

As a successor to the most mysterious family in United States, Leon has to go through a set of trials before inheriting his family wealth according to a group of rules. It has five stages. Since he was only three years old, Leon's father has planned on raising him as a tough person. He invited masters of diverse expertise to train Leon in many abilities, starting from arts, medicine, feng shui, ancient foreseeing techniques, self-defense, and ancient antiquities. Four years ago, when the first phase of the exam started, Leon was sent to live in Oregon's harsh city without a single penny. Leon also wasn't allowed to use the different expertise thought to him by the experts to train his willpower and experience the life of an ordinary man. Leon understood his father's goodwill. His family did all this to avoid unwanted circumstances; even simultaneously, they are also grooming his cousins as potential replacements.

DON_LIL · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Chapter 22. Not His Fault

Chapter 22. Not His Fault

If Leon ever wanted any of that, he could quickly achieve it in his sleep. But since his childhood, his father had always taught him about the

importance of humility.

With his the Wijaya family wealth, what is it he can't reach?

"Professor Willy, thank you for the information. Oh, I heard the research

team is welcoming a new member," Leon reminded,

"Yes, that is true. How did you know? Do you recognize him? If you do,

that would be great. You can learn from him." said the professor.

Suddenly Professor Willy received a call from Ezra, the director at Royal

Taruma Hospital.

"What's up Ezra?"

"What did you say? The new lecturer is a student from our university

named Leon?"

"Which Leon? Don't tell me…"

"Ezra, why didn't you let me know beforehand? I am embarrassed."

The professor is speechless. At first, he wanted Leon to join as a student

in his research team. Instead, Leon joined as a lecturer sent by Ezra.

With his young age and position as a lecturer, Leon has proudly achieved

no one else in the city can.

Professor Willy is sure the decision Ezra made as a director is not a

wrong one.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow Ezra." Willy said as he ended the call. It turns out Ezra invited Willy over for dinner and to discuss everything

concerning Leon.

Ezra speculated that Leon descended from a lineage of ancient physicians

which is rare to find nowadays. Even rarer than the panda bears under the

Chinese government's protection.

And it is true, Leon was greater beyond what they thought.

Willy then composed himself before going back to meet Leon.

He stretched out his hand to Leon and said, "Welcome to the team, Leon.

You are our new partner."

Leon took the handshake.

Willy still couldn't apprehend how Leon was just his student awhile ago;

they are now colleagues in the same team.

What the professor is more curious about is how Leon came to know

director Ezra, especially to get himself a direct recommendation.

Did they know each other since a long time ago? He doesn't think so. If

they knew each other, how could Leon be so humble?

"Leon, you descended from an ancestor of physicians, do you?"

Leon didn't give him an answer. He smiled and went off to attend his


That night Ezra and Willy sat together discussing Leon.

"Ezra, it is true. He is a descendant of ancient physicians or someone

who inherits such knowledge. All this time he has hidden it well!" "Willy, your campus has a rare golden child! You should treat him well

and give him whatever he needs."

"Surely I will give him the best. Our city is blessed to have a demigod

like him."

Two days later…

Mount Muare villa number 9.

After Leon successfully took over three large businesses; one of them the

Sheraton Hotel, he has a little bit of free time now.

He wanted to help Rachel.

Her mother has suffered cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease,

which became incurable after a long time. That is because they could not

afford further treatment.

Leon made an appointment with Rachel to talk about it.

When he was about to go, he received a sudden phone call from Rachel.

"Leon, can I… can I ask for your help?". Rachel's voice stuttered; she

didn't want to bother Leon by asking for help.

What she is about to ask cannot be done by a woman. Leon is the first

person to come to her mind that she could rely on.

"Rachel, what do you need? I will surely help you." Leon said


"My mother is in a hospital just outside the city. Her condition is

worsening, and she must be moved to a hospital in the city, but the facilities here is limited. The ambulance is unavailable, and the building

doesn't have an elevator. So… so I need your help to carry my mom

down from the upper floor." Rachel said by force.

Her father works out of town; she couldn't wait for her father to come

back. The only way she could think of is to ask Leon for help.

"Okay, no problem. I will help you."

Leon felt Rachel is a good woman, even though he is unclear of his own

feelings whether he likes her or not.

"Thank you very much Leon. Thank you." Rachel said with her shaky


Rachel is a kind woman. Unfortunately, the pressure her family forced

upon her made her unable to enjoy her youth.

Leon closed the call and took a name card from his pocket. He called

Liam's number.

"Liam, please prepare a car for me. Not anything fancy because I must

pick up someone. An ordinary car that would fit more than two people

should do."

"Yes Sir, I will prepare it for you." Liam happily received Leon's


In less than ten minutes, the car is ready to go.

Leon rushed to the hospital and arrived in less than twenty minutes.

In front of the hospital entrance, he saw Rachel and her best friend Yenni

waiting for his arrival. "Oh my God, why did Leon have to come with an ugly Passat? Rachel,

I've told you to ask for Gerald's help. He might at least come driving a


Yenni saw Leon's car and gave her comments.

Leon looked at Yenny as if she is someone with aa blind eye.

The cars Phaeton and Passat looked alike in a glance although they are

very much different. The Phaeton is a luxury car produced by

Volkswagen in Germany. It could compete against the Mercedes-Benz S

Class, BMW 7, Audi A8 and much more.

This time Leon is driving a Phaeton W12 which costs more than three


Putting forward the concept of simplicity on the car's outer body makes

the car seem to look ordinary.

Having to face Yenni who could only judge a book by its cover, Leon

really didn't want to say much.

If she really can judge the value of an object, then her comments are

acceptable. In truth, Yenni doesn't understand anything, but always acts

as if she is the smartest.

Rachel felt terrible for what she said and tried to cut the staring contest

between Yenni and Leon.

"Cut it out Yenni. I need help right now, not to decide someone who I

should have a relationship with. Anyways its just a car which is not

important." "Why not? The Passat is way lesser compared to Gerald's very

comfortable BMW. It is incomparable!"

"Fine then, let me ask you. Leon is willing to help me now, and how

about Gerald? He is only taking advantage of my weakness. What's

important right now is his attitude, not the car he's driving!"

"Attitude? Did you forget what he's done?"

"That was obviously not his mistake!"

"Alright, just so you know it's most probably a rented car because he's

just a delivery boy with an old motorbike!"

"I've had enough Yenni. I'm not going to fight you. My mom is waiting

for her hospital transfer!"