

Chen Xu's computer was lost, so he came up with an idea. He took a thick piece of paper and wrote the following paragraph with black ink that wouldn't fade easily: "My descendants, I am your ancestor Chen Xu. The time now is September 1, 2006, Beijing time, 12:07 PM. Today, your ancestor encountered the most miserable event of his life... On the first day of my university, my laptop worth eight thousand yuan was stolen. If you are my descendants, please help your ancestor with something. If the legendary time machine has appeared in your era, then please send a laptop to the time period I am in now. The address is Room 207, Building 14, HeXie University, XX Province, XX City." One minute later, a computer from the future descended from the sky...

DaoistELiy3V · ファンタジー
71 Chs

The Hillbilly Plan has closed the net!

At this time, there were already many people coming to the exhibition.

The convention and exhibition center was crowded with people and very lively. The music of the game, the noise, the noise, and the click of the camera all mixed together. Showgirls come and go, wearing fancy clothes to show off their beautiful faces and beautiful figures. The girls had warm yet charming smiles on their faces, posing in various poses to satisfy the people taking photos. Every time I walk by, there will be a burst of fragrance, and the smiles or smiles are pure or charming, which really makes people linger.

At this time, Yinfeng's booth was also very lively. With the help of Chen Xu and others, many players rushed straight to this place as soon as they entered the exhibition center. However, the thirty computers Lin Guopeng had prepared in advance for trial use were soon gone. used. Seeing that the crowd was getting bigger and bigger and the manpower was not enough, Lin Guopeng, who finally got this opportunity, naturally would not give up easily. He informed the people behind him and asked the COSPLAY team to prepare for an encore performance. And just when he was about to go on stage to announce the news to retain the players, he saw that several players who had been squeezed outside moved to the booth of the Hexie University group because they were bored with waiting.

It has to be said that the gap between the two booths is simply like the gap between a Rolls-Royce and an ox cart. But this arrangement just caused a misunderstanding for players... This game developer who claims to be "Jin Yong's Legend of Heroes...renew their relationship" did this on purpose, right?

Are they planning to perform performance art?

Sometimes it doesn't mean that the best one is the most attractive. The most eye-catching thing on the highway may not be the luxury sports car. Driving a donkey cart to ensure the return rate is higher than that of a limited edition sports car!

Chen Xu and the others are like a popular being driving a donkey cart at a luxury car show!

A group of people were dressed like beggars, and their booths were so shabby. The banner "Jin Yong's Heroes...Renewed" hanging above was simply hand-painted by myself. There are one square table and three notebooks, all of which are old black diamonds. No one advertises, no one solicits customers, and there is not even a bottle of mineral water on the table. A few bored guys even set up a table of cards to play next to...however they looked, they were so cool!

Their unique behavior also aroused the curiosity of some players and reporters. Soon, reporters with Sohu and Sina labels on their microphones came to interview them.

Chen Xu and the others were not polite when facing the camera, and said carelessly: "We are just here to see the world. Well, we are still students. We need money, no money, no one, no one, and we have spent months doing this." We are here to entertain ourselves. Opposite us is Yinfeng. How can we dare to compete with them in such a big battle?"

The reporters also found it funny. Several reporters from major media outlets thought that there was really nothing to cover, so they turned around and left. However, a reporter who looked young did not even take a microphone, so he brought a voice recorder and a camera. But he stayed and asked: "I am Zhang Tianyu, an intern reporter from "E-Sports Weekly", can we see the game you made?"

Chen Xu and others looked at each other and said with a smile: "Of course, you are the first."

Zhang Tianyu's eyes widened as soon as he opened the game and saw the CG!

He had just come over from Square's booth and had just seen the promotional CG for "Final Fantasy 7". Just five minutes ago, he was still lamenting, why is Japan's 3D technology so mature? The picture has been made to be almost the same as the real person. And why is there no domestic company willing to make such a large investment?

It is completely nonsense to say that Chinese companies do not have such technical strength! This kind of technology can be bought with money, but domestic companies are simply reluctant to invest!

And having said that, domestic piracy is rampant and stand-alone games are on the verge of doom. It is true that no company will spend effort and money to develop stand-alone games. But even for online games, "Fantasy Westward Journey" is probably the only domestic game whose gameplay is worthy of praise. However, because of the Q-version graphics, it saves a huge investment in 3D engines. But in addition, Shanda has been copying the pickle game, and Ninetowns relies on an agent of World of Warcraft to show off its power.

Hey, World of Warcraft! Blizzard!

Why can people endure loneliness and spend many years developing a game? The purpose is to create the best online game in the world! Why can Blizzard do it but domestic companies can't? !

Seeing Zhang Tianyu opening his mouth to scream, Chen Xu and the others quickly stopped him and whispered: "Just have fun and see, don't say anything else for now. Hehe, it's not time yet."

Zhang Tianyu was so excited that his whole body was trembling. He took Chen Xu's arm and asked, "Did you develop this game? Don't lie to me! Was it really developed by you?!"

Chen Xu and others looked at each other and smiled: "Yes, it took us a month to make it. Keep it a secret for now, the fun will come later."

Zhang Tianyu couldn't help but hissed and gasped. How is this possible? A group of students developed such a shocking game... He has already entered the game and looked at it. Whether it is the game graphics or CG animation, it is obviously better than Square's Final Fantasy 7!

What kind of concept is this! You must know that Final Fantasy 7 is planned to be released next year, and its signature is to have the best graphics in the game! And this game, played casually by a few students, can completely overwhelm Final Fantasy... You know, it's Final Fantasy! Final Fantasy has become a brand, an almost unshakable king among stand-alone games!

Chen Xu pushed Zhang Tianyu down on his seat and smiled: "Keep playing with you, the graphics of the game are just auxiliary. The real significance lies in the content of a game, otherwise it is useless to have exquisite graphics without outstanding gameplay." , after saying this, he glanced disdainfully at the bustling Yinfeng booth opposite.

Zhang Tianyu is a reporter, how flexible is his mind? As soon as I heard this and combined with the current situation, I immediately understood. So he smiled and said, "You guys seem to have a plan, okay, I'll play the game first." But I'll do the interview later, and I hope you'll give me a chance.

Zhang Tianyu naturally knows the value that this game represents. Now that he is here, it will definitely be exposed sooner or later. When the time comes, all the major media outlets will hand over their microphones. How can a young reporter like him interrupt? And of course there is no need to think about independent interview rights, that would be too offending.

At this time, Cui Guangwei pushed up his glasses slightly and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this is my business card. We can give you a chance to interview alone."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Tianyule's teeth almost fell out. He quickly took the business card and carefully stored it in his wallet. His attitude was more respectful than receiving Li Ka-shing's name tag. Then he said, "You guys are busy first, I'll take a look at the content of this game."

In this way, Chen Xu's first player was born.

Next, many players who could not wait for Yinfeng's position moved here, and some of them came here specially... After all, "Jin Yong's Legend of Heroes" is a game that can be as famous as "Legend of Sword and Fairy". Domestic RPG still has a quite large group of diehard fans. Basically, the people born in the 70s and 80s started playing stand-alone games very early. There are almost no people who don't know about this game, or even said they have never played this game.

It is also a pity for video game fans that "Jin Yong's Legend of Heroes" has not released an official sequel version for a long time, so the name is quite attractive.

Players who were bored or curious came to the computer and couldn't leave. Three laptops were robbed in an instant. Then a group of people gathered behind the computer and were so excited that they couldn't control themselves. Soon, a circle of people surrounded the Hexie University booth. There were also many people who came over to take a look out of curiosity when they saw how lively the garbage booth here was. However, they circled around three times inside and three times out, but they couldn't get in at all.

When Lin Guopeng saw this scene, he felt very unhappy.

Lin Guopeng thought that it would be a great kindness for me to show mercy and let you stay here, and then take on some of the diversion players. But you actually went the extra mile and attracted so many players to your booth. What should I do? Isn't this stealing business in front of your face?

So Lin Guopeng came over, waved his hand to Cui Guangwei rudely and said: "Move your booth back, step back! Do you know that this will affect our work?!"

These words were said in an extremely rude manner, and many players gathered around couldn't help but look over. However, these players had received instructions from Chen Xu and the others before, and they did not show any publicity and quietly watched how Chen Xu and the others dealt with it.

Cui Guangwei quickly made a humble gesture and said: "Manager Lin, you see, our booth is only so big. If we move back, there will be no room. You sir have a large amount, please do it well. You see, our booth is too big." It won't bother you."

"Doesn't it bother you?" Lin Guopeng said with a smile: "If it doesn't bother you, why do you bring such players to your place? I say Boss Cui, what you do violates the principle of fair competition. These are obviously our bank's Feng player, your behavior of trying to pry into someone's face is not good!"

"Who said we are your Yinfeng players?!" At this time, a player couldn't help shouting: "We are here specifically to play Jin Yong's Legend of Heroes. This game is better than the garbage "Swordsman of Shushan" you made. "much better!"

As soon as he said this, a group of people immediately agreed. Lin Guopeng's face was serious and he said: "Boss Cui, I respected you before, but I didn't expect you to be such a person! Why, it would be great to find a few people to come over and promote your game to do well?! It's a garbage game made by a bunch of garbage. ! Dare you say yes?"

These words were a blatant rip-off, and the players immediately despised this doggy manager. Even Shanda NetEase has never seen anyone directly accuse another company's game of being garbage, not to mention that the quality of this game is better than that of "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman".

Immediately, some players were unhappy and said, "How can you talk like this?" Their company is small, but the games they make are better than yours. This is an indisputable fact! There should be a limit to your jealousy!

"Am I jealous of them?" Lin Guopeng laughed loudly: "Are these rubbish rubes?! I've seen all the games they make! It's the most embarrassing and copycat single-player game, and they know how to plagiarize it! How dare you applaud me like this?! I Bah!" Then he looked at Cui Guangwei: "Mr. Cui, you have gone too far. You use a garbage game and these shills to promote your game? I want to sue you! "

In fact, Lin Guopeng should not be so confused, but the problem is that he has a preconceived idea and thinks that these praises are all swindles. It was also because he had previously heard reports from his subordinates about the rubbish "Jin Yong Heroes... Renewed", saying that although the graphics of this game were poor, the content of the game was indeed very good. Therefore, Lin Guopeng was a little nervous, thinking that some players really didn't care much about the game graphics. If they got into it, they might really appreciate the game.

So in order to prevent this from happening, he must not let this group of rubbish grow up here.

What he shouted here has attracted the attention of a group of people. Even at the Yinfeng booth, there were many players looking at this strangely. At this time, an assistant said that the COSPLAY performance team was ready, so Lin Guopeng shouted: "Okay, all players, our wonderful COSPLAY performance is about to begin. Players who have been waiting for a long time, please move on." past."

Originally, the performances of handsome men and beauties in COSPLAY were very attractive. Many players came here not only to watch the games, but more importantly, probably also to watch the beauties. However, Lin Guopeng's arrogant and domineering appearance really made many players unhappy. Immediately, a player with a bad temper shouted: "I won't go! Let me tell you clearly! I am a loyal player of "The Legend of Jin Yong", you If you go do a fucking striptease, I might give you a slap in the face. Now get away as far as you can, don't stop me from playing the game!"

These words immediately caused many people here to cheer loudly, and because of the loud sound, many people around turned their heads. The Yinfeng COSPLAY staff over there had already come on stage, but when they saw this situation, they all stopped and started talking. Wait and see here.

Lin Guopeng was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. He firmly believed that this person must be a trap. So he looked at Cui Guangwei angrily: "Cui Guangwei! What do you mean?! You are really fucking shameless, aren't you?!"

Once these words were spoken, there was no possibility of relief for both parties. Chen Xu secretly sent a text message to the group of animals outside that were still soliciting customers. There were only three words in the text message: "The network is closed!"

"What's going on?" Just as the two sides were tense, a crisp female voice sounded from the Yinfeng booth: "Chen Xu, why is it you?"

There is still someone who knows me at this time? The voice sounded familiar to Chen Xu. He looked up and saw a woman wearing classical palace attire and holding a long sword looking at him on the booth over there. She was wearing a white ancient dress that swept the floor, but exposed a bunch of white and tender arms... Well, this is COSPLAY. It is impossible to dress like this in formal palace clothes, but how beautiful is COSPLAY? wear.

At first glance, this woman had long hair tied into a bun, but there were a few strands of black hair hanging down. Dressed in white and holding a long sword, his brows are full of heroism, but also have a somewhat seductive feeling. Who is Guan Yi?

After seeing this person clearly, Chen Xu suddenly fainted. Why did this goblin come over?

Lin Guopeng also turned around and saw that it was the girl he liked more who was talking. However, at this time, he was so angry that he didn't care about his tone and shouted: "Guan Yi! Do you know these rubbish?!"

That's right, it's Guan Yi on the stage. Chen Xu had not kept it secret before, and did not tell her about Yinfeng's grievances with them. However, this woman happened to see Yinfeng recruiting cosplay actors, so she came to sign up as a work-study student.

Hearing Lin Guopeng's rude words, Guan Yi frowned, and the eyes of the people below suddenly lit up. Because she is playing the role of Li Yingqiong in "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman" in this outfit. She has a slight frown on her face, which is quite charming.

Then what was even more surprising was that this woman actually jumped directly from the two-meter-high booth! She landed lightly and bent her knees slightly, standing on the ground so easily. There were already many people watching, and they couldn't help but burst into warm applause when they saw her performing like this.

Her jump like this scared Chen Xu and others half to death... Two meters tall! She just jumped down from the booth that was as tall as one person? However, Chen Xu also knew that since Guan Yi practiced the "Ninth Set of Radio Gymnastics" with him, his body flexibility has become more and more like a cat, and it is not a problem to jump down from such a high platform.

Guan Yi's pretty face is cold and stern, giving people the temperament of an iceberg beauty. She just walked over, and the people in front of her automatically parted ways.

Guan Yi walked up to Lin Guopeng and put the long sword in his hand on Lin Guopeng's neck with a "swish" sound, with a half-smile on his face: "Who did you just call trash?!"