

As a successor to the most mysterious family in United States, Leon has to go through a set of trials before inheriting his family wealth according to a group of rules. It has five stages. Since he was only three years old, Leon's father has planned on raising him as a tough person. He invited masters of diverse expertise to train Leon in many abilities, starting from arts, medicine, feng shui, ancient foreseeing techniques, self-defense, and ancient antiquities. Four years ago, when the first phase of the exam started, Leon was sent to live in Oregon's harsh city without a single penny. Leon also wasn't allowed to use the different expertise thought to him by the experts to train his willpower and experience the life of an ordinary man. Leon understood his father's goodwill. His family did all this to avoid unwanted circumstances; even simultaneously, they are also grooming his cousins as potential replacements.

DON_LIL · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Chapter 26. Playing Pretend

Chapter 26. Playing Pretend

Indra saw Leon hesitated and he smiled assuringly. "Leon, please accept

it. This painting will be of great value in the future. It is a painting by the

gifted Basuki Abdullah."

Sucyanti showed her objection.

"Grandpa, are you sure to give him this painting? It is extremely


Sucyanti knew the painting by Basuki Abdullah was ten million dollars!

Its value isn't entirely measurable by money; the painting is very hard to


She pouted and said to Leon, "You don't deserve this! I object!"

Sucyanti thought what she said would bother Leon. When she looked

closer into his eyes, she could see he was offended.

This is a fake painting and you're saying I don't deserve to have it? Even

the original Basuki Abdullah painting is a plain ornament to me! Not

some kind of national treasure.

"Are you still pretending? You must've really wanted this painting!"

Sucyanti continued firing at Leon. "Why are you pretending like you

don't care? I know your dirty tricks!" Indra exploded in anger right there.

"Sucyanti! I've countlessly told you to behave yourself in front of Leon!

I have decided to give him that authentic Basuki Abdullah painting the

moment we met, and nothing is going to stop me from doing so!"

Judging from Indra's seriousness, he must've have not known that the

painting is fake.

Leon was torn at the current situation.

Indra came to Oregon to set up his antiquities trade. How would Indra, a

professional in antiquities and culture, be attracted to the painting?

Indra turned to Leon and said in a friendly voice, "Leon… I was wrong

to not discipline my granddaughter properly. Sucyanti is young and

unwise, thus her arrogant and harsh behavior. Please just accept the

painting. The gift would be much precious and meaningful if you do."

Leon's heart felt heavy. He gave his hand and accepted the painting.

Although Leon accepted Indra's good will, it didn't change the fact that

the painting is fake!

"Grandfather Indra… I must be honest. There is something wrong with

this painting."

Sucyanti became even more annoyed at what she heard.

"You're just never satisfied! Grandpa spent over ten million to get this

painting." Sucyanti exclaimed accusingly. "He wanted to keep the

painting for himself but decided to give it to you at last. How are you so

ungrateful?!" "Ten million? That's unfortunate…", Leon said shaking his head.

Although an authentic Basuki Abdullah painting is worth the same price,

this painting is a high-quality imitation of the real thing. Its value is less

that a tenth of the original painting.

"What are you really selling? Do you know anything about antiquities?"

Sucyanti asked with disgust in her voice.

The golden child of the Wibowo family has always been arrogant due to

Indra's reputation as an antiquity's trader.

Leon defended himself confidently. "I know a thing or two. I accept your

grandfather's gift, but with a heavy heart I have to tell you this painting is


"What do you know? I can't stop thinking how you caught grandpa's

attention. You're really annoying and hypocritical!". Sucyanti stood up

and looked down on Leon.

Leon's eyes froze and coldly said to Sucyanti, "Have you lost your mind?

I told you I accept your grandfather's kindness, but a fake is still a fake!"

"Do you think what you just said will come true? Who do you think you

are? How ungrateful!" Sucyanti kept on attacking Leon.

What Leon said is surely true! No antique painting or calligraphy art can

escape him.

As an expert on antiques, you are not supposed to only rely on your

sight… but to also use your feelings!

Leon has felt thousands of antiquities with his two hands; he could

immediately tell whether a piece is authentic or not. Leon studied under Raharjo, United States's first antiquities expert. His

ability to distinguish the items are unbelievably accurate!

Besides, Leon has countless of antiquities in his treasury! A lot the items

in his family's possession are unduplicable. Unknown to most, the

artifacts the public see in museums and research institutes are just

leftovers of the Wijaya family.

To put it honestly, Leon's ability to identify antiquities is way above


Indra was also questioning how Leon deduced the painting is fake. Does

he also know how to value antiquities?

He doesn't think so. An expert in ancient traditional medicine is a rare

entity itself; how could he also be an expert in antiquities? Leon must be


When Indra was occupied by his confusion, he saw Leon reach for a cup

of wine. He poured the contents of the cup onto the painting.


Most of the painting is now stained with wine!

Indra was hurt at what he saw! He thought Leon went overboard.

Although the price of the painting is nothing compared to a luxury villa,

the cultural value of the painting makes is irreplaceable! Unfortunately,

Leon destroyed it.

Indra was about to explode in anger, but he could only hold it in for the

sake of the Wibowo family. Sucyanti and her attitude made her blow up.

She pointed her finger and shouted at Leon, "You bastard!" You ruined a

treasure! My grandfather kindly gave it to you, and you destroyed it in

front of him! What do you think you're doing?!"

"Treasure? See for yourself!", Leon pointed at the old painting now

soaked in wine.

Sucyanti was hesitant to turn her head and look. "What trick are you

playing this time?"

When she did, her eyes widened in disbelief. Indra also so the strange

phenomena in front of him.

After the getting soaked in wine, the old Basuki Abdullah painting fell of

its frame and was torn into two pieces.

The surface of the painting also revealed an ochre yellow color.

Indra and Sucyanti froze in surprise!

"You've been swindled!"

At that moment Indra realized the painting is indeed fake. It is a

high-quality imitation almost like the original painting!

It is a new painting fitted on an old frame to trick the eyes of potential


The new painting is first treated in concentrated tea and repainted

multiple times. The browned paper is then sprayed with diluted vinegar

to allow even absorption of the paint onto the paper. This will result in

the texture of old paper. Indra has a strong sense of judgment based on sight and ordinary items

wouldn't catch his eye.

But this time is an accident. The real Basuki Abdullah painting was

replaced with a fake.

"That bastard son of the Dani family! I am friends with your grandfather,

and you swindled me? You washed a ticket on my head!"

The old term 'to wash a ticket on someone's head' is coined by experts to

mean the act of disguising a painting as an ancient painting.

Indra lost his pride and his face turned red in anger.

Sucyanti could only see Leon with an empty gaze.

This is the first time she saw Leon's ability to prove the painting is fake.

This means his skills are way above her!

"Leon, I sincerely apologize, it is my fault! It was a smart method and I

didn't suspect it at all!"


Leon smiled thinly.

With the said method, the quality of the painting's color will decrease

and diminish the painting techniques.

To transform a new painting into an old one, the smoking method is more

reliable. To only rub on the painting is degrading!

"Grandfather Indra, it is not your fault," Leon answered. "Leon, you must be an expert in identifying antiquities, judging from the

way you deduced this painting is fake in one glance!". Indra had no idea

about Leon's background.

At first, Indra thought Leon is an expert in ancient medicine practices. He

didn't think Leon has the experience to identify antiquities, but Leon

could immediately tell the painting is fake!

"I only know a little," Leon said lightly.

"You are a humble man. I didn't expect to find a great and

knowledgeable man like you here in Oregon!" Indra exclaimed with


Leon is not humble. But it came from his inability to distinguish the fake


Once Leon reached the master level in identification, he will not be

disillusioned by the painter's name.

To put it in example, the mountain top serves an excellent view. When

someone climbs the mountain to see the view, they will be filled with

awe. But after some time of doing the same, they will eventually grow

bored of what they see.

With his current level and condition, it is unnecessary to say he is the

expert in distinguishing antiquities. Even Leon will defeat his teacher,


An apprentice has surpassed his master, and he is not wrong to say so.