

As a successor to the most mysterious family in United States, Leon has to go through a set of trials before inheriting his family wealth according to a group of rules. It has five stages. Since he was only three years old, Leon's father has planned on raising him as a tough person. He invited masters of diverse expertise to train Leon in many abilities, starting from arts, medicine, feng shui, ancient foreseeing techniques, self-defense, and ancient antiquities. Four years ago, when the first phase of the exam started, Leon was sent to live in Oregon's harsh city without a single penny. Leon also wasn't allowed to use the different expertise thought to him by the experts to train his willpower and experience the life of an ordinary man. Leon understood his father's goodwill. His family did all this to avoid unwanted circumstances; even simultaneously, they are also grooming his cousins as potential replacements.

DON_LIL · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Chapter 37: Your Own Fault

Chapter 37: Your Own Fault

Leon stared at Jerry coldly. "Having power in Oregon does not mean you

can threaten me!" he said firmly.

"Do I need to threaten you? You are a hypocrite Leon! Taking what is

not yours… how shameless!" Jerry replied angrily.

Leon knew Jerry's bitterness was because Leon bought the Jerry wanted

to have. In Leon's opinion, buying a house is not easy. Only the capable

ones can do so.

The Dani family aren't lacking financially, but they talk too much!

"Jerry, there's no point in talking to you!" Leon said.

Leon felt it is pointless to talk to his uneducated family about the savings

he has done for them.

Leon ignored Jerry and turned to Ezra, "Director Ezra, I'll be on my


"How could you leave!" Jerry shouted. "Get him back here! He offended

our family, don't let him get away!"

Mr Santoso got even angrier after what Jerry said and called for his

guards. But at the sight of Leon's anger, Mr Santoso hesitated.

"This is the hospital, not the Dani family's abode. You don't have to

right to command me. I leave when I want!" Leon said as he walked

away. Mr Santoso seemed to lose his bravado. If he were to cause a commotion

in the hospital, he will humiliate himself and the DN Group's reputation.

Leon walked free and easy to the room where Rachel's mother is staying.

After Leon was out of sight, Dr Glen and Jerry shared glances and evil

smiles; their plan to get rid of Leon is running smoothly.

Jerry is not grateful for Leon's help despite knowing he was saved by

Leon instead of Dr Glen.

But Jerry knew Leon isn't an easy enemy to defeat. It is obvious he could

afford a villa in Mount Muare and held a respected position in the


Dr Glen felt threatened Leon would replace his position as the vice

director. He devised a plan to kick Leon out of the hospital.

Both Dr Glen and Jerry were cautious at facing Leon!

Leon came back to the patient's room and his heart became calm when he

saw Rachel.

Rachel is a graceful and kind woman; everyone feels comfortable around


"Leon, let me get you something to drink. You must be thirsty," Rachel

offered, her face blushing.

Ever since Rachel came to the hospital, she acted awkwardly around

Leon. She feels nervous around Leon, but she has no idea why.

"You don't have to, I'm not thirsty. I'm here today for your mother's

surgery," Leon replied with a smile. He isn't going to execute the procedure; he said it to calm Rachel down.

"Alright, it makes me feel calm to know you'll take care of me," Rachel

said softly. "I will return all the treatment fees once my mother is


Soon, the whole hospital heard that Dr Glen successfully treated Jerry's


The doctors, nurses and staffs talked about him and the way he used his

skillfulness to tackle a hard procedure. It made him a star in the hospital.

The discussion between the nurses continued until lunch time.

"Have you heard? Vice director Glen operated on a member of the Dani

family!" a nurse said.

"Unbelievable! He extracted a glass shard from his eye, and the wound

healed well. How did Dr Glen do it?" another asked.

"He would've need to learn for thirty years!"

"I can't help but admire him!"

It is a golden opportunity for Dr Glen to set an example for fellow

doctors and nurses.

Dr Glen was embarrassed at the constant praises coming his way, but he

slowly got used to it.

But the glory didn't last long for him. An unfortunate event sent Dr Glen

into fear and panic. The surgery wound on Jerry's left eye got infected

and exudes foul-smelling pus, risking him to blindness. Dr Glen smoked in his room to relieve his stress from receiving the news.

The other doctors and nurses are equally panicked and clueless at what to

do next.

Jerry's left eye finally turned blind; he could only see from his right. He

was distraught at his fate, but there is no way he could change it.

A horrifying scream was heard from inside the room.

"My eye!!!" Jerry shouted in pain.

"What happened to my eye?! How did it end up like this?!" he lashed

out in frustration.

"Leon, you bastard! He must've planned all this!" he screamed. "I will

exact revenge on you!"

Jerry stood up from his bed in pain. To release his anger and frustration,

Jerry threw whatever he found on the table at the window, breaking the

glass into pieces.

He proceeded to head to the room where Rachel's mother is staying.

Jerry entered the room and charged at Leon to beat him. Rachel was

startled and scared.

Fortunately, Leon reacted quickly and countered Jerry's attack, causing

him to fall. He is in a disadvantage due to only seeing from one eye.

"Leon, how dare you hurt me? I will destroy you!" Jerry shouted

furiously; his eye bulged in anger. Leon looked at Jerry. "I remembered you saying Dr Glen saved you; the

whole hospital knows that too. Why are you coming to shout at me? Are

you accusing me?" he said with a smile.

"You'll be dead if you try to fight me!" Jerry shouted.

"I will not. You're the one who ended up blind! And it is by your own

fault!" Leon said firmly.

Leon knew Jerry's condition best and had no ill intention against him.

The rest happened purely because of his own fault!