

As a successor to the most mysterious family in United States, Leon has to go through a set of trials before inheriting his family wealth according to a group of rules. It has five stages. Since he was only three years old, Leon's father has planned on raising him as a tough person. He invited masters of diverse expertise to train Leon in many abilities, starting from arts, medicine, feng shui, ancient foreseeing techniques, self-defense, and ancient antiquities. Four years ago, when the first phase of the exam started, Leon was sent to live in Oregon's harsh city without a single penny. Leon also wasn't allowed to use the different expertise thought to him by the experts to train his willpower and experience the life of an ordinary man. Leon understood his father's goodwill. His family did all this to avoid unwanted circumstances; even simultaneously, they are also grooming his cousins as potential replacements.

DON_LIL · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Chapter 21. We Are Different

Chapter 21. We Are Different

Sebastian, Gerald and Jason had their bodies shivering in shock.

Moreover, Jason soiled himself out of fear. He immediately begged for

Leon's forgiveness.

But Leon's facial expression was flat and cold.

He did what is best to punish to punish a traitor.

They are all adults; they are to be responsible for their actions.

Sebastian and Gerald begged for forgiveness and mercy, but Leon is no


"Sebastian, your son made a mistake and he shall pay for it himself. Let

him play with the dog. Luck will decide upon his survival. And you

Sebastian, will be suspended for three months. Make good use of the

time to think."

Once Leon was done, he dragged Gerald into a room with Jason and the


Sebastian stood quiet outside the door, his thoughts in disarray.

He knew this is the best decision for his son's horrible attitude and

behavior towards a member of the Wijaya family. Not even God can save

him now. A howl was heard from inside the room; it made everyone's hair stand on


Sebastian fell in front of the door; he is in the brink of destruction.

After twenty minutes, the door was opened.

All he could see was Jason lying face down on the floor with severe bite

marks, especially on his face. The bite destroyed almost eighty percent of

his face, not including the bites elsewhere on his body.

His limbs might lose function from all the bites he suffered. The bites to

his face would've left him paralyzed.

Even if he could recover from his wounds, his psyche wouldn't return as

before. The dog had rabies; he is now surely infected too.

Jason's critical condition made him better off dead than alive.

Gerald on the other hand had a bit more luck compared to Jason.

His body was wounded with multiple bite marks, but his face not as bad

as Jason. Maybe because he has been the dog's master for a week.

The wounds on his arms and shoulder looked terrible though; the dog

would've bit his neck if he didn't protect himself quickly enough.

Sebastian thanked his lucky stars for finding his son still alive.

This is the best he could get for now.

He was very thankful towards Leon for not taking it upon himself to

decide his son's life or death, but he gave it to a dog instead. He kneeled in front of Leon. "Thank you very much for your mercy upon

me, President Leon. We promise to learn from today's precious lessons

and obey everything you say from now onwards!". Sebastian sobbed with

tears streaming down his face.

Leon said firmly for his name to be cleared. "Your son still has a long

way to go, but until my name is cleared, I will not let you get away


"Yes President, you will have my full cooperation to clear your name,"

said Sebastian.

Nothing is more valuable than the price of life; Sebastian is willing to do

anything to make up for his son's deeds.

Leon quickly went back to the meeting room to start the director meeting.

Jason and Gerald were sent to the hospital without Sebastian.

Leon sat in the table and Sebastian poured a cup of warm tea for him.

The members of the meeting saw the hotel's real owner for the first time.

Their impression was that he is very young.

But he appears very charismatic.

The director board is made up of Oregon's most influential men, and they

paid Leon immense respect.

Although they are yet to know if Leon is the sole heir to his family, they

knew he is not an ordinary man judging from the way Sebastian poured

him tea.

After that, a meal Sebastian arranged was postponed by Leon. Leon came home to his villa at Mount Muare. He stood on the balcony to

breathe fresh air.

The mountain behind the villa and the lake in front of him gave freshness

to the air.

At that moment, Indra was seen taking his granddaughter around for a

walk. They just moved in this afternoon.

Indra and Sucyanti walked past villa number 9. As an elder who wanted

to have the best, Indra really wanted villas number 7, 8 and 9; they are

all bought by the same person. To own a villa here is a sign of the


"Too bad I couldn't stay in the best villa here." Indra said as he looked at

the villa. His face showed disappointment.

"It's alright grandpa. The villa we're staying in now is just as great,"

cheered his granddaughter.

"Of course, there is a difference. The three villas have a view of the

mountain behind it and the lake in front of it. The look of perfection and

grandeur." said Indra who really wanted the villas.

Sucyanti tried to wake her grandfather from his daydream. "Don't think

too about it, Grandpa. As long as our place is comfortable," she said


"You don't understand the meaning of a place for its owner."

"Grandpa look, the owner of villa number 9 is on his balcony doing

yoga." "If there is a chance, I would like to meet him." Indra said as he pointed

at Leon.

The day after, Leon went back to his university.

No one knew what happened to Gerald and Jason. After everything is

revealed, Leon's reputation will be restored in no time.

Once he arrived, his professors again tried to get him to join their

research team.

"Leon, trust me, you have excellent skills in the field of Chinese

medicine. All you need is systematic theory; once you join us, you'll be

a star in less than half a year's time," Professor Willy said.

Leon indeed inherited his talents in medicine. He no longer needs any


Without the professor asking, Leon had already promised Ezra but under

a different guise.

"Leon, think it through. This is a great opportunity for a bright future as

a reliable doctor."

To be a great physician and earn lots of money might be a dream for most.

But not for Leon.