

As a successor to the most mysterious family in United States, Leon has to go through a set of trials before inheriting his family wealth according to a group of rules. It has five stages. Since he was only three years old, Leon's father has planned on raising him as a tough person. He invited masters of diverse expertise to train Leon in many abilities, starting from arts, medicine, feng shui, ancient foreseeing techniques, self-defense, and ancient antiquities. Four years ago, when the first phase of the exam started, Leon was sent to live in Oregon's harsh city without a single penny. Leon also wasn't allowed to use the different expertise thought to him by the experts to train his willpower and experience the life of an ordinary man. Leon understood his father's goodwill. His family did all this to avoid unwanted circumstances; even simultaneously, they are also grooming his cousins as potential replacements.

DON_LIL · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Chapter 35: Do Not Panic!

Chapter 35: Do Not Panic!

"Who said I am just a student? I am a certified medical practitioner and

a lecturer at the Oregon Institute of Medicine." Leon showed them his


Director Ezra realized that Leon can handle critical situations well. In just

one sentence, Leon can silence and prove his opponents wrong.

Dr Glen's face darkened, and he said to himself, "Alright! You really

want to play this game and even prepared a certificate for Leon. It seems

you're looking forward to promote him!"

It is rare for someone to gain fellowship in the Oregon Institute of

Medicine. Leon achieved it by relying on his intelligence, special talent,

and a hidden channel.

"Ezra, is he really capable of the surgery?" Mr Dani was still doubtful.

To him, Leon is too young; he is yet to go through various conditions and


"Your son is in a critical state and no doctor guaranteed they will one

hundred percent succeed. But Leon said there is a seventy percent chance

for success. This all depends on you, Mr Dani," Ezra explained. "Is there no other senior doctor?" Mr Dani asked.

Ezra devised a solution to assure Mr Dani, "Otherwise, let Leon and Dr

Glen do the procedure together. It will be safer that way."

Dr Glen was dissatisfied at the director's decision. He is embarrassed to

do the procedure with a student.

Leon has a major role and can heal the sick with his abilities in ancient


"I disagree! Mr Dani, he is not worthy to be in my team, not even as an

assistant!" Dr Glen clenched his teeth. "I will be responsible for this

surgery; I will succeed, and Jerry's eye will be saved!"

Dr Glen was against Director Ezra's decision and took a large risk to

avoid giving Leon the center of attention.

If he were to succeed, he would match the Dani family's generosity.

They will in turn provide large sponsors to support his next promotion


"Great! Dr Glen, since you are confident, you will do the surgery, and I

will reward you if you succeed!" Mr Dani declared.

Director Ezra is unhappy at how Mr Dani chose Dr Glen. But it is not

good to delay a patient's treatment.

Mr Dani chose Dr Glen over Leon due to his age and experience.

Director Ezra patted Leon's shoulders to show his support.

But Leon wasn't disappointed at all; he wasn't here to gain Mr Dani's

favor. In his eyes, Mr Dani is a nobody. Leon only came for Ezra. Before entering the operating theater, Dr Glen glanced at Leon with

disgust, his eyes full of hatred and craze. "Are you trying to steal my

rank? You never will!" he thought to himself.

After pre-operative preparations, Dr Glen and his team entered the

operating theatre.

Jerry lay on the bed half-conscious under anesthetics.

In according to Glen's plan, he will slowly extract the glass shards from

Jerry's eye.

His confidence multiplied; he felt he can do anything.

"In Oregon, if I cannot operate a patient, don't hope someone else will. If

I cannot heal a patient, then no one else will!"

The surgery went on for twenty minutes. Everything was well.

Suddenly, Jerry's eye bled severely; the shard must have injured the

eye's blood vessels.

Dr Glen who was full of confidence suddenly turned pale. Beads of cold

sweat formed on his forehead and his hand is visibly shaking.

"Cauter! Cauter!"

The theater became silent as the team stood frozen.

Volumes of blood are flowing! But Dr Glen became unsure to carry on the surgery. He is anxious a small

mishap might cause bleeding into the eye and surrounding structures. If

he fails to extract the glass shards, the surgery might risk damaging his


Dr Glen's mind became empty. He is panicked and confused! He has


The surgery's failure marks his doomed reputation.

Although he knew the surgery is difficult and has a low success rate, Dr

Glen still failed in the end.

"I'm finished! Ezra and the boy will steal this chance… How am I going

to face Mr Dani?!" he thought to himself.

Previously he promised Mr Dani with full confidence that the surgery

will succeed. He is now very embarrassed.

Now that Glen has made the Dani family upset… will he make it out


In his extreme disappointment and destruction, he exited the surgery


"Dr Glen, how did it go? It must be successful!" Mr Dani greeted him

with a huge smile.

"I deeply apologize, Mr Dani. There was a slight complication, but trust

me I am trying my best," Dr Glen explained with guilt haunting him.

"What?! Doctor what did you promise me? If anything happens to my

son, don't even hope you'll stay alive!" Mr Dani shouted angrily.

Finally, the bleeding was stopped! At that moment, Leon who was already geared to enter the operating

theater was caught by Mr Dani.

"Hey stop! What are you doing?!"

"If you don't want your son to turn blind, let me go. Otherwise not even

God can save him."

"Are you sure?"

"Why would I be here if I wasn't sure? Are you satisfied?" Leon

released Mr Dani's grasp and entered the theater without looking back.

Mr Dani was humiliated. This is the first time anyone has let go of his


Director Ezra pretended to stay calm; he was unsure Leon could

successfully operate on Jerry. Now that an expert like Dr Glen has failed,

everything depends on Leon!"

Dr Glen was the most agitated; if Leon succeeded in extracting the glass

shard, his reputation is in shambles!

He tried cheering himself up, "No way! Impossible! If I myself can't do

it, what can he?"

Leon entered the operating theatre and didn't lift the knife at all. He put

his hand on Jerry's head and softly touched him a few times.

Leon's palms produced a powerful inner force which is transferred into

Jerry's skull and flowed into his left eye.

Slowly, the glass shard was pulled out of his wound. This is the reason why Leon trains his inner force. His power destroyed

and pushed out the glass shards little by little without damaging the

surrounding eye structures.

The technique avoids damage to the eyeball and allows the accurate

extraction of the glass shards.

Leon can only gain this ability after training in medicine, Tao and


Now, as long as the bleeding is controlled, the surgery is over.

In Leon's words, "Don't panic. It's not a big problem."

After three minutes, Leon calmly walked out of the room.

Dr Glen was relieved to see Leon exiting in a short time.

"You went out quickly! I knew there is nothing you can do! You were so

arrogant, and in the end, you can't do anything!"

Mr Dani rushed towards Leon after hearing Glen's words. But Leon

swiftly pushed Mr Dani against the wall and locked his movement.

"You were too rushed. The glass shard is out, don't be a hypocrite."

Dr Glen was offended and shouted in disbelief, "Impossible! You can't

even seal a wound in three minutes!"

"Who said he needed surgery?" Leon asked. He is still holding Mr Dani

and stared at Dr Glen.

'How can you extract the glass shard without surgery? Are you joking?

Tell me, if it wasn't surgery, then what did you do?" Dr Glen asked

coldly. Leon released Mr Dani and said, "If I had to give it a name, let's call it

head-patting treatment."