
Chapter 11: You are Su Chen?_1

At this moment, Song Qing felt like he wanted to die.

He had never groveled like this in front of others, especially not in front of so many people.

What was even more infuriating was that the other party wasn't even an important figure, just a thug with brute strength.

So this scene made him grind his teeth with hatred.

What angered him further was that the receptionist beauty who had been very attentive to him before was now completely abandoning him, with her heart set on Su Chen.

Those eyes were like electricity, as if they could hook away a person's spirit.


Seeing that not only had he lost his dignity, but also the beauty, Song Qing felt a burning rage.

However, he ultimately didn't dare to make a move and could only grit his teeth, snorting coldly in his heart.

"Hmph, detestable brat, just be smug for a little longer. When the bounty mission starts, I'll see how you die!"

The surrounding crowds were also whispering among themselves, all speculating about Su Chen's identity.

However, at this moment, a figure quickly approached from afar.

Suddenly, all the whispering ceased, and the entire hall became extremely quiet.

The only sound was that of high heels echoing without stopping.

Upon hearing this sound, the receptionist beauty immediately turned her head to look, and then her face changed drastically, and she said respectfully, "President Chu."

Indeed, the person who had come was Chu Yu.

Today, she was wearing a white business suit paired with blue high heels, fully revealing her graceful figure.

Not only that, there was also a noble aura about her, comparable to that of a queen, making her seem unapproachable.

At the side, upon seeing that figure, Song Qing's eyes lit up.

He had forgotten all about the receptionist beauty from before; now, all he could see was the figure in front of him.

"Hello, you must be President Chu, I'm Song Qing. It's a pleasure to meet you," he said.

As he spoke, Song Qing extended his hand, wanting to shake hands with Chu Yu.

However, Chu Yu completely ignored him, walking straight past him and fixing her gaze on Su Chen as she said in a cold voice,

"Why are you so slow?"

"Are you planning to be late on your first day at work?"

Su Chen hadn't reacted yet, but Song Qing stood frozen in place.

His hand was suspended in mid-air, his face extremely embarrassed, and in his heart he was inwardly roaring with madness.

Ignored? He was actually ignored?

This was something he couldn't tolerate!

As the young master of the Song Family, he had always been flattered by everyone. But now, someone had treated him like air?

They had completely disregarded him!

At this thought, his face turned red and then white in quick succession.

Yet, what made him even more furious was that this beautiful president was actually talking to Su Chen.

The receptionist beauty was also stunned; she couldn't believe that Chu Yu had come especially for Su Chen!

To have the president come down to greet someone was an unprecedented event!

Meanwhile, Su Chen merely shrugged, "Someone drove off and left me behind, so I had to run here."

"That's why I was a little delayed; you're not angry with me, are you?"

While saying this, he even winked at Chu Yu.


"Follow me," said Chu Yu as she cast him a glance and then turned around.

And Su Chen, with a grin, followed behind, leaving the place, only to leave behind a crowd with stunned faces.

Elsewhere, in the security department.

Chen Fei sat in the office waiting. He was the head of the security department, and today he had received a message from President Chu that there was a new recruit coming to report.

This shocked him greatly.

Because such matters were usually communicated by a phone call from the human resources department. But now, it was the president herself who had called.

This meant that the new person was definitely no ordinary individual.

At the same time, it excited him even more because this was the first time President Chu had called him, and he definitely wanted to handle this matter well!

As he was thinking, the door banged open.

Then, a youth in his twenties walked in with large strides, wearing a cheeky smile on his face.

Without a doubt, it was Su Chen.

Truth be told, he was quite upset on the way here because he had been lectured by Chu Yu the entire trip.

But now, he couldn't lash out.

However, as soon as he entered the office, he was taken aback. He found that there was a person in his thirties sitting across from him.

The identity of the other party did not surprise him much, what surprised him was the look in the other's eyes and their temperament.

It was evidently an elite!

"Huh, I didn't expect there would be such an elite here? Not bad, not bad!" Su Chen nodded slightly to himself.

At the same time, Chen Fei also looked up at Su Chen.

But soon, he furrowed his brows.

It turned out, in his opinion, the person President Chu had mentioned must be an elite, at least not far behind him.

But now, what he saw was a big disappointment.

For one thing, the person was just too young, in their twenties. What kind of experience could someone that age have?

Moreover, the temperament of the other party lacked any sharpness and seemed more like that of an ordinary person.

Could such a person even belong to his security department?

Considering his small frame, he probably couldn't even withstand a level-five gale.

You should know, he was someone who had retired from the military and had undergone special security training; he was definitely an elite.

Furthermore, his personality made him dislike those who were slothful, and in his eyes, Su Chen undoubtedly fit that description.

Suddenly, he stared at Su Chen with a somewhat gloomy look.

Su Chen, on the other hand, was puzzled. Why was this guy's gaze so strange?

Had he offended him before?

That shouldn't be the case, we're meeting for the first time, aren't we?

After thinking for a while, Su Chen could not figure it out. And at this moment, another stunning figure walked in from behind.

It was Chu Yu.

"President Chu, you're here!"

Upon seeing that figure, Chen Fei immediately stood up, the coldness in his eyes dissipating as he quickly put on a smile.

"President Chu, why did you come personally? A phone call would have sufficed."

"It's nothing, I just came to see. Director Chen, don't be nervous."

"By the way, this is the person I was telling you about."

"Is he Su Chen?" Chen Fei's face showed a hint of confusion again.

However, Chu Yu didn't notice it; she nodded slightly, "Yes, that's Su Chen."

"From today on, he'll be part of your security department."

"You must train him well; absolutely no leniency."

"Director Chen, I have high hopes for you, I hope you won't disappoint me!"

"Yes, I guarantee to complete the mission!"

Chen Fei was excited.

He was indeed very excited. He was truly an elite and would receive great treatment anywhere.

Yet, he had chosen Fengteng Company, and of course, the reason was Chu Yu.

Although he knew the chances were slim, he still had to try.

Now, the goddess in his eyes had personally given him a mission; how could he not be stirred.

"Very good!"

Chu Yu nodded slightly, then looked again at Su Chen, "You'd better behave yourself and stay put, don't try anything clever."

"I hope you'll come to understand yourself during this time!"

Saying this, she snorted lightly and turned to leave.

Chu Yu's attitude surprised Chen Fei. He had thought that this young man must have a good relationship with Chu Yu.

But it turned out this wasn't the case.

Could it be some blind rich second-generation trying to pursue the president?

Thinking this, Chen Fei sneered inside, now that it was the case, he saw no need to go easy!

He decided he had to strictly follow the rules and manage Su Chen properly!

Meanwhile, Chu Yu left the security department, her lips curling into a smile.

"Hmph! Loser, big jerk, let's see you bully me now. Now you're really going to suffer!"

She had a high regard for Chen Fei's capabilities.

Since Chen Fei had joined the security department, the security at Fengteng Company had greatly improved.

And she also knew of Chen Fei's background, being a retired soldier and having gone through rigorous training; he truly was an elite.

Given her earlier attitude, Chen Fei would surely understand and definitely give that detestable Su Chen a good lesson!