, Claire was happy." Kara shrugged. "I told the world I love Lena and it didn't explode. So I guess I'm happy too."

"Oh my god! Well, can't wait to see it. It's on soon - wanna stay and watch together?"

"Yes, and also sleep over." Kara smiled. "I set Lucy and Vaz up so I want to give her some space."

"Ha! OK, well, let's hope Sara doesn't find out."

"After tonight she owes me one. Anyway - season's over!" Kara said. "Can we get room service? I'm starved."


***The sisters enjoyed the show while eating many snacks. Kara was happy with the way it went, and especially with how people reacted to her news. It was such a relief to have it fully out in the open. Alex agreed that it was an amazing performance as she drifted off to sleep.

But Kara lay awake. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, disturbing thoughts began entering her mind. She was couldn't help but think about what Lena had told her. What Andrea had done. The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. She told herself that she was just jealous, but she couldn't stop thinking about Andrea touching Lena while she was sleeping. She reminded herself that they had been 'friends with benefits' for many years. That Lena had probably told her that it was OK to touch her while she was sleeping.

Kara remembered Lena telling her that she was fine with it. But, hadn't Lena told Andrea that part of their relationship was over? Yes, Lena told Kara that she had and Kara believed her. So that meant...well, that meant Andrea had touched Lena - touching her cock - against her wishes. The thought was making her sick to her stomach.

Eventually Kara realized she wouldn't be able to sleep. She really wanted to talk to her sister and eventually shook her gently.

"Alex. Alex. Are you awake?" She whispered, then again louder when she didn't move. Eventually Alex stirred.

"Kara! What the? Why did you wake..." Alex's eyes eventually adjusted. "Hey - are you crying?"

Kara hadn't realized it until that point, but tears were streaming down her face at the thought of Andrea touching Lena when she didn't want it.

"I...it's Lena, and Andrea. I just..."

"Kara. Tell me everything." Alex said, pulling her into a hug.

Kara spilled the story and Alex agreed with her that what happened to Lena was very wrong. She insisted that Kara needed to talk to her more about it. To make sure she was alright and that she understood what had happened.

"It may be that Lena isn't fully grasping the seriousness of what happened to her. She may still be processing it, whether she knows it or not."

"I feel so bad that I didn't really process it fully at the time either."

"It's OK, Kara. What's important is that you follow up. Just let her talk about it. Maybe she has someone else she can talk to, like a professional. That could help. She should probably think more about how or whether she wants Andrea in her life."

"Yeah. Yeah, OK." Kara said. "But I'm not going to see her for 2 more weeks..."

"If it's not something you want to do over the phone, I think it's OK to wait. She's a big girl. She's handled it, or at least the best she could in the moment. And I know she's buried right now with her move out of L-Corp. Just make sure you talk to her more about it, OK? Don't just take the easy way out and sweep it under the rug."

"OK. I won't, I promise." Kara said as she curled into Alex. "Thanks."

"Try to get some sleep, OK?" Alex rubbed her back.

"Please don't say anything to Sam, OK? I probably shouldn't have..."

"It's OK, Kara. You did the right thing."

"So I can have doctor-patient confidentiality?"

"I'll go you one better. You can have sister-sister confidentiality."

"Thanks, sis."


Kara felt better after she had resolved to talk to Lena about what happened with Andrea. She threw herself into the rest of the publicity tour, celebrating the win as they did a short tour of major cities. Sometimes she would do additional interviews, sometimes several players and even the whole team would be invited on one tv program or another. The country was loving everything about them and eating up any gossip or photos they could find. That meant the paparazzi was only getting worse.

When she heard what had happened after the Tonight Show, Lena insisted that Vaz join the tour and stay close to Kara and the team rather than as a driver. Sara had already arranged for some security to join the tour, but Lena had insisted Vaz be included and Sara had agreed to allow it. She could see that Vaz was more conscientious and dedicated than anyone she could hire.

Lucy was thrilled, but of course she had to be very careful about how she acted around Vaz. Vaz was a consummate professional, and Lucy didn't want to do anything that would make them uncomfortable. She couldn't help the way her heart sped up to see Vaz doing their job, so subtle yet so strong.

The team finished their tour on the west coast. It had gone better than anyone could have imagined and the players had a blast in the process. During the last leg they all waited in an executive airport lounge for their flight, which seemed to be the only way they wouldn't get mobbed by fans. Most of them knew that once they weren't traveling as a team they mostly wouldn't be recognized. And some felt jealous at how much attention Kara and a few others got from fans. But most could see how difficult it would be if people recognized you every where you went. The lack of privacy and freedom of movement would be really hard. Adding to that the celebrity couple when they were together, Kara could see there would be challenges. Even so, she couldn't wait to see Lena, whether it were in public or otherwise. She longed to see her face, to be near her, to smell her.

"Hey, heads up." Lucy said, nudging her shoulder as she came up behind her in the lounge.

"Here's your drink. On the house." She winked and smiled.

"Thanks, Luce." They clinked glasses and took a sip.

"Wow, you are a million miles away." Lucy chuckled. "Day dreaming about your girl, I assume."

"Yeah, sorry." Kara wanted to see her so bad, she felt she could taste the longing in her mouth. "Even though the tour is over it'll take time before we can leave for our vacation. Doesn't matter though. Just want to see her."

"Damn." Lucy said, shaking her head.

"Look who's talking! Haven't been seeing much of you during down time now that we have a certain security member on the team."

"Hmmm. Don't talk about 'members' right now. I'm feeling horny and it's a long flight."

"Lucy!" Kara burst out in surprised laughter.

Just then the announcement came for their flight. The players downed their drinks and gathered their things.

"Well, at least Vaz is on the plane." Kara suggested.

"That only makes it worse. You know how serious they are about 'being professional'. There is no "mile high club" in my near future."

"Probably not. But don't you feel safer?" Kara teased her for being so transparently excited about Vaz doing their job.


As the team made their way to the gate, Sara came up beside her and led her off to the side.

"Listen, Kara, I'm sorry but you're not going on this flight. You've got one more interview tonight..."

"Coach - no!" Kara's heart sunk.

"Don't worry, you're on a different flight to Gateway City. After the taping you can still catch another flight tonight. You can make it home without spending an extra night."

"Please, can't I just get on the plane?"

"I promise, this one will be fun." Sara said but Kara still felt upset. "Just one more for the team - you can do it, Supergirl."

"Ugh, you shouldn't use my nick name against me." Kara pouted. "OK, fine!"

"Thank you. Here's your gate information and ticket. You're flying to Gateway City with Claire. She'll get you in and out as fast as possible. After the taping you'll catch a flight home."

"OK, OK. I'm going to say bye to the team."

"Thanks, Kara." Sara wrapped her up in a big hug. "No one could do more than what you've done for the team. And for me."

"Same, Coach. Thanks for everything."

Kara didn't spend a lot of time saying good-bye to the team. She watched them board then wandered to her gate. When she got there Claire wasn't at the gate so she sat and waited. Eventually a woman in uniform came out from the boarding bridge.

"Ms. Danvers?"


"We're ready for you."

"I was waiting on my PR rep..."

"Why don't we go ahead and get you settled." It was more of a statement than a question and Kara began to follow. It occurred to Kara that didn't remember the name of the airline. Curious, she began to dig around in her bag to check as they walked down the long boarding passage.

"Ma'am, um. What airline is this?"

"Oh, it's a private line." She turned and gave Kara a somewhat curious smile. "And I'll be your pilot."

"Oh, that's nice." She looked back down the passage for any sign of Claire. "Are you sure we shouldn't wait for Claire?"

"Quite sure."

Kara began to feel uneasy but continued to follow the woman until the came to a small plane. She hesitated for a moment, then chastised herself for being concerned.

When they entered the threshold Kara found a small, dimly-lit and non-descript jet with no passengers.

"They booked this just for my interview?"

"Have a seat. Our attendant will be with you in a moment." The pilot flashed a cunning smile and disappeared behind the cockpit door.

Kara began to feel uneasy again, and soon heard clacking heels from the back of the plane. She leaned back in her seat to calm her nerves. Where is Claire?she wondered as she listened to the the heels coming closer.

"Welcome aboard, Ms. Danvers." The woman said as she reached Kara's seat. "Is there anything at all I can do for you?"

At the sound of the voice, Kara looked up with shock.
