

As a successor to the most mysterious family in United States, Leon has to go through a set of trials before inheriting his family wealth according to a group of rules. It has five stages. Since he was only three years old, Leon's father has planned on raising him as a tough person. He invited masters of diverse expertise to train Leon in many abilities, starting from arts, medicine, feng shui, ancient foreseeing techniques, self-defense, and ancient antiquities. Four years ago, when the first phase of the exam started, Leon was sent to live in Oregon's harsh city without a single penny. Leon also wasn't allowed to use the different expertise thought to him by the experts to train his willpower and experience the life of an ordinary man. Leon understood his father's goodwill. His family did all this to avoid unwanted circumstances; even simultaneously, they are also grooming his cousins as potential replacements.

DON_LIL · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Chapter 8. Thousands of Ancient Recipes

Chapter 8. Thousands of Ancient Recipes

"It must be difficult for students like you!" Professor Wilson said in a

serious tone.

"I have the medicine recipe," Leon replied with

"Then try explaining."

Professor Wilson felt wrong to immediately reject Leon, so he decided to

give Leon a chance. Leon didn't have a good impression because he

rarely ever paid attention to the professor's lessons.

Even though he would always score the best in modern medicine, Leon

still scored poorly in TCM.

This question is especially beyond the materials taught. Even the

highest-scoring student failed to answer it, so how could Leon?

Professor Wilson took a sip of his tea as time passed.

Hearing the answer from Leon, Professor Wilson spewed the tea from his

mouth and wet the table.

He didn't expect Leon to explain an acupuncture technique to clear

venom in the blood.

"Please continue."

"After needling, apply the combined medicine onto the bitemark."

Professor Wilson couldn't control his emotions after Leon's explanation.

"This… is an ancient method."

Professor Wilson thought Leon would answer the question with a modern

approach. Still, he was surprised when Leon mentioned the methods of a

long-lost recipe.

Leon was confused to see Professor Wilson, who looked like he had just

won a lottery.

Professor Wilson pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down everything

he just heard in front of the class.

Although his table was wet, he didn't care and focused on writing down

everything he remembered.

"Professor, what are you doing?" Leon asked curiously.

"I am writing down the ancient recipe you just mentioned. The formula

has 2 more substances compared to the modern one we use today. The 2

substances can strengthen the medicine's efficacy.

Professor Wilson would be embarrassed to admit that he was stuck in his

preparation for the symposium. Leon's explanation seemed to give him


Without lifting his head, the professor continued to write parts of the

recipe stuck to his brain.

Once he finished writing, Professor Wilson suddenly looked up and

stared at Leon. He fixed the position of his glasses, which almost fell off his nose bridge.

"Oh right, Leon, where did you get this recipe?"

"I forgot." Leon deliberately lied because he didn't want to tell Professor

Wilson the truth.

Back then, his teacher Madam Liana told Leon not to mention her name

to anyone.

If anyone ever finds out that Leon inherited knowledge from the

legendary doctor, he would cause a fight between the TCM practitioners

and many branches of the organization to the point of blood spill.

"You forgot? This is a long-lost ancient recipe, and today you have

made a great contribution to the TCM world!"

"Professor Wilson, that's too much," Leon replied. He wanted to say that

he has hundreds of such recipes written in his brain.

"No, I'm not excessive! Even though we have serums to fight the venom,

it can't be easily accessed everywhere. This ancient recipe not only heals

snake bites but will help the research of TCM experts. The 2 additional

substances are vital.


Leon doesn't know what else to say. He didn't expect the progress of

TCM knowledge today to be so left behind. As Madam Liana taught him,

the recipe is just like any ordinary recipe.

Her most valuable secret is the science of youth and agelessness. If the

secrets to those sciences are exposed, the world will be in chaos.

Now both Professor Wilson and his classmates have started to pay Leon


Even though his reputation within the campus was destroyed, Leon has

successfully made many admire him in the field of medical knowledge.

Professor Wilson came to see Leon in a new light and hopes to interact

more with him in the future. After the class was over, Professor Wilson

called Leon for a talk.

"Leon, do you come from a family of doctors?"

"No professor."

"That is weird. The ancient recipe no longer exists in modern TCM

textbooks nowadays although its potency is proven. If you're not coming

from a family of doctors, it's kind of impossible for you to acquire this

ancient recipe."

Is it possible Leon deliberately covered up his family background?

To think it over, that would be impossible. If anyone from Leon's family

was a doctor, he wouldn't have lived so miserably when the recipe could

be sold for several hundred dollars..

"Leon, I can help you apply for a scholarship."

But Leon lifted his shoulders. He felt that he no longer needed

scholarship funding.

Too bad if Leon must use this low-quality recipe to achieve fame, but he

doesn't have to anyways.

After arriving in his dorm, Leon is still finding information on housing property from his phone. He suddenly received a call from the

department head to come to the office.

Leon thought he was called because of the rape case a while ago. He is

determined to clear his name off those evil accusations.

When he arrived at the office, it turns out Leon received a

recommendation to start his internship at the Royal Taruma Hospital.

"Excuse me but I thought I was already rejected?" Leon asked in


"Leon, you scored very well. It would be a pity to drop this opportunity.

I reached out to many of my colleagues to acquire this spot, so take good

advantage of it alright?"

Leon felt suspicious of the department head's intentions. If only he

hadn't blown up Leon's rape accusations, the case wouldn't be spread


But Leon wants to know his actual aim.

"Alright, Sir, thank you very much," Leon said with a nod.

"Leon, don't let me down!"

"Yes Sir."

After Leon went, the head pulled out his drawer and looked at the bank

card in it. His eyes gave a greedy look!

Not long after, Leon arrived at the Royal Taruma Hospital to register

himself. He made it to the Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

Department. He went to find Dr Iskandar as instructed by the head


"You must be from the medical faculty." Dr Iskandar said after looking

at Leon's CV.

"The department head recommended me to intern here," Leon replied.

"Yes, I've heard so. But now the registrations are full. How about you

help me move a body to the morgue?"