
Super Max [Play]

Max a young intelligent boy, who never new his true identity. Living with his adoptive parents in Nigeria as a farm boy. He must accept his destiny and fight the good fight as an iron born of Olympus.

Obi360Novels · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs


In the seating room is max waiting for and there parents to come back home.

ZARK:- after seeing the satellite video of you being picked up by Emeka. Do you now trust me

MAX:- yes. I need you to download all the data's from Olympus data base to my fortress.

ZARK:- I will do that in some minutes

Victor came in with there parent and sat down

EMEKA:- you called us for a meeting. So we are here to listen to you

MAX:- Zark say hello to Mr & Mrs Ugwu and my bro Victor

ZARK:- Hello

JOY:- what is this. Have you developed a small computer

EMEKA:- I said it! My son is s genius. He will be a computer engineer.

MAX:- Victor you should tell them what happened before I got ill

When Victor started they were all mouth opened. After victor have finished.

EMEKA:- we should inform the doctor

MAX:- No! Its of no use now. Am sorry Victor, I wish I could change things... But I

      I can't. I know you have a reason to lie to me that you are my parents, but I have found

      out the truth.

VICTOR:- truth about what

MAX:- the truth about my family. Victor we are still brothers but from another planet called

      Olympus. There is were my parent are

JOY:- Oh ! Max don't break my heart. I had you and your brother victor in my womb for nine

     months. Pls don't say this. Do something Emeka, I don't want to loose my sons

VICTOR:- what is this. We are brothers, aren't we papa

EMEKA:- OK! Its hard but thank God you are boys. The two of you are brothers but not of

       the same father and mother. I picked Max up at the farm near the lake, where his

       parents left him

VICTOR:- I don't believe this! So Max after all this years we have spent together as brother's

        you want to leave us

Victor stood up in tears. max stood up and held Victor

MAX:- No!.....Victor. We are still brothers and we are still one big family. I never wanted to

      go....its just that I want to know the truth that's all

They all embraced themselves

JOY:- ooh!.....at list my heart is down. Thank you for understanding son.

She huge both of them and parted them on there back head

EMEKA:- we are one big family

ZARK:- yes! We are

JOY:- obia kwa Ozo

MAX:- mommy lapu ihahu

They left and went out while Max and victor went inside there room and closed the door

VICTOR:- so what is this. You can tell me, I can keep secrets

MAX:- this is Zark, my elian A.I PA made with elian tech

ZARK:- hi Victor! Your words back there were so emotional and touching. You treat Max like your

      Blood brother

VICTOR:- thanks

MAX:- watch this

Max transformed and suited up in front of victor as he looks with mouth and eye's opened

VICTOR:- Oh my God! are you going to be a super hero

MAX:- I don't know. But am just like a walking computer. I can hack and control any electronics

      On earth

VICTOR:- that's good. How about those elians, try to track them.

MAX:- I think I will look at that. Eemm!....zark do you know anything about any extraterrestrial

      life on earth.

ZARK:- let me check aahh...yes they are from Olympus. They work for Ozar the dark wicked

      warlord who wants to rule Olympus and enslave other planets

MAX:- Hack every satellite's and every computer device's on earth I need to track them down

       download all Olympus military training tutorials

ZARK:- done the files are in the fortress

MAX:- victor we got to do our homework