

As a successor to the most mysterious family in United States, Leon has to go through a set of trials before inheriting his family wealth according to a group of rules. It has five stages. Since he was only three years old, Leon's father has planned on raising him as a tough person. He invited masters of diverse expertise to train Leon in many abilities, starting from arts, medicine, feng shui, ancient foreseeing techniques, self-defense, and ancient antiquities. Four years ago, when the first phase of the exam started, Leon was sent to live in Oregon's harsh city without a single penny. Leon also wasn't allowed to use the different expertise thought to him by the experts to train his willpower and experience the life of an ordinary man. Leon understood his father's goodwill. His family did all this to avoid unwanted circumstances; even simultaneously, they are also grooming his cousins as potential replacements.

DON_LIL · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Chapter 17. To Swallow

Chapter 17

To Swallow Your Own Spit

Doni and Jessica were silenced. Platinum members are of the highest

class in the hotel.

Accommodation, transportation, and food are free. The members gain a

lot of privileges and are treated like kings. This is because the

membership itself costs over one hundred million a year.

In Oregon, no more than ten people hold such membership. Only certain

people who can and will pay for the expensive membership fee.

Doni and Jessica do not belong to the membership. The cost of a

platinum membership is ten times the standard membership. They

dreamed of going platinum, but it is way beyond their reach.

"Wh… What? He is a platinum member?" Doni stuttered in disbelief.

"Impossible! How could a platinum member order a bowl of salad and

plain water?" he added.

The waiter slowly shook his head and explained, "For that, I don't know

Sir. But he is indeed a platinum member. Besides, that isn't just plain

water. The water is imported from Fiji, a source of the world's purest

water. Sir, Maam, please enjoy your meal."

It turns out the water originated from Mount Fuji, Japan's most beautiful

mountain. Rich in silica, calcium, and magnesium; free of pollutants and

additives; and effective in aiding the metabolism. It is the most expensive water in the world. A cup of water costs the same

as the bottle of wine Doni and Jessica are drinking. They were


They didn't expect the person they were mocking to be a very wealthy

man. He drinks water from Fuji; perhaps his salad and fruits come from

other corners of the world. Doni and Jessica felt embarrassed as they

were sure the man heard what they were saying.

"Wait, do you know who he is?" asked Doni curiously.

"I have no idea Sir. Please don't ask more questions. I feel uneasy," said

the waiter.

The waiter is a senior experienced in facing people like him. He wouldn't

openly share who the man is to keep his privacy.

There are no more than ten platinum members in Oregon. They can

easily do as they please in the hotel. Leon savored his food calmly. He

didn't care what the two were talking about.

They only knew he was a platinum member, and that surprised them.

What if they knew he was the owner of the hotel where the couple is

bragging about themselves? That would be even more terrible.

Leon finished his meal and left his plate looking clean.

So far, the service at the restaurant has been excellent. It's time to check

on the spa and hot water bath. Leon walked that way.

The air at the hot water bath was filled with hot steam. Leon took off his top and bared his chest. His muscles could be seen

clearly, unlike what the previous couple said about him. His figure is

athletic and well-kept.

His muscles are formed out of routine and proper exercise, not from

supplements, as most people would take.

Two women were seen soaking in the pool.

They secretly gulped when they saw Leon walking towards the pool.

Leon realized it. He looked at them and threw a smile before sitting at the


The women didn't expect to see someone so good-looking; they acted


After his observation, Leon assessed that the service here is just as

excellent, although not as impressive as the restaurant's service.

Leon went to immerse himself in the pool. Not long after, he sat in the

lounge for a drink.

Leon didn't need hot water to maintain his body; the body does itself. He

only wanted to test the hotel's hot water bath.

The two pretty girls sat on chairs right beside Leon. They threw glances

and smiles at Leon. He felt awkward and covered himself with a towel.

Being far away from home means he needs to keep his guards up.

Before the start of the shareholders' meeting, Leon inspected the hotel

himself. Everything was well, but one thing annoyed him.

A large man walked towards Leon. On his neck is a shiny gold chain

necklace. He pointed at Leon arrogantly and said, "Hey, how dare you

disturb my girls!"

"Disturb them? Did you see me do that?" Leon's emotions ignited at the


"How dare you raise your voice at me! Do you know who I am?" the

man asked as he swung a punch.

Leon vigilantly blocked the punch and landed a hit at the arrogant man.


The fat man was thrown back; his mouth spilled blood, and two of his

teeth are missing.

"I didn't only shout at you, I punched you too. What do you want?"

Leon asked.

Leon couldn't hold himself if people made accusations against him. They

must be taught a lesson.

Leon reached towards the man's neck and destroyed his necklace with his



The golden necklace broke into pieces.

Leon used the necklace to threaten the man; it would be easy to finish

him if Leon wanted to. "I… My uncle is the boss of this hotel. You made me like this, you will

not get out of here!" the man explained his identity while holding back

his pain.

"Also, you destroyed my necklace. It's worth Half a million dollars! Do

you have money?"

He didn't realize the necklace wasn't broken at all. It was just a trick.

Leon smirked. Half a billion dollars? What is there Leon couldn't pay for?

It is nothing compared to the hotel's revenue.

Who is the arrogant man's uncle? Leon is the real boss here; no one is

higher than him. He could even make the uncle pay if he wants to. Why

should he?

"Oh, is your uncle named Sebastian?" asked Leon.

"You're finished! Sebastian is my uncle!" the man said proudly.

"Hmmm… Sebastian is not a hard worker. His son and nephew often

create trouble here in the hotel." Leon explained.

"Shut up! He is the boss here. How dare you call him by name!"

"Haha… your uncle is nothing but an employee!"