

As a successor to the most mysterious family in United States, Leon has to go through a set of trials before inheriting his family wealth according to a group of rules. It has five stages. Since he was only three years old, Leon's father has planned on raising him as a tough person. He invited masters of diverse expertise to train Leon in many abilities, starting from arts, medicine, feng shui, ancient foreseeing techniques, self-defense, and ancient antiquities. Four years ago, when the first phase of the exam started, Leon was sent to live in Oregon's harsh city without a single penny. Leon also wasn't allowed to use the different expertise thought to him by the experts to train his willpower and experience the life of an ordinary man. Leon understood his father's goodwill. His family did all this to avoid unwanted circumstances; even simultaneously, they are also grooming his cousins as potential replacements.

DON_LIL · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Chapter 24. Commercial Roads

Chapter 24. Commercial Roads

Director Ezra's sudden appearance took Leon by surprise.

"Director Ezra, how did you find me here?"

The situation might have been different if its Gerald; Leon needs to be

faster than him.

Leon didn't want to bother the hospital staff, so he didn't use the


Yet Ezra still caught him.

Yenni stood at the side with a disgusted expression and said, "What are

you saying Leon? Where's the director? Do you actually know him?"

It is obvious Yenni didn't recognize Director Ezra and couldn't see how

Ezra respected Leon. That is not something anyone can have.

Leon ignored Yenni as if she is invisible in air.

Only when Ezra came closer did Yenni saw the title 'Director' on his

badge. Yenni was immediately embarrassed for almost insulting the Royal

Taruma hospital's director!

Yenni continued, "The director is here; what does he have to do with you?

Don't tell me he came only for you?"

Director Ezra indeed came for Leon.

Yenni looked like she wanted to beat her own face!

"Sir Leon, we have arranged the intensive care unit for you. It will

provide her better care and peacefulness. All the treatment expenses will

be taken care of by the hospital." Ezra explained calmly.

The intensive care unit could provide more advanced treatments and

procedures compared to the regular units.

The intensive care unit has better service and comfort than international

private hospitals. But the number of rooms are limited and are mostly

used for the old and wealthy.

The limited numbers make the units very expensive; it costs over five

thousand dollars a night! Not only money, there are other requirements to

stay in such rooms.

Even an elderly with a wealthy background might not have the

qualifications to stay in the intensive care unit.

Although Yenni doesn't have the brightest mind, she knew the difference

between a regular unit and an intensive care unit!

Unless the patient is a person of importance in Oregon, then only the unit

will be opened!

Yenni became unsure if the Leon now is someone she used to know. The Leon who travels around in an electric bike and his delivery uniform,

sitting under the sun, and runs around like a mall dog… How could he

change into a VIP and welcomed by the hospital director?

What has happened?

Yenni stood dumbfoundedly, lost in her thoughts.

Yenni was already surprised by the regular VIP room, but now the

director is letting him use the intensive care unit.

Rachel was also just as confused; all she knew Leon came from a

destitute family. He had to work as a delivery boy to fund his education.

Why did Director Ezra respect him so much?

Just as Rachel was about to ask him, Leon took Ezra outside.

"I wanted to be a good friend for my classmate. Do you get what I

mean?". Leon didn't waste time and jumped to the point.

Director Ezra nodded and smiled. "I understand, Sir,".

"Actually, I didn't need the intensive care unit." Leon said shaking his


Leon is sure Anna's illness can be cured quickly. The reason he came to

the hospital is to show Rachel his support, then find Anna a place to

recuperate comfortably.

The care unit is comfortable and peaceful enough for Anna to heal; the

intensive care unit is unnecessary.

"Sir, please just accept it, everything is arranged and cannot be

cancelled." Ezra wants Leon to accept his help. But Leon didn't understand that Ezra wanted to help him.

Leon had his family's genes of wisdom, and he could see through a

person's façade in mere seconds.

He knew Ezra had no ill intentions and only wanted what is best for him.

"Alright, I will accept it. But this is the last time. Don't come looking for

me again.". After Leon finished talking, he went back inside the room.

Rachel stood there in doubtfulness. She furrowed her eyebrows and bit

her cherry-like lips. "So… Leon, you actually…".

Leon smiled thinly, "I knew Director Ezra. I had good grades in class and

almost got accepted in this hospital. Then he gave me an award."

"But I thought you were banned in the industries?" Rachel asked


"You know the reason why. It was Gerald who set me up. But my

professional abilities are beyond question! The director was happy to

accept me and started a renewal program." explained Leon to Rachel.

"I see…" Rachel nodded her head weakly.

Leon lightly patted Rachel's head and cheered her up, "Rachel… I

believe aunty Anna will heal soon."

The light and calming pats on Rachel's head melted her soft heart. Her

face appeared like a peach with morning dew, making him want to take a

bite of her face.

Yenni's expression looked like a punished dog and filled with jealousy. Although in Yenni's eyes Gerald comes from a strong family background

and is much wealthier than Leon, the latter could gain the director's

attention through his professional abilities. That is not something

everyone can achieve.

The way Director Ezra took the initiative to accept Leon made Yenni

look at him from a new perspective.

But, Yenni promised Gerald to help him go after Rachel. He gave Yenni

an irresistible offer.

Once Rachel agrees to be Gerald's lover, she will be gifted a price of one

one million dollars!

But when Yenni saw how Rachel and Leon grew closer towards each

other, she couldn't help but feel anxious.

Lastly, Leon placed Rachel's mother in the intensive care unit and

arranged for a doctor's consultation tomorrow.

The treatment was beyond Rachel's imagination and she is very thankful

for Leon's help.

Rachel felt safe with Leon around.

Yenni is unhappy with all that! It's separating her further away from her


Yenni thought hard and decided to whisper sweet words about Gerald in

Rachel's ears as soon as Leon leaves.

Yenni believed that although Gerald is worse than Leon in terms of

academics, Leon is nothing compared to the Chow family's wealth. Oregon is considered one of the top cities. In a city as large, Gerald owns

the industrial assets to the Sheraton Hotel. The massive asset is enough to

support three generations! Rachel will finally cave in!

That moment, Leon received a call from Mawar.

Leon knew if Mawar decided to call instead of sending a text, a serious

thing is going on.

"Sir how are you doing?". Mawar's voice is soft and clear like a calm

rain in Bandung. Every word is coated in soft wax and floated like clouds

to the other side of the call.

"I'm great. How is my father?"

"Your father is doing fine. The drug Kalmicetine you developed had

excellent effects. His face has regained color, and he still practice martial

arts every day ang night.

"Okay, straight to the point. What's the problem today?" Leon asked.

Mawar's soft voice floated into Leon's ear again. "Sir, there is a

commercial road in Oregon seemingly owned by the Wijayas. If you

have time, please take it over."

"What do you mean by 'seemingly'?" asked Leon in confusion.

"Pardon me Sir, there are too many assets owned by the family around

the world and all over cities like Oregon. I can't recall the complete name

of the road. I will see to it and send you the details."